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The Chronicles of the Children of Destiny

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Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Dec 19, 2010, 3:18:09 PM12/19/10
The Chronicles of the Children of Destiny
The Chronicles of the Children of Destiny is a saga spanning the lives
of the Children and Angels of God. God created ‘Home’ first of all,
were his first son ‘Metatron’ lived with the soon two other created
beings – the two ‘Word’s’ of God, the ‘Logos’ and the ‘Memra’ – male
and female. God himself lived at home from time to time with Metatron,
Logos and Memra. And then came the first of the realms, the Realm of
Heaven, in which the precious 70 children of God, the firstborn of
which were Adam and Eve, came to live. After Heaven came the Realm of
Infinity, were the first 70 Onaphim angels of God came to be. Logos
watches over the realm of Infinity. And then came forth the Realm of
Eternity, were the 140 Seraphim Angels came to be born. Then, Earth,
and the physical universe, where the children and Angels of God taste
of their human incarnations. And then the return to the heavenly
realms, and the new realms of Paradise and Splendour amongst others.

The Chronicles  of the Children of Destiny is 100% FREE to read online

ARC 1  (Year 0 HY – 1,000,000 HY)
Volume Zero ‘In The Beginning’
‘In The Beginning’ introduces us in a series of short stories, and one
novel, to the world of the Children of Destiny.  This volume was
written later on after ‘Morning Stars’ had been completed, but is
technically set before the events of Morning Stars in the earlier
realms.  We see ‘Home’ introduced, with ‘Metatron’ and ‘Logos’ and
‘Memra’ shown for the first time, alongside the ‘Theophany’ of God. 
There are short tales on them, after which the major work for this
volume, the novel ‘Infinity’, takes place.  Infinity focuses on the
firstborn angel of the Realm of Infinity, the Onaphim Angel ‘Samael’,
alongside his friendships with ‘Aphrayel’ the female Celestyel angel
and ‘Sandalphon’ the firstborn of the second seven angels, the
‘Oraphim’ angels.  In opposition to ‘Logos’, who is established as
ruler over the ‘Realm of Infinity’ Sandalphon and Samael dream up
plans of ‘Democracy’ in an attempt to gain more liberty and freedom
for the angels, away from the stranglehold of the authority of Logos. 
Satan is introduced, as well as the 7 Saruvim angels, but after a dire
encounter with one of the Celestyels, Satan and his Saruvim brethren
are cast out of the Realm of Infinity.  The novel reaches its climax,
and perhaps purpose, with the major vote on council to determine the
future of the Realm of Infinity, perhaps an unexpected conclusion to
some.  Samael, with all his subtle sarcasms and ‘All Knowing’
personality, alongside the wisdom of Aphrayel and the devilish antics
of Sandalphon, are all hallmarks of a truly entertaining tale.
Volume One ‘Morning Stars’
What happens when an Angel dares to question the status quo?  What
happens when an angel, perhaps destined for glory, decides to do
things ‘HIS’ way, as opposed to the sound wisdom of the Torah and the
knowledge of the Holy One on High?  ‘Saruviel’ is such an angel. 
‘Morning Stars’ is the beginning of the ‘Realm of Eternity’ and
Archangel Michael is the firstborn Seraphim Angel of this Realm.  But
when the seventh-born male Seraphim Angel, dread Lord Saruviel is
born, only trouble can follow.  After eating the ‘forbidden fruit’
Saruviel begins a journey which will lead him to host the rebellion
against the established ways of the Realm of Eternity, all in the name
of ‘Freedom’.  Telling a variant of the traditional tale of Satan’s
rebellion, Saruviel must ‘Follow His Destiny’ to find just what makes
the heart of freedom such a challenging temptation and such a
responsibility.  This volume introduces us to the ‘Realm of Eternity’
which is the setting place for the majority of the action throughout
the planned future history of the ‘Chronicles of the Children of
Destiny’ universe.
Volume Two ‘Ecclesia’
The sequel to ‘Morning Stars’, the ecclesia themselves are never
named, and not even really talked about, but they are perhaps the
stars of this continuation of the storyline introduced in ‘Morning
Stars’.  The pivotal storyline is the love triangle between ‘Ambriel’
and ‘Meludiel’ and ‘Daniel’, ending in a most happy way for one
particular angel.  A novel which brings the lighter side of life to
the Realm of Eternity, after the heavier focus on Saruviel in the
first novel.
Volume Three ‘Rebellion’
The sequel to ‘Ecclesia’, Rebellion is a logical continuation again,
with ‘Gloryel’ and ‘Sariel’ being the major stars of this work.  Of
course, the ‘Battle for Zaphon’ is a triumph for one particular angel
of marked ego, but is written with good humour and obvious charm.
 ‘Rebellion’ asks the question, who indeed serves God, and which
angels are doing just that – ‘Rebelling’ against the authority of God.
 For those who liked Volume One and Two, Volume Three is no great
Volume Four ‘Eternity and Other Stories’
In a sense, a conclusion to the initial ‘Realm of Eternity’
storylines, before Volume Fives sends many of the angels into their
human incarnations on earth.  Eternity is a simple continuation of the
past three volumes, answering a number of questions, and concluding
with the ‘Wedding of Eternity’.  Thereafter are a series of short
stories to embellish knowledge of particular angels of the Realm of
Volume Five ‘Terra Chronicles’
The beginnings of the human manifestations unfold in a series of
different tales featuring many of the angels introduced in the saga so
Volume Six ‘Pure and Honest Love’
A Series of Novellas featuring ‘Samael’ of Infinity in his time on
earth, with his love affair for the Daughter of Eve, fair of heart and
beauty ‘Rachel’.  Aphrayel’s heart is ‘Torn Asunder’ in her novella,
and then a shorter focus on other characters.
Volume Seven ‘Lucy Smith’
The Child of Heaven ‘Lucy’ is introduced in her human sojourn,
learning the lessons of life as a witch destined for glory.  Lucy
Smith is also known as ‘Lucy Potter’ in the Harry Potter Fanfiction
works available via link from the bottom of this page.  This volume is
the same as the first two Lucy Potter books, simply with all ‘J K
Rowling’ and ‘Warner Bros’ trademarked names changed for publishing
purposes for this particular novel.  (I.e. Lucy Potter can not be
published yet, but Lucy Smith can).
Volume Eight ‘Love’
The family of ‘David Rothchild’ amongst others is focused upon and
‘David’s’ life before his messianic duties is shown.  The Baptist
Christian girl ‘Justine Atkinson’ just may be the heart of love David
Rothchild falls for, but how does the angel ‘Meludiel’ figure into
Volume Nine ‘Destiny’s Children’
A short series of novellas focusing on human characters, and angels to
be, ‘Destiny’s Children’ is an anthology collection sure to delight.
Volume Ten ‘Judgement Day’
In a sense, the conclusion to the first major story arc to the saga,
but the tale is far from finished.  A dramatic conclusion, with a
unique ending, hopefully bringing ultimately hope to those who in the
past would have deeply questioned the wisdom of God on such an
important issue.
Volume Eleven ‘Anthology'
A large collection of short stories, culminating in the end of the
first Arc of the saga with the ‘Life in Zaphon’ storyline.
Volume Twelve ‘Rimwalker’
The ‘Science Fiction’ epic of the Chronicles, set in the future of the
Earth’s universe. Introduces ‘Jan Kolby’ and ‘Chance Kibb’star’. 
ARC 2 (Year 1,000,001 HY – 2,000,000 HY)
Volume Thirteen ‘Morning Stars II’ (Work In Progress – Part One
Volume Fourteen ‘Lazy Days’ (Work In Progress)
Future Works
Continuing Onwards
Morning Stars 368
Continuing Onwards 2
Morning Stars 369
Morning Stars 1024
Continuing Onwards 3
Non Canon

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Dec 24, 2010, 1:54:41 AM12/24/10

Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole

Dec 28, 2010, 11:26:34 PM12/28/10

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly wrote:

> The Chronicles of the Children of Destiny
> The Chronicles of the Children of Destiny is a saga spanning the lives
> of the Children and Angels of God. God created ‘Home’ first of all,
> were his first son ‘Metatron’ lived with the soon two other created
> beings – the two ‘Word’s’ of God, the ‘Logos’ and the ‘Memra’ – male
> and female.

No it is the 2 "FIRES" from which the Living Word was forged

> God himself lived at home from time to time with Metatron,

"Cave of the NORTH WIND!

> Logos and Memra.

Isanagi and Isanami.

> And then came the first of the realms, the Realm of
> Heaven, in which the precious 70 children of God, the firstborn of
> which were Adam and Eve, came to live.

and were Cast Down to Earth From!

Daniel Daly

Feb 7, 2014, 8:50:31 AM2/7/14
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