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I hadn't heard this one before

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Mar 25, 2019, 9:08:34 PM3/25/19

It is an erroneous report that JFK's body was flown back to Washington on
a different plane than AF1. I'm not positive but I think the reporter is
Martin Agronsky who worked for NBC at the time according to Wikipedia.
This report would have been made mid-afternoon since he stated AF1 was on
its way back to Washington.

I learned another interesting tidbit when I read the Wikipedia article. In
1943 NBC had Blue and Red networks. They were required to spin one off and
the Blue Network became ABC and Agronsky joined the newly created network.
Of course if this were to have happened today, I'm sure NBC would have
chosen the Blue network.

Anthony Marsh

Mar 27, 2019, 3:36:41 PM3/27/19
Isn't their Logo a Peacock? As in ALL the colors? So now what can you
say? Call the Peacock a Communist symbol. Like the Sickle.

David Von Pein

Mar 28, 2019, 11:02:48 PM3/28/19
On Monday, March 25, 2019 at 9:08:34 PM UTC-4, bigdog wrote:
> It is an erroneous report that JFK's body was flown back to Washington on
> a different plane than AF1. I'm not positive but I think the reporter is
> Martin Agronsky who worked for NBC at the time according to Wikipedia.

It's Charles Collingwood, not Agronsky. And it's not an NBC video. I can
tell from the timestamp that it's a clip extracted by Joe Backes from Part
2 of my 11/22/63 CBS-TV video series.

Collingwood, BTW, is the same CBS reporter/correspondent who accompanied
Jackie Kennedy on her "TV tour" of the White House in February of '62.

It's kind of funny, though, that you have mixed up Agronsky with
Collingwood, because I too have had a hard time getting the names right of
some of the CBS reporters. I always keep getting the aforementioned
Charles Collingwood mixed up with Harry Reasoner. Whenever I see either
one of them, I always have to stop and ask myself---Now, is that Reasoner
or Collingwood?

Mar 29, 2019, 12:47:18 PM3/29/19
Mistakes are made, of course, by how would somebody come to make this
mistake? Why would some reporter think that JFK's body was following on
another plane? Perhaps he was on AF1, didn't see the body, and jumped to
that conclusion. Or perhaps he saw something loaded onto another plane
that he thought was JFK's body.


Mar 30, 2019, 1:32:42 PM3/30/19
There likely were two planes in Dallas. Whichever plane the president is
on is designated AF1 and the Veep's plane is AF2. JFK and LBJ probably
would both have their planes in the Dallas area. I'm going to guess that
the decision was made to have LBJ fly back on JFK's plane because it would
have all the necessary communications equipment in the event the crisis
escalated. For all anybody knew at the time, the Soviets could have been
behind the assassination and might be preparing for an attack.

David Von Pein

Mar 30, 2019, 6:30:23 PM3/30/19
On Friday, March 29, 2019 at 12:47:18 PM UTC-4, wrote:
Good job! You've just given David Lifton more grist for his "The Body Was
Stolen Off Of Air Force One" theory.

Make sure you contact Mr. Lifton right away and tell him to fast forward
to 11:06 in the video below. He'll probably want to make several sinister
mountains out of this one erroneous molehill uttered by Charles

Mar 30, 2019, 8:54:06 PM3/30/19
LBJ did fly back on AF1. But, why would anybody think the body was AF2?


Mar 31, 2019, 5:27:43 PM3/31/19
That thought crossed my mind when I started this thread.


Mar 31, 2019, 5:28:04 PM3/31/19
Good question. Why would anybody think a Secret Service agent had been
killed, or that the murder weapon was a .30-.30, an Enfield .308, or a
Japanese rifle, all erroneously reported. When Reagan was shot, initial
reports were that he had escaped unharmed and it was also Reported that
Jim Brady had died from his wounds. It seems when there is a calamity such
as these that the normal good journalistic practice of confirming facts
before reporting them goes out the window as reporters seem more intent on
being first than factual.

Mar 31, 2019, 5:37:25 PM3/31/19
I don't contact people. But I'd like to know who the mole was and why he
made that hill. Collingwood is just reading some report. It's not his
fault. While you seem to be obsessed with presenting all this information
in raw form, yet you seem to think that it has no value. You'd have to be
a very strange kook indeed to want to wallow in all the reports of the day
just for entertainment's sake. But, if that's what you're into, fine. At
least it keeps you off the streets.

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