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It turns out Blackie's shadow is fake too

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Ralph Cinque

Jun 8, 2017, 3:30:08 PM6/8/17
David Von Pein put up this image of Blackie Harrison's eyes to show that
blackening of the eyes could take place in those lighting conditions.

But, let's go in a little closer.

Uh oh. It's starting to look non-photographic, isn't it. As in: fake.

Doesn't it look like somebody took a felt pen and went across his eye with
it? What reason do you have to believe that that is a legitimate
photographic image?

The truth is: how could ANYTHING cast a shadow in that shape and in that

But, here's an idea: get your camera out, David, and try to duplicate it.
You can duplicate the conditions. Can't you? I tell you though: I think
you're in for a rude awakening. You'll never duplicate it because it isn't

David Von Pein

Jun 9, 2017, 9:12:37 AM6/9/17
More fake images, Ralph? Geez Louise, when does it stop? (Does it ever?)

I'm sorry I created that still frame of the guy in the basement. It's now
given Ralph yet another thing to claim is "fake". (What a surprise, huh?)

Jason Burke

Jun 9, 2017, 9:37:21 AM6/9/17
Did you ever think that maybe you're wrong, Ralph?
On *everything* you've ever posited on this matter?

Because you are.

BT George

Jun 9, 2017, 9:40:28 AM6/9/17

Would you mind going on record with what you *dont think was faked or
staged to cover up the "plot" against Kennedy? I expect a pretty short
list, so that shouldn't be too much of an imposition to ask of you.

Ralph Cinque

Jun 9, 2017, 10:23:00 PM6/9/17
From my blog, where you'll find the images:

Here are several frames of Blackie Harrison from the KRLD footage.

So, there is some shadow there, but nothing compare it to WFAA:

That is over the top. No way is that real. Now let's look at the Ruby
figure. First, his whole face is in shadow:

Then, he is going to turn to his left, towards us, and his face starts to
come into the light:

Shadow? That's shadow? What could be casting that shadow?

And finally, it goes to this, where his entire face is in bright light
except for his eyes.

What could possibly be casting that shadow? I'll tell you what could.
Nothing could. Absolutely nothing. It is fake. It is false. And there
isn't another photographic image like it in the entire world. Try to find
one. Better yet, duplicate it. You can't.

The people who are defending this and claiming that it is real are being
ridiculous and preposterous- to the extreme. How do they have the nerve to
do it? Their names are: David Von Pein, Jason Burke, and BT George.

Jason Burke

Jun 11, 2017, 12:30:28 AM6/11/17
You really suck at this Ralph. You haven't gotten one thing correct in,
what is it now, ?5? years.

BT George

Jun 11, 2017, 5:11:04 PM6/11/17
Yeah. DVP, JB, and BTG. Just 3 (more) Stooges intent on the application of
logic, reason, and sanity when examining this subject. Gotta' hate it when
that happens, don't you Ralph?

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