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JFK Assassination-Related Quotes (Common Sense Included For Free) (Part 2)

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David Von Pein

Jan 18, 2008, 8:16:59 AM1/18/08


A continuation of the thread linked below:


"{Lee Harvey} Oswald was not responsible for all of the damage
that has befallen American society since 1963, much as he would have
wished to be. Some of that damage is the result of events related only
tangentially to the assassination of President Kennedy.

"But some of the injury can, with justice, be attributed to
conspiracy theorists who have gone to superhuman lengths to avoid
facing the truth. They have constructed wildly-implausible scenarios,
far-out, fictitious "conspirators," and have scandalously maligned the
motives of Kennedy's successor, rather than take a hard look at the
man who actually did it. They have, ironically, done more to poison
American political life than Lee Oswald--with the most terrible of
intentions--was able to do." -- Priscilla Johnson McMillan; June 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 18, 2008, 8:37:09 AM1/18/08
"There is nothing new to be unveiled concerning the way John F.
Kennedy died on November 22, 1963. JFK was shot by a lone loser named
Lee Harvey Oswald. And that lone loser who hated America and its
"representatives" just happened to own a cheap mail-order rifle and he
also just happened to work in a building that overlooked the very last
portion of President Kennedy's motorcade route through Dallas.

"The combination of things I just mentioned above was a lethal
combination. And it's also, whether you want to believe it or not, a
combination of circumstances brought about by nothing except pure
garden-variety coincidence and happenstance." -- David Von Pein;
January 2008

David Von Pein

Jan 18, 2008, 8:44:10 AM1/18/08
"The Warren Commission was NOT boxing itself in to accepting the
Single-Bullet Theory at all costs (due to James Tague's injury). How
do we know they weren't boxed in? Because of Page #117 {of the Warren
Commission Report}, where it states in B&W that the WC was readily
acknowledging the possibility that Tague's injury could have very well
been caused by a fragment from the HEAD SHOT.

"Therefore, via that "Tague Possibly Wounded By Head-Shot
Fragment" scenario, the SBT is not a MANDATORY conclusion to reach to
still arrive at the "LHO Alone" final conclusion. ....

"I, myself, DO think that the SBT is mandatory in order for Lee
Oswald to be the lone assassin of JFK. But the Warren Commission's
collective opinion was NOT as strict and restrictive as my own on the
SBT matter....and Page 117 of the WR proves that fact." -- David Von
Pein; December 26, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 18, 2008, 8:48:11 AM1/18/08
"The Single-Bullet Theory is the truth. Any alternate scenario
involves scads of unbelievable "SBT"-like coincidences and
disappearing bullets. Common sense ALONE makes the SBT true. And when
other stuff is piled on top of the "CS", the SBT becomes rooted in

"Plus: Anyone watching this documentary (linked below) who still
ends up thinking the SBT is "impossible" is a person who just flat-out
WANTS a conspiracy." -- David Von Pein; December 27, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 18, 2008, 8:58:16 AM1/18/08
"{Texas Governor John Connally's} hand that goes flying up and
down in the space of just a very few Z-Film frames is the same RIGHT
hand that is holding {his} white Stetson hat.

"The hat is still in Connally's RIGHT hand (the same one that
has just been hit by a bullet) several frames later on the Zapruder
Film. And Nellie {Connally} stated that John C. held that hat in his
hand all the way to Parkland. (And I kinda doubt he SWITCHED hat-
holding hands after he was shot.)

"The "He Couldn't Have Held His Hat" argument brought up
continuously by conspiracy theorists is just another of the many
pieces of piecemeal chaff that CTers love to toss up against the wall
in the desperate hope that some of these things will stick and
(somehow) prove the conspiracy they so desperately want to prove.
Unfortunately for those conspiracists, none of that chaff seems to
stick to the "CT wall" at all." -- David Von Pein; October 25, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 19, 2008, 8:32:06 AM1/19/08
"{Lee Oswald} covered the rifle with a raincoat, and would then
sit on the porch and practice working the bolt and dry-firing in the
pitch-darkness of night.

"It's a wonder that Marina didn't take the baby and run for the
hills after putting up with some of the shit this kook named Lee did,
including, of course, several wife-beating sessions. What a great
guy." -- David Von Pein; October 26, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 19, 2008, 8:35:17 AM1/19/08
"Wes Frazier and Linnie Randle were wrong about their estimates
of the bag's length. It's the only explanation that makes any "common"

"To believe otherwise is to believe that a DIFFERENT bag from
the one that Frazier and Randle observed just happened to turn up in
the Sniper's Nest -- empty and with Oswald's own prints on it, and a
RIGHT palmprint, to boot! -- on the very same day that Oswald took a
shorter, similarly-fashioned homemade-style paper sack into the same
building (as observed by Buell Frazier).

"Is the latter explanation truly a reasonable alternative? I
think not. In fact, it's just plain silly (regardless of what Frazier
and Randle said about the dimensions of the bag)." -- David Von Pein;
December 12, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 19, 2008, 8:47:00 AM1/19/08
"For some reason, conspiracy theorists pretty much want to
totally ignore Lee Harvey Oswald's own November 22nd post-12:30
ACTIONS and WORDS, which are actions and words (i.e., lies) that are
not indicative of an innocent patsy who never fired a shot at anyone
on 11/22/63." -- David Von Pein; December 26, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 19, 2008, 8:51:49 AM1/19/08
"Maybe {Mark Lane} thinks he has "debunked" things. But he
hasn't. That's a common tactic employed by conspiracy theorists, too
-- i.e., let's pretend we've "debunked" some piece of evidence and
present it to the masses as "debunked" or worthless or suspicious or
what-have-you -- even though, in reality, no such discrediting of the
evidence has really been accomplished at all.

"CE399 being a prime example of this tactic. CTers love to claim
that that bullet couldn't have done this and couldn't have done
that....but nothing about that missile has been "debunked" by the
conspiracy community. Nothing. It's still THE ONLY WHOLE BULLET in the
official record of the JFK murder case and always will be. And it's
positively a bullet that was fired from the rifle of Lee Harvey

"Conspiracists think they've destroyed the authenticity of CE399
and the logicality of the SBT. But they haven't come close. Not even
close. Common sense ALONE tells a reasonable person that the SBT is
the correct solution. And when all the OTHER evidence and parameters
are added to that common's Katie, bar the door. The SBT is
fact." -- David Von Pein; August 23, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 19, 2008, 8:57:05 AM1/19/08
"JFK's stretcher was never located in the area of Parkland
Hospital where the bullet was found by {Darrell} Tomlinson. Never. Nor
was JFK's body ever in that area down the hall from Trauma Room 1.
Kennedy remained in ER-1 the whole time he was in Parkland. So it is
physically impossible for any bullet from Kennedy's stretcher to
magically appear down the hall.

"And if you think the bullet was picked up in Trauma Room No. 1
and then deposited on a stretcher down the hall...ask yourself: What
the fuck for??!!

"Why on Earth would anyone even have the slightest desire to do
something stupid like that? If there was actually a REAL bullet from
LHO's gun that fell out of Kennedy's back (which there wasn't of
course, I'm merely playing the silly "conspiracy theory" game for a
moment here), then why would anybody bent on framing Oswald want to
tamper with such great evidence that was already right THERE near
Kennedy's own body and on HIS stretcher, in order to place it on a
different stretcher down the hall? That's just nuts all around.

"Plus: Even if some moron plotter thought it was a good idea to
move the bullet, why plant it on the WRONG stretcher down the
hall...or even on Connally's own stretcher? Why not plant it IN THE
LIMO WHERE JFK WAS SHOT (which would nicely accompany CE567 & CE569,
the fragments also from Rifle #C2766)?

"Did any of the so-called "plotters" have a working brain on
November 22nd?" -- David Von Pein; December 4, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 19, 2008, 9:11:48 AM1/19/08
"Many conspiracists enjoy screaming "Oswald's innocent until
proven guilty in a court of law, and he never got that trial, so we
must say he's officially innocent". ....

"But it doesn't seem to bother some of these same conspiracy
theorists when they point an accusing finger of GUILT (sans any trial)
at many other non-Oswald people and groups who these CTers think were
involved in the assassination. E.G.: The Mob, the SS, the DPD, the
FBI, the KGB, the CIA, and even President Johnson himself!

"Doesn't the PRESIDENT deserve the same benefit of the doubt
that CTers say the LNers never give Lee Harvey Oswald (especially in
light of the fact that it wasn't LBJ's rifle or shells or prints found
on that 6th Floor on Nov. 22)?!

"Or are the rules completely different once the tables are
turned with respect to this "Innocent Till Proved Guilty" topic?

"And, seeing as how all of the physical evidence DOES, indeed,
point to Oswald, while no hard evidence points to any of the other
people/groups I mentioned seems to me that the CTers are
in a boat with many more holes in it when it comes to this topic than
are any lone-nutters.

"If I were to hang a sign on that "CT boat" in question, the
sign would most certainly say: "Beware: Hypocrites On Board!" " --
David Von Pein; July 23, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 19, 2008, 9:15:36 AM1/19/08
"We can't really know exactly how long Lee Harvey Oswald stayed
in his shoebox of a room on Beckley after rushing into the
roominghouse at about 1:00 {on 11/22/63}. My theory is that he wasn't
in that room any longer than 1 minute, tops. There was simply no
reason for him to have been in there for longer than that, probably
less even...and there was every reason for him to hurry in and out
very quickly that day, and not twiddle his thumbs for 3-4 minutes.

"Earlene Roberts' "3 to 4 minutes" estimate is exaggerated, IMO.
Not on purpose, mind you. She was not lying. Not at all. It's just
that people tend to stretch out time estimates to a longer time than
they really are. Take {Dealey Plaza witness} J.C. Price's timeline for
the assassination as a good example....after hearing the initial
"volley" of shots, he said that perhaps "5 minutes later" he heard the
final shot. LOL." -- David Von Pein; July 20, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 21, 2008, 5:38:50 AM1/21/08
"If Lee Harvey Oswald had been in that Depository doorway at
12:30, he would certainly have SAID SO after his arrest. But he said
NOT A WORD to the police about being outside on the TSBD steps when
JFK was in the process of being murdered on Elm Street.

"Nor did Oswald say a word about being in the Book Depository
entranceway to the LIVE TELEVISION AUDIENCE EITHER, which he had ample
opportunities to do, what with the cameras and microphones being
shoved in his face several times as LHO was being paraded through the
DPD corridors on both November 22 and November 23.

"In point of fact, Oswald actually admitted to the reporters
(and thusly to the live TV audience) that he was INSIDE THE BUILDING
at the time Kennedy was being shot {when} a reporter asked him: "Were
you in the building?" Oswald answered (somewhat sarcastically, after
having just told the same reporters, "I work in that building"):
"Naturally, if I work in that building, yes sir"." -- David Von Pein;
October 31, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 21, 2008, 5:45:52 AM1/21/08
"It's just silly as all get out to believe in {an Oliver} Stone-
like scenario. Especially when so much OTHER stuff will already hang
their proverbial "patsy" named Oswald, even WITHOUT planting CE399 in
the hospital -- e.g., LHO's rifle, the paper bag, his prints all over
the place where the TSBD sniper was located, the Tippit murder, the
backyard pictures (also thought to be the product of the
"conspirators"), etc. to near infinity.

"Bottom line fact still is today what it was in 1963 --- CE399
was determined by BOTH major Government inquiries (WC & HSCA) to have
been the "SBT" bullet which went through both John Kennedy and John
Connally on November 22, 1963.

"That is a fact of historical record. If conspiracists don't
like that historical fact, maybe they should go about the awesome task

"To date, such "proof" from the "planted/switched" camp has yet
to surface." -- David Von Pein; January 11, 2008

David Von Pein

Jan 21, 2008, 5:52:04 AM1/21/08
"It's going to take a whole lot more than what conspiracy
theorists have offered up to date as "proof of evidence-planting" to
convince a reasonable jury that evidence WAS, in fact, "planted" at
the various MULTIPLE crime scenes associated with John F. Kennedy's

"Such extraordinary allegations suggesting such highly-unlikely
covert activity require equally EXTRAORDINARY PROOF to support the
notion that such "planting" actually did occur in the JFK case. ....
Thus far, the CTers in the "Everything Was Planted" club haven't
PROVED that a single piece of evidence in the JFK case was planted.
The kooks only have their suspicions." -- David Von Pein; November 13,

David Von Pein

Jan 21, 2008, 5:58:27 AM1/21/08
"In that car at 12:30 {on November 22, 1963}, {Jacqueline
Kennedy} obviously was in a panicked state....and she was trying to
get the hell out of the way of the falling, bloody body in the back
seat. It was a perfectly natural reaction to climb up on that trunk.
Mainly because there was NOPLACE ELSE SHE COULD HAVE GONE. She had no
other immediate "escape" hatch. ....

"But, in the final analysis, Jackie's trunk excursion is a lot
to do about absolutely nothing. It means nothing. It solves nothing.
It's a complete non-issue, and always was. It's only meaningful to a
conspiracy-thirsty kook." -- David Von Pein; December 17, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 21, 2008, 6:01:58 AM1/21/08
"Was Ronnie {Fuller} hit by a Mannlicher-Carcano bullet (or ANY
bullet) on November 22, 1963? The "Fuller" argument goes nowhere, of
course. It's quite obvious that Darrell Tomlinson was not paying
strict attention to the stretchers when he retrieved Bullet CE399 from
Connally's stretcher (i.e., the only stretcher, among the two
available, that ANY bullet could have possibly come off of).

"But some conspiracy theorists would rather rely on hazy human
memories, instead of turning to Occam's, whose Razor is razor-sharp in
almost all aspects of this murder case. (The constant obfuscation
exhibited by CTers notwithstanding, of course.)

"Conspiracy-hungry individuals love to complicate things, even
when complicating things isn't necessary (or reasonable) in order to
figure out what probably happened in a given situation.

"LNers, though, enjoy Occam's [aka Ockham's] company." -- David
Von Pein; December 4, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 21, 2008, 6:20:32 AM1/21/08
"I'm comfortable that all of the major investigations got this
right. I can add nothing to what the FBI and Warren Commission, DPD,
etc. did to reach a conclusion of Oswald's guilt. A simple reading of
the Warren Commission Report is enough to figure out who killed JFK.
It isn't perfect, but it's pretty darn good. ....

"The physical evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of Oswald as
the shooter that day. One needs to invent alternative scenarios, and
claim all of the evidence is planted, forged, altered, destroyed,
covered-up, and so on, to exonerate Oswald. ....

"David Von Pein just schooled you {a conspiracy theorist} on
JFK's back wound by linking to some HSCA evidence. Did it change your
mind? I doubt it. Why? It doesn't fit in with your preconceived notion
of what happened. ....

"Bottom line? A man in a building shot a man (men) in a car." --
Chuck Schuyler; January 16, 2008

David Von Pein

Jan 21, 2008, 6:26:24 AM1/21/08
"I'm wondering why so many people who have adhered themselves
permanently to the silly notion of a "JFK Conspiracy" think that their
opinions (seemingly based on nothing but the direction of the wind, or
a "motive" they think such-&-such a person might have had, or a hunk
of pure speculation) are worthy of NOT being ridiculed? That's always
had me scratching me head." -- David Von Pein; September 14, 2007

David Von Pein

Jan 21, 2008, 6:36:44 AM1/21/08
"Vincent Bugliosi did lots of "Ruby homework" too. To believe
that Vince worked for 20+ years on his massive JFK book {"Reclaiming
History: The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy"} WITHOUT
having studied (in depth) one of the KEY figures in the November 22nd
saga (i.e., Mr. Ruby) is just....mind-bogglingly silly. ....

"Vince discovered that Ruby was about the last goof in Dallas
that the "mob" would entrust with such an important "hit" as the
Oswald "hit" that so many CTers think was pulled off by the mafia.

"For one thing, Ruby was getting up early every morning for
weeks shortly prior to the assassination and going to local Dallas
department stores in order to try and sell his "Twistboard" exerciser
gadget to local merchants.

"Do Mob hit men usually have to supplement their salaries in
such an odd fashion? Or do conspiracy theorists think that that was
merely a clever "cover" being used by Ruby so that nobody would catch
on to the massive "plot" that brewed all around him in late 1963?

"Maybe it was similar to the "I'll Take My Dog Downtown To A
Killing And Leave The Pooch In The Car While I Go In The Basement And
Shoot The Patsy" type of ruse, huh?

"Try reading Chapter 22 ("Ruby And The Mob") of Bugliosi's JFK
book. It's one of the best chapters in the massive tome. .... It's a
fabulous (and thorough) account of Jack Ruby's life." -- David Von
Pein; November 19, 2007

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David Von Pein

Jan 22, 2008, 7:48:02 AM1/22/08
"The late New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison was of the
loony opinion that at least four gunmen were hiding in Dealey Plaza,
probably a total of five, when we include the one guy whom Jimbo
thinks (thought) was in the sewer.

"And, of course, Garrison also admitted in numerous public
appearances that Oswald was being "sheep-dipped" and being set up as
the lone patsy well in advance of 11/22/63.

"Imagine that uphill battle -- FIVE gunmen firing five separate
rifles at JFK (and NONE of them firing Oswald's C2766 Mannlicher-
Carcano, btw; that's another thing Garrison says in his public
appearances) within the underlying framework of a "LET'S FRAME LEE

"It doesn't get too much funnier (or more ridiculous) than that.
But, at least filmmaker Oliver Stone bought the whole Garrison
package, which enabled millions more to also leave their common sense
in the lobby of the movie theater prior to going in to see Mr. Stone's
"JFK"." -- David Von Pein; January 22, 2008

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David Von Pein

Jan 23, 2008, 3:29:36 PM1/23/08

"I can tell you this is a very peaceful country....and that
anyone who desires war these days is insane." -- John F. Kennedy; 1963

David Von Pein

Feb 4, 2008, 11:03:03 PM2/4/08
"Conspiracy theorists have their dreams. But lone-assassin
believers, thankfully, have an obviously-guilty Lee Harvey Oswald (not
to mention all of the bullets and all of the other physical evidence,
to boot)." -- David Von Pein; February 4, 2008

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David Von Pein

Feb 13, 2008, 7:57:20 AM2/13/08
"After 30 years of thousands of people looking at the evidence
and talking to witnesses, we still don't have an iota of credible
evidence to show us, in fact, there was a conspiracy to kill Jack
Kennedy. .... As we approach the 30th anniversary of his death, the
man responsible for it was one man, alone: Lee Harvey Oswald." --
Gerald Posner; 1993

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David Von Pein

Feb 13, 2008, 8:12:37 AM2/13/08
"As an attorney, it {the murder of Dallas Police Officer J.D.
Tippit} is one of the most open-and-shut cases I've ever seen. ....
Thirteen eyewitnesses see Oswald either do the shooting or escaping
from the scene. .... He {Lee Harvey Oswald}, in fact, DID kill J.D.
Tippit. He, in fact, DID shoot at General Walker. And he WAS the only
person in Dallas, {on} November 22nd, 1963, on the 6th floor, in the
southeast corner of the Texas School Book Depository -- not only with
the motive to kill Jack Kennedy...but with the capability of doing
it...with his OWN rifle which was found up there." -- Gerald Posner;

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David Von Pein

Feb 27, 2008, 12:52:36 AM2/27/08


Feb 29, 2008, 4:58:54 AM2/29/08
On Jan 18, 8:44�am, David Von Pein <> wrote:
> � � � "The Warren Commission was NOT boxing itself in to accepting the
> Single-Bullet Theory at all costs (due to James Tague's injury). How
> do we know they weren't boxed in? Because of Page #117 {of the Warren
> Commission Report}, where it states in B&W that the WC was readily
> acknowledging the possibility that Tague's injury could have very well
> been caused by a fragment from the HEAD SHOT.
> � � � "Therefore, via that "Tague Possibly Wounded By Head-Shot
> Fragment" scenario, the SBT is not a MANDATORY conclusion to reach to
> still arrive at the "LHO Alone" final conclusion. ....
> � � � "I, myself, DO think that the SBT is mandatory in order for Lee
> Oswald to be the lone assassin of JFK. But the Warren Commission's
> collective opinion was NOT as strict and restrictive as my own on the
> SBT matter....and Page 117 of the WR proves that fact." -- David Von
> Pein; December 26, 2007

In earlier studies of bullet leads from many different manufacturers
it was found that bullets from a given manufacturer and production
were generally quite uniform in their Sb and Ag concentrations, both
within a given bullet and amongst bullets from the same box or
production lot. Thus, for such typical ammunition it is generally not
possible to distinguish amongst bullets or bullet fragments from the
same box of cartridges.

However, when analyzed quite a number of Western Cartridge Company
Mannlicher-Carcano 6.5 mm bullets ..." this ammunition was found to
differ sharply from typical bullet leads. Although individual bullets
were found to be fairly homogeneous in their Sb and Ag
they differed greatly from bullet to bullet amongst samples taken
the same box.".

Sb and Ag
silver and antimony in bullets

(HSCA, I, p. 511)

Mannlicher-Carcano bullet leads are said to follow this pattern:

1. production lot--heterogeneous
2. individual boxes of bullets--heterogeneous pieces of individual
bullet-- fairly homogeneous

According to the Warren Commission, the FBI had done what was called
"spectrographic analysis" on some of the ballistics evidence in the
JFK case. According to Henry Hurt's discussion of this in his book
Reasonable Doubt, both the FBI and the Commission were maddeningly
vague about the results of the analysis. According to Hurt, this
was to be addressed by the last witness called by the Commission, who
was involved in the spectrographic analysis. Yet, during his
interview, the commissioners never asked him a question on the issue.
The Warren Report then noted that there were similarities in the
composition of some of the bullet fragments. With the actual analysis
not present and these vague generic terms in play, most considered
that what the FBI did was not of any forensic value.

But it was later revealed that the FBI had gone beyond spectrograph
a much finer testing of the bullet fragments for trace metal testing
of what the lead cores were made out of: namely neutron activation
analysis. Yet although this kind of testing is much more exact for
analysis of what metals are in the bullet lead and to what degree,
according to Hurt, there is no mention of it in the Warren Report or
the accompanying volumes of evidence and testimony. But in a later
declassified letter from J. Edgar Hoover to the Commission, the so-
called 1964 NAA tests were noted. Although Hoover tries to put the
best face on the results, the sum total of his letter was that they
were inconclusive.

(Hurt, p. 81)

The whole NAA issue seemed to be a dead end. But that did not
discourage HSCA Chief Counsel Robert Blakey. Blakey decided to do a
"retest" of the compositional analysis of the lead cores of the
bullets involved in the case for the HSCA in September of 1977. Dr.
Vincent Guinn, a nuclear chemist at Cal Irvine, did the testing and
the HSCA called him as a witness at its public hearings. Guinn was
called upon on September 8, 1978. The difference between what Hoover
had reported, or not reported, in 1964 and what Guinn and the HSCA
declared in 1978 was startling. The scientific test called NAA went
from being "inconclusive" to showing that:

Only two bullets struck the presidential limo and its occupants,
thereby upholding the Warren Commission.

The Warren Wizards said: "The consensus among the witnesses at the
scene was that three shots were fired. However, some heard only two
shots. The most convincing evidence relating to the number of shots
was provided by the presence on the sixth floor of three spent
cartridges. This led the Commission to conclude that there were three
shots...." WR 110-111
But, later they said, "The physical and other evidence examined by
the Commission compels the conclusion that AT LEAST TWO SHOTS WERE
FIRED... It is possible that the assassin carried an EMPTY SHELL IN
THE RIFLE and fired only two shots ...." WR 111

After the coup, two bullet fragments were found in the Lincoln.
According to Warren , the two fragments weighed 44.6 and 21.0 grains
respectively."The heavier fragment was a portion of a bullet's nose
area... the lighter fragment consisted of a bullet's base... the two
fragments were both mutilated, and it was not possible to determine
from the fragments themselves whether they comprised the base and
of one bullet or of two separate bullets."

If one bullet missed the car completely and one ended up at Parkland
almost pristine, those fragments had to be the bullet that hit JFK in
the head and both fragments were from the same projectile. Or, they
are from the first bullet that passed through the neck of JFK and the
body of Gov. Connally, which makes more sense considering the angle
the shot.

That leaves the Parkland bullet to be explained for its place in

I personally do not believe there was a missed shot. Like George
Evica, I believe the report of a first shot was an explosive device
(gun or otherwise) to create a diversion from the shooter in the

Anyone can prove there were two shots at the limousine but no one can
prove there were three shots.

All bullet lead trace metal analysis showed that the ammunition came
from Western Cartridge Company's Mannlicher-Carcano (WCC MC)
manufacture. This would seem to link the ammunition to the alleged
rifle found on the sixth floor.

Fragments from Connally's wrist were "matched" with CE 399, or the
stretcher bullet that allegedly went through Kennedy also. This would
seem to indicate the Warren Commission was right about the single
bullet theory. However, critics have repeatedly advanced the argument
that the four fragments in Connally's wrist and thigh contained too
much mass to have come from CE 399. ...

The fragments and the reasons for analyzing them

The fragments recovered

Five basic fragments were recovered from the car, the hospital, and
the men's bodies. They and their masses are listed in Table 1 below,
which represents the pieces received by the FBI laboratory and
analyzed spectroscopically by them.. The source of this information
a little-known FBI memo of 11 June 1979 from a "JWK" to the HSCA.
Their locations are shown in Figure 1, with the stretcher bullet Q1
being associated with Governor Connally's left thigh because that is
where it originally was.

Table 1. Bullets and fragments received by the FBI.

Total weight, grains
Total weight, milligrams

CE 399 (Q1)
Bullet from stretcher (lead core plus jacket)

The amount of mass lost by CE 399 cannot be known precisely because
it was not weighed beforehand. Ranges or averages of unfired bullets
of that type must be provided instead, and the final weight

And, what about the mass of the fragments not recovered
from Connally's wrist?

Does anyone stop to consider that it was the only remaining certain
evidence to connect the shooting to the rifle found in the TSBD-that
was also connected to LHO? Even though a rifle was seen firing at the
motorcade and found and traced to LHO, it only became strong evidence
against him when a bullet fired from CE 2766 was ballistically proven
to have been fired through the barrel of the murder weapon. (CE 399)
Otherwise all else was circumstantial. Without it, a good defense
attorney could have made hay with what evidence was available.

Audrey Bell, the operating nurse, stated that there were four or
five fragments "anywhere from three to four millimeters in length and
a couple of millimeters wide. " These fragments disappeared at the

In addition, what happened to the fragment found in Connally's leg
wound? Also, there was a fragment in the governor's chest that was
never recovered. He died with fragments still in his body that
weighed more that the alleged two to three missing grains from C-399
that was described as near pristine. And the Warrens say, about
"The Governor's wrist wound WAS NOT CAUSED BY A PRISTINE BULLET." p.

As Ass't DA Alexander said, "The single bullet is like the
Immaculate Conception. Either you believe it or you don't."

CE 567 (Q2)
Bullet fragment from seat cushion (lead core plus brass jacket)

CE 569 (Q3)
Bullet fragment from front seat (jacket)

CE 843 (Q4,5)
Two lead fragments from President's head[2]
1.65; 0.15
107; 9.7

CE 842 (Q9)
Three lead fragments from Connally's arm

CE 840 (Q14)
Three lead fragments from rear carpet
0.9, 0.7, 0.7
58, 45, 45

CE 841 (Q15)
Scraping from inside surface of windshield
None listed

During the autopsy at Bethesda, X-rays of the president's brain
revealed that a multitude of tiny fragments were lodged there. ONLY
TWO were large enough to be retrieved (Q4, 5). They were given to
Secret Service Agents James W. Sibert and Francis O'Neill, Jr., who
transported them immediately to FBI Headquarters.

Three small fragments of lead (Q9) were recovered from Governor
Connally's arm during surgery. They were removed by Dr. Gregory and
given to Nurse Audrey Bell, who placed them in a container and gave
them to Bob Dolan of the Department of Public Safety, who gave them
Will Fritz of the Dallas Police, who passed them on to the FBI.

An unfired M-Carcano round weighed 161 grains. Right?

Three shots were reported to be heard and fired. Right?
And, three spent casings were found in the TSBD. Right?

That means that a total of 483 grains of lead were fired and had
to be accounted for .Right?
If more than that is recovered, someone has some explaining to
do-including me. Right?
IF (IF) a shot missed completely, we now have 322 grains
remaining. Right?
The Parkland slug weighed 158.6 grains, so now we have 163.4
grains to account for.
70.2 grains were recovered from the limo, JFK and Connally. They
became the mass of ballistic evidence in possession of the FBI and
eventually turned over to the HSCA.

Now we have a little over 90 grains to account for. It no doubt
went into Dealy Plaza, was lost during the autopsy, or was buried
with John Connally.

David Von Pein

Mar 3, 2008, 2:45:33 AM3/3/08

I'll just pretend Raymond's conspiracy-flavored ramblings don't exist
in this thread above.



David Von Pein

Mar 7, 2008, 10:49:28 PM3/7/08
"It is remarkable that conspiracy theorists can believe that
groups like the CIA, military-industrial complex, and FBI would murder
the president, but cannot accept the likelihood, even the possibility,
that a nut like Oswald would flip out and commit the act, despite the
fact that there is a ton of evidence showing that Oswald killed
Kennedy, and not an ounce showing that any of these groups had
anything to do with the assassination.

"It is further remarkable that these conspiracy theorists aren't
troubled in the least by their inability to present any evidence that
Oswald was set up and framed. For them, the mere belief or speculation
that he was is a more-than-adequate substitute for evidence." --
Vincent Bugliosi; Pages 951-952 of "Reclaiming History" (c.2007)

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David Von Pein

Apr 2, 2008, 12:02:54 AM4/2/08

"W.W. Norton, the publisher, very distinguished publishing
house...I was very honored when I was told that the 'old-timers' at
W.W. Norton were saying that they were more proud of 'Reclaiming
History' than any other book that they had published in the history of
that publishing house." -- Vincent Bugliosi; November 4, 2007

David Von Pein

Apr 7, 2008, 12:59:10 AM4/7/08
"If the so-called great Soviet conspiracy has to rest for its
help upon such inadequate people as Lee Oswald, there is no hope of
their achieving their aims. .... I simply cannot believe that the FBI
would find it necessary to employ such a shaky and inadequate person."
-- Ruth Paine; March 1964 [3 WC 108]

David Von Pein

Apr 10, 2008, 8:33:39 PM4/10/08
"While her husband Lee went to sleep in Irving, Marina gave
birth to Audrey Marina Rachel Oswald at 10:41 PM, Sunday night,
October 20, 1963. Rachel's place of birth was, ironically, Parkland
Memorial Hospital in Dallas -- the same hospital where President John
F. Kennedy would die 33 days later after having been shot in the back
of the head by Rachel's father." -- David Von Pein; April 2008

David Von Pein

Apr 10, 2008, 9:58:47 PM4/10/08
"The "Anybody But Oswald" crowd should try to wake up out of
their 45-year slumber and realize just how much covert maneuvering of
the evidence and massive after-the-fact covering up and "keeping
quiet" would have really been required from so many people in order to
make the "Blame It All On The Patsy" plot a reality. Merely PRETENDING
that Oswald was an innocent patsy is a far cry from
making him one." -- David Von Pein; April 10, 2008

David Von Pein

Apr 10, 2008, 10:01:47 PM4/10/08
"How in the wide, wide world of Covert Patsy Plots did the
conspirators talk their INNOCENT PATSY named Lee Harvey Oswald (who
killed nobody, per many conspiracy theorists around the globe) into
ACTING LIKE A GUILTY KILLER immediately after somebody ELSE shot John
Kennedy AND J.D. Tippit on November 22, 1963?!" -- David Von Pein;
April 10, 2008
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David Von Pein

Apr 16, 2008, 1:17:30 AM4/16/08

"Conspiracy theorists should wake up and face the obvious fact
that Lee Harvey Oswald took his rifle out of Ruth Paine's garage,
wrapped it up in a handmade brown paper bag, and took it into his
workplace at the Book Depository on the morning of November 22nd,

"The amount of CUMULATIVE evidence (both of the circumstantial
and physical varieties) that indicates the fact that Oswald did take
his rifle to work on November 22 is impossible for anyone to sidestep,
skew, or overcome (although, as we all know, rabid conspiracy
theorists WILL continue to ignore and/or mangle this cumulative
evidence until the proverbial cows come home---or until the Devil's
residence turns to ice)." -- David Von Pein; April 16, 2008

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David Von Pein

Apr 19, 2008, 12:59:02 AM4/19/08

"The bullet {that exited JFK's throat} would have had to have
been substantially deflected by passing through the President in order
to miss the Governor. It seems almost inevitable that the Governor
would be hit with the alinements that we have found." -- Thomas
Canning; HSCA Testimony; September 12, 1978

David Von Pein

Apr 27, 2008, 9:06:29 AM4/27/08
"J. Edgar Hoover would not only NOT have wanted to pin the whole
blame for the assassination on this guy named Lee Harvey Oswald (if
Hoover had really believed Oswald was innocent)....but Hoover,
instead, would have no doubt been desperately trying to CLEAR Oswald
of any suspicion in Kennedy's murder, due to the fact that J. Edgar's
own Bureau would, if Oswald were to be proven guilty, be frowned upon
for all time for not keeping a more watchful eye on this bird named
Lee Harvey on the day the President was killed.

"In short, the theory that has J. Edgar Hoover and his FBI boys
attempting to help frame an innocent Lee Harvey Oswald following
President John F. Kennedy's murder is a theory that can best be
described in one single word --- Ridiculous." -- David Von Pein; April
27, 2008

David Von Pein

May 6, 2008, 3:15:31 PM5/6/08

"It took a while, [but] the kooks have finally realized that
[Vincent] Bugliosi's book has won the day. They just can't write a
book using the known information and weave it into a coherant [sic]
package. RH ["Reclaiming History"] commands the field, and will sit on
bookshelves in libraries for decades, available for those folks
interested in discovering the only real way this event could have
occurred, and exposing all the conspiracy mongers as charlatans and
frauds." -- "Bud"; March 14, 2008

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David Von Pein

May 8, 2008, 4:35:51 AM5/8/08

""The Great Zapruder Film Hoax" -- TWENTY DOLLARS.

""Reclaiming History" -- THIRTY-TWO DOLLARS.

"Watching a Kennedy conspiracy theorist fumble the ball time
after time -- PRICELESS."

-- David Von Pein; May 5, 2007

David Von Pein

May 11, 2008, 9:34:27 PM5/11/08

"The bullet that exited John F. Kennedy's throat had TWO places
to go as it came out of the President's throat on its downward angle
--- 1.) Into the seats or floorboards of the limousine. Or: 2.) Into
the body of Governor John B. Connally. Since we know beyond ALL doubt
that #1 did not means that #2 did occur.

"The Single-Bullet Theory lives. And always will. Because it's
the obvious truth." -- David Von Pein; May 11, 2008

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David Von Pein

May 23, 2008, 10:35:15 PM5/23/08

"Lee Harvey Oswald told the police after he was arrested that he
had encountered a "Secret Service man" outside the Book Depository
just after the President was shot. But, of course, we know that LHO
didn't encounter any such "Secret Service man" at all -- he actually
encountered either Pierce Allman of WFAA-TV or Robert MacNeil of NBC-
TV (probably Allman). Each man was wearing a press badge and a suit
and tie, which made Oswald think (incorrectly) that the man he saw and
directed to a telephone was a "Secret Service" agent.

"Main point being: the very same type of confusion regarding the
so-called "Secret Service agents on the Knoll" could have occurred
with respect to other eyewitnesses just after the assassination too.

"People thought (incorrectly) that they were seeing Secret
Service agents when, in fact, we know they weren't. In the wild,
frenzied confusion following the unexpected shooting of the President,
such innocent mistakes and misidentifications are likely to occur.

"We need to look no further than the real killer himself (Lee
Harvey Oswald) for verification of what I just said above being true
when it comes to people innocently mistaking other people for "Secret
Service agents" immediately after the assassination of President
Kennedy." -- David Von Pein; May 23, 2008

David Von Pein

May 27, 2008, 9:01:40 PM5/27/08

"The fact that {President John F.} Kennedy was a powerful public
figure was very relevant to {Lee Harvey} Oswald's motivation for
killing him. On the other hand, murders of powerful public figures in
America by the groups fancied by conspiracy theorists--the CIA, mob,
FBI, and military-industrial complex--are absolutely unheard of. Show
me a precedent." -- Vincent Bugliosi; Page 950 of "Reclaiming
History" (c.2007)

David Von Pein

May 27, 2008, 9:03:56 PM5/27/08

"Only people who subscribe to rules of absurdity, not rules of
life, could possibly believe that a conspiracy to kill {John F.}
Kennedy ever existed. The conspiracy argument in the Kennedy
assassination requires the belief that for over forty years a great
number of people have been able to keep silent about the plot behind
the most important and investigated murder of the 20th century. In
other words, it requires a belief in the impossible." -- Vincent
Bugliosi; Page 1442 of "Reclaiming History" (c.2007)

David Von Pein

May 29, 2008, 6:54:21 PM5/29/08

"Such is the horrible disadvantage of being an "Anybody But
Oswald" conspiracy theorist. No matter how much reliable, hard
evidence is piled up against the door....the weakest chaff always
seems to trump it." -- David Von Pein; May 29, 2008
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David Von Pein

Jul 14, 2008, 4:35:18 PM7/14/08

"Any reasonable person can obviously see how utterly impossible
it is to "connect" all of these unconnected threads of SHEER
HAPPENSTANCE regarding [Ruth] Paine, [Roy] Truly, [Wesley] Frazier,
and [Linnie Mae] Randle in order to weave the magical type of "Oswald
Was Planted In The TSBD" plot that conspiracy-loving kooks imagine
took place.

"But just because nobody has yet been able to come close to
weaving that magic carpet of conspiracy involving all of those
innocent people (like Frazier, Paine, and Truly), it won't stop
conspiracy theorists from pretending that a massive pre-assassination
"plot" involving those very people really did occur in 1963." -- David
Von Pein; July 1, 2008

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David Von Pein

Jul 17, 2008, 5:53:31 AM7/17/08

"The head exit wound was not in the parietal-occipital area, as
the Parkland doctors said. They were wrong. Since the thick growth of
hair on Kennedy's head hadn't been shaved at Parkland, there's no way
for the doctors to have seen the margins of the wound in the skin of
the scalp. All they saw was blood and brain tissue adhering to the
hair. And that may have been mostly in the occipital area because he
was lying on his back and gravity would push his hair, blood, and
brain tissue backward, so many of them probably assumed the exit wound
was in the back of the head.

"But clearly, from the autopsy X-rays and photographs and the
observations of the autopsy surgeons, the exit wound and defect was
not in the occipital area. There was no defect or wound to the rear of
Kennedy's head other than the entrance wound in the upper right part
KENNEDY" (c.2007)

David Von Pein

Aug 14, 2008, 1:49:24 PM8/14/08

"Discussing the evidence in the JFK case with conspiracy-thirsty
kooks is akin to placing a toy into the hands of a 1-year-old child
--- after about 30 seconds, the infant tosses the toy aside and wants
to play with something else." -- David Von Pein; August 14, 2008

David Von Pein

Aug 25, 2008, 9:09:12 AM8/25/08

"The wound on Governor John Connally's back was almost certainly
GOVERNOR OF TEXAS (per almost all of the expert witnesses who
testified about this particular matter). And the ONLY object that that
"something else" could have possibly been was the body of President
John F. Kennedy." -- David Von Pein; August 25, 2008

David Von Pein

Aug 25, 2008, 9:13:04 AM8/25/08

"At that angle, no matter WHERE [the bullet] came from [that hit
Albert E. Jenner, Jr.; February 11, 1967

David Von Pein

Aug 25, 2008, 11:05:59 AM8/25/08

"It seems to me that in the 1960 election...that we should take
into that election words which were spoken by Franklin Roosevelt in
1936. .... In that speech he said, 'Better the occasional faults of a
Government that lives in the spirit of charity than the consistent
omissions of a Government frozen in the ice of its own indifference.'

"It seems to me in the United States in the last seven years, we
have come very close to a Government frozen in the ice of its own
indifference, and I do not look with pleasure upon going through
another decade of it....and therefore I think this election is most
important." -- Senator John F. Kennedy; November 2, 1959

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