Conspiracy to Commit Murder Outline

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Apr 17, 2008, 3:31:23โ€ฏAM4/17/08
to Alder Inn Hotel
Conspiracy to Commit Murder Outline

"The Hit" was relieved to step off the racing Greyhound in Toronto at
18:30 on January 18 TH 1997. He decided to try and find a Hostel in
the downtown Toronto area. He had lost hope that the Mysterious
Financier would leave him alone in Toronto. He took the advice of the
bus driver, and he got off the bus just south of downtown Toronto at a
Mall. He took a city bus to look for a Hostel . He found a house
which rented room in what was Little Italy in Toronto. It was
situated on the corner of College Street and McCall Street. It was a
few block west of the famous El Mocambo Bar on Spadina in Toronto. He
did not know how long he was going to stay. He rented the room from
an older Hungarian lady for 3 days. Meanwhile, "The Hit" thought back
to starting Grade 8 in the fall of 1974 at the Oxdrift Public School
at 13 years of age.

"The Hit" started the last year offered by the Oxdrift Public School,
and he enjoyed the close proximity to the school. His brother Leo
started fixing the Meteor Station wagon Harvey hit a bear with that
summer. Lorraine worked with the horses. He enjoyed softball during
recess, and he joined boy scouts in the fall as well. Softball
changed to soccer when the early cold Northwestern Ontario set in with
frosty's revenge. That was good! Snow meant ice on the outdoor
arena. "The Hit" played hockey several times a week with the 13 and
under Oxdrift team. He also played the occasional game for the 14 to
17 year old team. He was a little small for the older team, but he
did get a few goals when they needed an extra player for two lines.
"The Hit" had made friends from the previous year, and he really
enjoyed the effect the fresh northern Ontario air had on the girls.
They were healthy. "The Hit" lost interest in the horses, and he was
ruled by soccer, hockey, and the girls until Christmas with the town
drunk in St. Brieux.

"The Hit" awoke on January 19 TH in Toronto without his computers. He
decided to start by going to the Lillian H. Smith Branch of the
Toronto Library on College Street. He was able to check his email for
free within a few blocks of his room. He registered a resume on the
Internet using the Hostel phone number. "The Hit" posted the resume
before he went walked down College Street to University Avenue. He
turned left on University Avenue towards the downtown core of Toronto.
He walked through the downtown malls First Canadian Place, TD Canada
Trust Centre, and the Royal Bank Plaza. He walked along Front Street
West along the railroad tracks before passing Younge Street. He
continued past George and Frederick Street before turning left on
Parliament Street He turned left again on Adelaide Street East to
return to Younge Street. He made several of the Mysterious Financiers
regulars as he walked most of the day. The Mysterious Financier had
plowed the road in Toronto. Why? "The Hit" felt sick as he walked to
his room!

"The Hit" spent the evening in his room. He searched for the origin
of the Mysterious Financier again in his youth in Oxdrift. It was
Christmas in Oxdrift, and "The Hit" once again made the trip to St.
Brieux for the dark Christmas in the empty shell. His brother Leo
finished fixing up the green Meteor Station Wagon. Leo and "The Hit"
made the trip with the Meteor once school was finished for the
Christmas break. They left Dryden Friday afternoon on December 21 ST
1974. The old Meteor charged west on the Trans Canada Highway through
Vermillion Bay, Kenora, Clearwater Bay, Granite Lake, Moth Lake, to
the Ontario / Manitoba border. Leo's old Meteor didn't look like much
but it ran solidly. They sailed past West Hawk Lake, Falcon Lake,
Mcmunn, Prawda, and Richer to finally arrive in Winnipeg at 22:00 for
a gas stop. They picked up snacks before continuing through the dark
prairie night. They would drive all night. "The Hit" could not find
the origin of the Mysterious Financier which was showing his picture
around Toronto?

"The Hit" read his Toronto sun in his room looking for a job on
January 19 TH 1998, but his mind wandered back to the origin of the
Mysterious Financier in his past. In 1974 the Meteor dashed through
Winnipeg Deer Lodge, Kirkfield Park, Headingley, Lido Plage, and Elie
JCT West to arrive in Portage La Prairie at 00:45 in the morning.
They were making incredible time for 60 - 65 miles per hour. The
Meteor sailed past Westbourne, Woodside, Gladstone, Neepawa,
Minnedosa, Newdale, Strathclair, Shoal Lake, and the Manitoba
Saskatchewan border as he slept. "The Hit" slept his way through
Langenburg, Churchbridge, Yorkton, Springside, Theodore, and Foam Lake
before waking up at a gas stop in the early morning. They continued
at a solid 65 miles per hour on the old Meteor speedometer through
Wynyard before turning right from the Yellowhead Highway on to the
Highway # 6 heading for Watson. They turned left on to the Highway #
5 at Watson to past through Englefeld, St. Gregor, and Meunster. They
turned right on the Grid # 368 at Meunster. They passed Lake Lenore
and they were in St. Brieux in the morning in record time. "The Hit"
won the town drunks job back!

In Toronto on January 20 TH 1998, "The Hit" walked to the Lillian H.
Smith Library to check his email. There was very little email of
interest from potential investors for the auto glass project, and "The
Hit" was only able to email a few resumes to several places with the
Library time limitation. He decided to walk to the HyperionGL
Internet Cafe downtown on Yonge Street. During the walk it was even
more obvious the Mysterious Financier had plowed the road in Toronto.
"The Hit" could see the expression of Yonge Street as he intentionally
walked through those who felt they were "hooked up". They may have
felt they were "hooked up" as they started to support the "Mysterious
Financier" in Toronto, but "The Hit" just could not understand why the
"Mysterious Financier" was going through all this effort? What
motivated the Mysterious Financier in Toronto.

While, "The Hit" worked posted resumes on Yahoo's new Monster jobs
site his mind wandered back to the St. Brieux Christmas. "The Hit"
was 13 and his brother Leo was 16 years old. They really didn't
calculate their time. This Christmas was very similar to the previous
Rocky Ridge Ranch Christmas, except Joe and his wife had moved out of
the house because they could not take the town drunk. The camper from
Ridgedale was in the old school which had become a repair shop. They
spent the week visiting relatives, and the town drunks Christmas went
a lot like the year before in the Rocky Ridge Ranch. Once again "The
Hit" was ready for a racing Greyhound heading east on the Trans Canada
Highway. He was going to have to suck it up again at 13 years of age,
and he realized his Internet connection in Toronto on January 20 TH
was getting expensive.

"The Hit" went home alone as an outcast from the Internet Cafe that
evening, and if anything the street was getting worst. He went back
to his room where he was asked if he wished to continue his first 3
days in Toronto at the Hostel. He said he would with doubt. When he
woke on January 21 1998, and he wandered back to the origin of the
mysterious financier in his past at the Rocky Ridge Ranch in 1974 at
Christmas. The town drunk had sold the ice shack. His Uncle Lorne
showed a lot of respect by pulling his ice shack out on the lake for
them to fish with him and his ski doo. "The Hit" thought his father
had shown planning for their visit, but in hindsight perhaps it was
his Uncles good will. Their own plywood ice shack had skated away
with just about everything else. It was good to see his Uncle, and
the ice fishing went well. "The Hit" has always enjoyed stuffing a
little wood in the wood stove, and watching for fish in a dark fish
shack. How could the town drunks son tell Lorne?

On January 22 ND 1974, "The Hit" already had a lot of doubts whether
the Mysterious Financier would every leave him alone while he
considered his past once again in St. Brieux. The Christmas went the
same going to his Grandmothers, Carra Marie church, and dinner. It
was always a packed house. He drank with the boys again as a regular
with his brother. "The Hit" played a little shinny on Joe's ice rink
with Leo for the last time. They found their way back to the Rocky
Ridge Ranch to sleep, while he found himself back in Ottawa at the
Library. His original contact with Russia responded. The executive
assistant in Russia sent him an email. His first contact in Vladimir
Putin's new Russia emailed him back! "The Hit" went to sleep that
night considering the project.

On Januray 23 in Toronto "The Hit" decided it was best to let Hulia
Karmanova know that the project was on hold. It was one bright hope
in a series of disappointments, once again, in the footprints of the
story. He sent the email back to Russia to the suntreen hotmail
account letting Hulia know the project was on hold. He was torn.
Meanwhile, in St. Brieux in 1974, "The Hit" was starting to appreciate
the isolation of Oxdrift once again. Leo and "The Hit" attended the
church at Carra Marie again. They played hockey on Uncle Joe's pond
for the last time in Naicam. "The Hit" realized he was giving up hope
in Toronto. That night he read the adds for work. He didn't know
what to do. He was disappointed in Philadelpia, the and the project.
He thought he had a winner with Broco, Speedy, and the fight against
the Thompson monopoly in NAGS. He went to sleep in Toronto, alone,
and the Library limitation kicked him off the computer that night.

On January 24 TH "The Hit" awoke in Toronto. He paid his room rent
until the end January. His heart was not in the job hunt, but he
would continue to look for work after travelling all the way across
the country. He sent the email to Hulia in Russia. He apologized for
the situation regarding the project. "The Hit" found himself in a
Subway thinking about the trip home from the Dark Christmas in St.
Brieux. It was boxing day when Leo and "The Hit" were able to get gas
money out of the town drunk to get home in Oxdrift. The old meteor
sparked up in - 25 degree weather at 7:00 in the morning 2 hours after
Leo and "The Hit" kept asking for the gas money. They didn't have
enough. Finally, the town drunk gave in and they had $120.00 to get
back to Oxdrift Ontario. The old Meteor fired up. She was about as
ready as Leo and "The Hit". Meanwhile, "The Hit" figured he could
avoid the Mysterious Financier downtown by using the University
Library in Toronto for computer access.

"The Hit" went down college drive before turning left on University
Avenue. When he was crossing at the Intersection of University Avenue
and College Street on his way to the University he saw once again a
familiar face of the Mysterious Financier playing a gun game. He had
a newspaper in his long jacket pocket with his hand inside the tunnel
created by the newspaper. He played the gun game that "The Hit" would
become more familiar with in the future. They crossed paths in the
middle of the intersection. He had the look, but he did not make the
move. "The Hit" continued south on University Avenue where he stayed
in the Library for a while as the "Mysterious Financier's crew
followed him in and out of the University Library. "The Hit" was
unable to use the computers without a Library Card. He walked back
down University Avenue to use the computers at the Internet Cafe on
Yonge Street.

While "The Hit" posted resumes in the Internet Cafe, he searched for
the origin of the Mysterious Financier in his past in Oxdrift. In
1974 Leo and "The Hit" made great time to the Yellowhead Highway in
heavy traffic. They only stopped for gas along the way. They
travelled at 65 miles per hour on the speedometer, and they were
definitely passing a lot of cars. The trip went effortlessly from St.
Brieux to Oxdrift for a total of 1,084 kilometres in an amazing 9 1/2
hours. They both started school again in 1975 to finish their school
years. Meanwhile, "The Hit" left the Internet Cafe on Yonge Street,
where the "Mysterious Financier" had the street ready. "The Hit"
walked home to his room. He was starting to consider that the
"Mysterious Financier" was actually a family. Could that have been BJ
brother? He slept.

"The Hit" had a bite to eat and spent Sunday January 25 TH in his room
most of the day. He thought about the winter and spring of 1975 in
Oxdrift for the origin of the Mysterious Financier. "The Hit" played
hockey, soccer, and he spent a little time with the horses. The
school year finished in the spring. Leo left for Ridgedale to work
with the town drunk. "The Hit" said goodbye, and he would follow for
a visit in Ridgedale shortly. He rode both Nada and Cheyanne at the
Vermillion Bay Gymkhana events. He worked one week for the welder
across the road cleaning his shop. In July "The Hit" once again
headed to Ridgedale Saskatchewan. He would never return to Oxdrift.
"The Hit" was convinced the "Mysterious Financier" did not originate
from Oxdrift.

"The Hit" woke up in Toronto on Monday January 26 TH with a night full
of hazing from outside of the Hostel. "The Hit" was amazed the
Mysterious Financier had kept the setup going before the note, after
the note, during the Saskatoon trip, and now during the Toronto trip.
He walked down to the Internet Cafe once again. This time he made the
man he recognized in the Pacific Central Station on the Saskatoon trip
in Toronto. This was the Mysterious Financier man he also recognized
from Rumours in Saskatoon in the late 70's. The Mysterious Financier
may not have had a huge crew, but between the men, women, and children
the Mysterious Financier used he was counting about 15 which worked at
various points along the way. "The Hit" returned to his room and

On January 27 TH "The Hit" emailed Bob in North Vancouver asking him
to contact the Burnaby Packaging Depot to delay the shipping of his
equipment. "The Hit" made a half hearted attempt at a job hunt from
the Lillian H. Smith Library on College Street. The Mysterious
Financier even had women following him through the library in
Toronto. They were all over him. "The Hit" was running out of
money. He spent the evening in his room once again. The Mysterious
Financier hazed from outside. He would have to decide quickly what he
would do because he only had enough cash for a ticket back to
Vancouver. "The Hit" thinks the Toronto Hell's Angels saw the
Mysterious Financier in action as well. Obviously "The Hit" could not
be a problem to the boys under the circumstances. He slept on his

On January 28 TH, "The Hit" emailed Bob in North Vancouver to let him
know he was coming back. He quit the job hunt, and focus his
attention on the Mysterious Financier. He went to the El Mocambo bar
to see if the Mysterious Financier followed him in for a few days.
There were several of the Mysterious Financier's regulars that came in
to follow "The Hit" in the endless hazing which started before the
note was lost. What could be the motivation of the Mysterious
Financier? "The Hit" did not know yet. How many people had the
Mysterious Financier set up to this point? "The Hit" returned to his
room with more questions than answers. The hazing continued at his
window that night.

On January 29 TH and January 30 TH the situation in Toronto did not
change. The only thing that changed was the Mysterious Financier had
shown his face to yet another city. The count at this point was
Vancouver, Calgary, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Winnipeg, Kenora,
Thunder Bay, Toronto, and the small towns in between. Why was the
Mysterious Financier misleading all these places? Why was the
Mysterious Financier setting up the Hell's Angels? In any event "The
Hit" realized that the Mysterious Financier was now well known by the
Hell's Angels. "The Mysterious" financier had played his hand. Now
the question was what was going to happen? "The Hit" was concerned
for his life. Did the Mysterious Financier convince "the boys"?

"The Hit" boarded the racing Greyhound on January 31 ST heading for

Conspiracy to Commit Murder Outline
Burnaby Gun Crime

Apr 30, 2008, 6:48:48โ€ฏPM4/30/08
to Alder Inn Hotel
Canada Post

"The Hit" spent a lot of time thinking about what brought Jimmy The
Junkie and his Crew out of the woodwork in Winlaw after a quiet year
from May 1996 to July 1997. Why would they be interested in "The Hit"
after all that time? Could his crew still believe "The Hit" owed them
money? Jimmy The Junkie knew the Canada Post mailboxes. Jimmy The
Junkie had the notebook. He had the contact information. The question
was why did he start this after over a year. Why didn't he make the
call to Winlaw last year? "The Hit" started to wonder if the phone
call to Winlaw was the first attack? He thought back to the Met Bar &
Grill on Columbia Street in New Westminster in May of 1997. "The Hit"
was playing pool.

Canada Post
Auto Glass Software
The Child's Revenge
2170 Old Dollarton Road
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
V7H 1A7
604 929 0681
> Burnaby.Gun.Cr...@Gmail.com
Message has been deleted

Alder Inn Hotel

May 20, 2008, 9:54:09โ€ฏAM5/20/08
to Alder Inn Hotel
Granville Crime Family

"The Hit" signed a few documents regarding Garth's contribution
through the suite towards the Onlineglass-com Project. The suite
would be credited as an investment in Onlineglass-com project. Garth
and "The Hit" also talked about using a Incorporated Company to own
the software project. Garth had a company which was created in the
early 1990's during the Envirotech Canada Computer Services era. John
Lok incorporated a company called Winsoft Operator Systems
Corporation. The name was duly registered, and the company remained
on the shelf. Garth suggested Winsoft as the ownership vehicle for
the software. John Lok who was also involved in Envirotech at 5400
Airport Road South in Richmond coined the name. "Winsoft" is a twist
on "Windows" and "Microsoft". Garth and "The Hit" agreed to consider
this corporate vehicle for the software project.

Granville Crime Family
The Child's Revenge
2170 Old Dollarton Road
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
V7H 1A7
604 929 0681

On Apr 16, 11:31 pm, wrote:
> would continue to look for work after ...
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