ANNOUNCE: Akka 2.1.0-RC1 - (Codename: Mingus)

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√iktor Ҡlang

Oct 19, 2012, 6:42:06 PM10/19/12

Dear hAkkers,

We—the Akka committers—are pleased to be able to announce the availability of Akka 2.1.0-RC1 (RELEASE CANDIDATE 1).

This is what we want Akka 2.1 to be, so take it for a spin and give feedback before 2.1.0 goes final!


The artifacts comprising this release candidate have been published to and also to Maven Central. In addition, we adopted the SBT standard of encoding the Scala version in the artifact name, i.e. the core actor package’s artifactId is “akka-actor_2.1.0-RC1”.

Summary of Changes since Akka 2.0.3

Akka 2.1.0-RC1 has been created by a total of 37 distinct contributors who have fixed 407 tickets, and the difference between it and 2.0.3:

1171 files changed, 85864 insertions(+), 63975 deletions(-)

We are also proud to say that there is 110(!) pages more in the Akka Reference Documentation (425 pages now versus 315 for 2.0.3).

Most notable new features:

– Built on Scala 2.10

- Akka Camel

- Akka OSGi (all modules)

- Akka Encrypted Remoting (SSL/TLS)

- Integration with scala.concurrent (SIP-14)

- Akka DeathWatch 2

- Akka ActorDSL


- Akka Cluster Membership (EXPERIMENTAL)

+ tons of performance improvements, API improvements, defects rectified and even more ScalaDocs.

Take her for a spin!


Maven repository:

Binary distribution:


Issue tracker:

Mailing list:

Akka is released under the Apache V2 license.

Closed Tickets:

874   Add hooks to remote actor security handshake to plug in custom security policies

922   Use the scala-library.jar version of ForkJoin instead of ThreadPoolExecutor for Dispatcher

935   More comprehensive tests for durable mailboxes

944   Create ConsistentHashing router

950   REMOTE + TYPEDACTOR: Implement support for automagically making TypedActor proxies remote/local when sent in messages

953   Improved supervision docs by adding a full example 

1300  Add gossip-based heartbeat to remoting

1323  CAMEL: remove remaining !! from docs

1391  Add tests for gossip-based cluster membership

1508  reduce closure-wrapping in Scheduler

1559  ActorSystem: remove casts to Impl

1588  DeathWatch: hook up with failure detector

1611  Camel extension

1613  Introduce ConsumerConfig 

1614  Replace postStop with DeathWatch

1615  Investigate replacing preStart with some async event from ActorSystem

1624  CAMEL: Replace akka.camel.Migration.EventHandler with eventStream logging

1630  CAMEL: Migrate producer to Akka 2.0

1631  CAMEL: Cover producer code with unit and integration tests

1632  CAMEL: Decide on producer registration and life-cycle in general

1633  CAMEL: Fix scaladocs to reflect changes after migration

1640  CAMEL: Add examples of all API calls from Java to test directory in order to make sure they are usable from Java

1642  CAMEL: Go through camel api and mark as private concepts, which are not public API

1645  Decide on what to do when camel sends to non-existing actor

1647  CAMEL: Test Java API for Camel Producer, migrate UntypedProducerFeatureTest 

1655  CAMEL: Migrate remaining tests for Consumer and improve test coverage

1665  CAMEL: Camel - clean up actorSystem and system members

1666  CAMEL: DeActivationTimeoutException - add debug info

1667  CAMEL: DefaultCamel - make sure that start/stop try to start/stop all services

1668  CAMEL: CamelExtension - remove overrides

1669  CAMEL: ConsumerRegistry - fix findActor

1670  CAMEL: Integrate akka-camel module to the sbt build

1673  CAMEL: Add Copyright to every file

1674  CAMEL: Message - do something about dependency on CamelContext

1675  CAMEL: Message class - clean it up big time - redesign if needed

1676  CAMEL: CamelExchangeAdapter - clean up and redesign if needed

1678  CAMEL: ActivationMessage - cleanup

1680  CAMEL: outTimeout - rename to replyTimeout

1681  CAMEL: TestableProducer - cleanup

1682  CAMEL: SupervisedConsumersExample - start children in boring way (just kidding :))

1683  CAMEL: Java examples - replace getContext().sender() with getSender()

1684  CAMEL: ActivationTest -  review timeouts so they are not too long 

1688  CAMEL: Write tests for DefaultCamel covering all methods

1691  CAMEL: Add a unit test for ActivationStateMachine

1731  CAMEL: Add sugar header methods  to Message

1732  CAMEL: Add AkkaCamelException and replace Failure with

1734  Circuit Breaker in durable mailboxes

1738  CAMEL: Remove blocking from Consumer

1739  CAMEL: DurationConverter - use Duration.parse method

1740  CAMEL: Unify async and sync process methods to remove code duplication

1755  replace Java serialization of DaemonMsg by protobuf

1786  Define SerialVersionUID for Props and related

1802  MultiJVM test harnesses need to be published

1812  Regression ; missing osgi headers in META-INF/

1871  Extract code samples in FSM doc into real compiled code

1877  Make ConsumerConfig available through application configuration

1880  revise exception handling in ActorCell.systemInvoke

1886  failsafe for dual-failed ExecutionContext submission failure

1892  Google analytics in docs

1896  Handle restart correctly when same instance is returned on recreate.

1899  FSM: mix in ActorLogging instead of making that impossible

1901  EventBus: ActorClassification.dissociate is O(n^2)

1908  Implement support for re-JOINING a node that have been DOWN

1911  Cluster MembershipChangeListener needs to have Java friendly API

1914  Node#shutdown() is cheating

1916  DOC: document Cluster's user API

1917  Implement CLI for cluster Node

1922  NullPointerException at Mailbox.scala:204

1924  CAMEL: rewrite register, unregister, activation generically in a supervision hierarchy

1925  CAMEL: add test for concurrent registrations of Producers and Consumers

1926  CAMEL:write more tests for synchronous process(exchange) method in ActorProducer

1927  CAMEL: Write a test that shows onRouteDefinition is called on ConsumerConfig

1928  CAMEL: move examples to sub project like other akka examples.

1929  Scala 2.10 - Enable  -Xlog-reflective-calls in AkkaBuild

1930  DOC: use same (new) favicon as new

1950  Akka 2.0 tutorial does not use giter8

1952  DOC: describe TestKit usage from Java

1953  Start using MiMa SBT plugin in release branches

1962  Remoting: update logger name with correct address

1966  FSM: add facility for appending transform to state handler

1969  PipeSupport doesn't allow to specify sender

1970  Clean up/rename camel producer receiveXXXProduce methods to make them more readable for end users

1972  API: properly document each and every single class wrt. whether it is public API

1973  Future: add Promise.timeout(t, value)

1977  Add @implicitNotFound to LogSource

1978  Add SSL/TLS encryption support to Netty remote transport

1983  network-event-sender, what's it gud for?

1986  add Java API for TestEvent.{Mute,UnMute}

1988  Make remoting pipeline more extensible

1996  Create JMX API for the Cluster extension

1997  Create a command line client for the Cluster extension

1998  Runaway bold in ActorSystem documentation

1999  Logging: add config option for logging UnhandledMessage

2003  """Wildcard"" for Akka configuration file"

2005  Put RemoteTransport required params in ctor

2006  Prepare codebase for longterm binary compatibility

2010  Test: clean up test output (filter out expected log messages)

2014  Document Cluster API and 'akka-cluster' admin tool

2015  Add JMX API to the Cluster Node. 

2016  Create cluster node admin tool for managing cluster nodes and cluster node ring

2021  Abstract over time for AccrualFailureDetector

2022  0MQ test barfing intermittently

2023  FUTURES: Switch to s.m.Unsafe instead of j.u.c.a.ARFU

2024  Optionally use a dispatcher for remoting instead of dedicated threads.

2025  ClusterMBeanSpec fails (longRunning)

2027  akka.camel.internal.ActivationTrackerTest is timing sensitive but not marked as such

2029  TypedActorSpec needs @throws(classOf[TimeoutException]

2030  SIP-14 / Scala 2.10 - Make the dataflow API a pimped behavior on top of scala.concurrent.Future

2031  Make ActorSystem.actorOf non-blocking

2032  Create Java API for EventFilter.intercept

2033  Akka on Maven Central

2036  DOC: Add a General document outlining the recommended way of dealing with (blocking) persistence

2041  Ensure that Akka runs on Java 7

2046  Remove PromiseStream

2048  IOManager: SocketOptions for the Listen, Accept, and Connect messages

2049  DOC: Add documentation for Test Conductor Extension

2051  Config: remove embedded sources and depend on com.typesafe:config artifact

2055  Update to latest Scalariform sbt plugin

2059  Decommission akka-migration

2061  Create a akka-test-fixtures for durable mailboxes

2062  Performance: Remove use of Atomic*Updater

2064  Duration: add range checks so that no overflow can occur

2065  AccrualFailureDetector doesn't use maxSampleSize correctly

2066  Improve phi in AccrualFailureDetector

2068  TestKit: document TestKit vs. org.specs2.Specification

2071  DOC: Describe semantics for watch/unwatch (DeathWatch 2) and PoisonPill

2072  DOC: TestKit sample is wrong

2074  ActorSystem.dispatcher should be implicit for easier importability

2076  Streamline usage of parens on arity-0 methods with the Style Guide (once more)

2077  Challenge/Verify the current Cluster merge strategy

2079  Embed the source of jmxclient into akka-kernel

2082  Add Google Custom Search to the docs

2085  Switch to Scala 2.10 ExecutionContext

2087  Use sbt 0.11.3

2088  move the stuff in org.jboss.netty.akka.util to akka.util (package protected)

2089  Add verification that an actor is not configured with both a BalancingDispatcher and any kind of Router

2091  Add intro description to the microkernel docs what it is good for

2092  Move all doc examples out of the akka-package to avoid use of private APIs

2093  TestKit: TestActorRef.receive() should take a sender, defaulting to deadLetters

2095  DOC: Google analytics on stable docs as well

2097  enable ls-sbt for sbt 0.12

2098  DOC: Document remote security options

2100  DOC: Add reference to Akka Protostuff serializer

2101  DOC: Add docs about Stash

2102  Bug in HWT

2103  Create clustered routers/routees

2117  singletonCluster convergence

2119  publish: verify correct java version

2120  Make Jenkins build and test with both JDK 6 and JDK 7

2123  ActorPath: allow escape sequences

2133  Use better sort order of members

2134  DeathWatch 2.0

2135  improve logging of NoStackTrace exceptions

2136  disallow running “head” Router actor on BalancingDispatcher

2143  Initialization race in MultiNodeSpec

2147  Addressing diagram is out of date (mentions ActorCell)

2148  Use PotentiallyHarmful in RemoteTransport for incoming messages

2152  Discuss if we need to reintroduce seed nodes

2153  Cluster usage of SecureRandom is slow

2155  LeaderDowningNodeThatIsUnreachableSpec failed once

2156  sbt plugin: project dependencies should be included automatically

2157  Test leader member states

2158  Test exiting members

2160  Test unreachable node that joins again

2161  Test leave the cluster gracefully

2162  Test that membership listener is notified for all state transitions

2163  Test gossip exchange process - unit test

2164  Test gossip convergence

2166  Add links to Kryo serialization library for Akka

2168  Expose additional Netty bootstrap config

2171  Test joining cluster with the 'node-to-join' config element

2172  TestProbe: add reply()

2174  TestKit: also offer a trait version

2175  Problem with FaultInjector when blackholing communication

2177  Redesign of life-cycle management of EXITING -> REMOVED

2180  NodeLeavingAndExitingAndBeingRemoved failed

2182  NodeShutdownSpec failed

2183  handle waves of actors failed

2184  Test a node that is UP and joins again

2186  add test for failures in supervisorStrategy

2187  Change Akka docs style to make warning blocks yellow instead of green

2189  Remove RemoteClientWriteFailed and just pipe the message to DeadLetters

2192  DOC: document no need for Props creator if constructing a router from existing refs only

2193  Send gossip to node with older state

2196  Update Logback runtime dep in akka-slf4j to 1.0.0

2197  Scala 2.10: Enable -target:jvm-1.6 to get GenASM enabled

2198  Change logback test dependency of akka-slf4j

2202  Design cluster listeners

2203  Publish to DeadLetters instead of throwing Exceptions on send failed

2204  ConvergenceSpec failed

2205  SupervisorStrategy: clarify the line between user API and internals

2206  JoinTwoClustersSpec failed

2207  SunnyWeatherSpec failed

2208  Upgrade to Netty 3.5.0.Final

2209  Create a FailureDetector trait and allow passing in different implementations

2210  "Create a ControllableFailureDetector ""mock"" that we can control deterministically"

2212  Resuming supervisor blocks further communication with children

2217  ActorRef subscription fails for nested class (Java)

2218  Make TestConductor barriers play nice with Testkit within and awaitCond

2220  "Make ""Report a bug""-link on link to the issue-tracking instructions"

2221  ActorSystem.stop shouldn't throw exceptions

2224  Replace all uses of immutable.Stack with immutable.List

2225  Scala 2.10 - Reimplement LogLevel to be a value class instead of a tagged type of int

2227  ZeroMQ typos in ScalaDoc

2228  Handle Props.apply[Nothing] as Props.default

2232  Try to bring up Java API in TestKit to par with Scala API

2236  Scala 2.10 - enable -feature in the compiler

2237  BoundedMailbox: send to deadLetters instead of throwing an exception upon push timeout

2247  Fix the SSL tests so they can run on machine that do not support it

2251  DOC: Describe phi configuration

2258  CAMEL: ActivationTrackerTest failed

2260  DeathWatch 2 and reusing child names

2261  DOC: Make akka github repository links point to stable versions (i.e. tags)

2262  SSL tests takes long time to run on linux

2268  Router race

2269  PDF link in Akka documentation in broken

2272  DOC: document how to boot up an Akka/play-mini application

2276  Switch to scala.concurrent.forkjoin instead of akka.jsr166y

2284  Improve efficiency of the FD heartbeat

2285  emit warning if router configured but not enabled in code

2288  Check why some SSL tests are skipped on

2292  Scala 2.10 - switch to scala.concurrent.Duration and remove akka.util.Duration

2293  possible bug in creating top-level RandomRouters

2294  Scala 2.10 - Switch to scala.concurrent.Await and remove akka.dispatch.Await

2295  Scala 2.10 - Switch to scala.concurrent.Future/Promise and remove akka.dispatch.Future/Promise

2298 can run through the tests.

2301  Memory leaks in tests

2302  Failure in ActorSystemSpec (deny actor creation during shutdown)

2312  Delete akka.util.cps (legacy, underdocumented, underused)

2314  DOC: Rewrite Future docs to scala.concurrent.Future

2315  0MQ should use millis timeouts for 0mq 3.+

2316  multi-jvm tests not compiled by test:compile

2318  Bug in CircuitBreakerMTSpec

2319  enqueue into DeadLetters instead of throwing from tell()

2322  Upgrade to Camel 2.10

2326  CAMEL: revisit URI pattern to harmonize on actor identifiers instead.

2332  Remove akka.util.NonFatal and replace it with scala.util.control.NonFatal

2333  akka.dispatch.ExecutionContexts - a Java API to create and obtain ExecutionContexts

2335  Improve failure mode for AskSupport to always return broken Futures instead of throwing exceptions, and clarify error messages.

2336  fix TODOs in SupervisorHierarchySpec

2337  testkit: add extractor for Router’s Route

2338  Enable akka-sbt-plugin in AkkaBuild

2339  Clean up test output. All of it.

2341  Enable -deprecation in AkkaBuild

2343  Simplify testing of presence of child

2344  Give Agent some love

2345  "2.10 enable ""-Ywarn-adapted-args"" to AkkaBuild"

2347  Update ScalaSTM to 0.6

2348  SI-4804 has been closed, add @SerialVersionUID

2349  Update multi-jvm-testing.rst

2350  Enabling Batching of Futures

2351  Change 2.1-SNAPSHOT Developer Guidelines style links to point directly to the right* links

2352  Make Actor IO configurable

2353  Update to SBT 0.12

2354  Scheduled tasks always misses the first slot

2355  Akka IO : Empty lines received on deconnection

2357  Remove PurePartialFunction and CachingPartialFunction

2358  Add exclusions of unwanted transitive slf4j deps

2360  Update to latest version of Typesafe Config

2361  Scheduler.scheduleX should take an ExecutionContext

2362  ActorDSL: add small Receiver for conveniently getting multiple replies in a non-actor context

2363  SupervisorHierarchySpec failed on Jenkins

2364  ActorDSL: add actor() and Act

2366  Better document top-level names in actor paths (e.g. /user, /system)

2367  OSGi manifest references 2.9.2

2368  SuperVisorHierarchySpec failure on scalable1

2370  akka-osgi and akka-osgi-aries is unusable

2372  RemoteActorRefProvider cannot be private[akka] if it's in the signature of RemoteTransport

2373  Write up a description about how the contribution process works

2375  Disable JMX monitoring for Akka Camel by default, add config setting to enable

2376  make guardian supervisorStrategy configurable

2378  DOC: Create new docs for akka-dataflow

2380  DOC: Link to online CLA signing

2381  DOC: be more clear that Props is immutable

2383  Camel tests prints out ERRORs long after they should have finished

2384  CAMEL: Make await activation/deactivation take an implicit EC to avoid using system default dispatcher

2385  revise handling of InterruptedException

2386  DOC: Feedback on confusing/surprising things in the doc

2387  CAMEL: allow the registry to be set on the camel context

2388  Unreasonable delays and failures of the transactor spec

2389  DOC: Be clear about the fact that two actor systems can't listen on the same port

2391  SupervisorHierarchySpec failure (actor name 4 is not unique!)

2396  remove Props.apply(ActorContext => Receive)

2397  Akka 2.1-M1 fails SILENTLY on object unmarshalling when type is not available in classpath

2398  Clean up sbt-multi-jvm repo and publish artifacts

2399  Remove incorrect multi-jvm doc before the release to avoid confusion.

2400  Failure in CallingThreadDispatcherModelSpec on scalable1

2402  Cleanup repositories declared in AkkaBuild.scala

2403  ActorsystemSpec failure on jenkins

2406  DOC: Migration guide for 2.0.x to 2.1.x

2407  DOC: Describe how to use SSL for remoting

2409  DOC: Link to patterns

2410  DOC: Describe pattern.after

2411  DOC: Describe ActorDSL

2412  Upgrade Netty from 3.5.3 to 3.5.4

2413  DOC: go over all code samples in the docs and ensure that they are short enough to not break the PDF

2415  Remove references to deleted akka-tutorials in the build

2418  failure on Jenkins: SupervisorHierarchySpec timeout in Failed

2420  Supervise from unregistered child in SupervisorHierarchySpec

2421  Sample: Update akka-first-tutorial-java.g8 to 2.1

2422  Sample: Update akka-first-tutorial-scala.g8 to 2.1

2426  Build docs with sbt-site-plugin

2427  remove reference to AkkaSpec from FSM docs

2429  set up nightly builds of akka-actor against Scala nightlies for ScalaIDE

2430  DOCS: clarify router.rst that actorOf returns ActorRef, not RoutedActorRef

2431  DOCS: changed artifactId

2432  Weird formatting in docs prevents copying code samples

2433  RemoteRouterConfig and Resizer doesn't work together

2436  DOC: typo in code in Java API docs for UntypedActor

2437  DOC: Describe how to write cluster test

2438  Request send/publish of CurrentClusterState

2439  ActorSystemSpec failed

2441  DOCS: clean up howto-ish sections

2442  Router ArithmeticException: / by zero

2443  Allow MultiJVM multi-node tests to change the java version used on the slave node

2446  Install JDK 1.7 on scalable2 slaves for running tests

2450  StackOverflow on expectMsgAllConformingOf

2451  BUG: Stash should reenqueue messages on stop so they end up in dead letters

2452  rootGuardian child-lookups for deadLetters should return deadLetters

2454  CallingThreadDispatcherModelSpec fails with an InterruptedException

2455  Mark cluster as experimental

2458  Add FutureTimeoutPattern to FAQ/Future docs

2462  DOC: moev code samples from duration.rst out to compiled code

2463  Make it possible to configure different serializer for 0MQ and fix exhaustiveness check for the SocketOptions

2469  Switch to Try instead of Either[Throwable, T] in the codebase

2470  DOC: Add to FAQ how to run an Akka/Play-mini app inside microkernel application and bare-bones

2471  DOCS: check that we don't say anymore that akka-actor has no deps

2472  Akka-sbt-plugin is published to maven instead of ivy, fix!

2474  CircuitBreakerMTSpec failed on scalable1

2475  Akka Actor build against scala nightly has failed since Duration has changed

2478  Update to Typesafe Config 0.5.2

2482  Java API for createRoutees is missing

2483  Snapshot repository is broken

2484  RoutingSpec is iffy

2488  Remove NonFatalSpec

2489  Remove routing.ConnectionManager

2492  Don't publish samples

2494  Publish sbt-multi-jvm to

2496  load extensions without specifying trailing $

2497  Published akka-remote artifact contains things from akka-actor

2499  Byte array serializer

2502  Java version of Cluster usage documentation

2503  change APIs to FiniteDuration where applicable

2504  remove casts to FiniteDuration

2506  Documentation of dead letter mailbox (2.2.7) misleading

2507  Parental supervision is implicit, not explicit

2508  "Improve the documentation for ""What restarting means""

2510  actorOf creates actors underneath the guardian, not the other way round

2511  Actors don't have direct access to parent and children

2512  Typo in 2.4

2513  pattern: document two ways to schedule Tick to self

2514  make creation of TestKitBase.testActor strict

2518  Publish cluster LeaderChangedEvent only when convergence

2519  "Improve the documentation for ""What Lifecycle Monitoring Means""

2520  Improve wording of 2.6.2 note box

2521  In master, akka-cluster-experimental/multi-jvm:compile has 2 errors related to FiniteDuration change from Duration

2522  sbt plugin nightlies should be directed to same target as the other nightlies

2525  EventStream only matches on one trait of event object

2527  DOCS: remove warnings that Actor.receive() is called before the actor’s construction

2528  Change TestConductor and MultiJvmPlugin Properties to not list all hosts in the test

2530  deprecate single-arg tell()

2531  Cluster config setting to disable jmx

2535  Multi node tests seems to not shut down within the 5 second grace period

2536  fix publishing of akka-mailboxes-common-test and/or fix related docs

2537  DOC: Java Creating Actors Remotely is wrong

2539  Redirect to

2546  MetricsCollectorSpec failed: collect accurate metrics for a node

2548  FSMTimingSpec failed: expected Cancel, found Transition

2550  clean up remote-deployed children when target node goes down

2551  terminate actors whose parent is remote when that parent’s node goes down

2552  terminate all remote-deployed actors on the target node when that goes down

2553  create akka-contrib area

2554  ActorWithBoundedStashSpec failed

2561  EventStream unsubscribe removes too much 

2566  ResizerSpec failed

2567  Cluster.unsubscribe with class parameter

2568  Camel: Add support for configurable body conversions

2569  Wrong logic in Switch.whileOff

2571  Search in docs should be scoped to current version

2572  Random println statements in Logger.scala

2573  untrustedMode should not allow remote deployments

2575  RemoteDeathWatchSpec failure on

2576  Correct usage of alumni to alumnus on Team docs page

2577  Minor cleanup of 'What is Akka' in docs

2578   Minor cleanup of 'Why Akka' in docs

2579  Scheduler drifts away

2580  Make multiNodeTargetDirName configurable by system property

2581  RemoteActorRef implements isTerminated with a volatile var, but the value is never updated

2585  Thread name of pinned dispatcher should contain dispatcher id

2586  Failed to stop [NewRemoteActorSpec] within [5 seconds]

2587  Publish cluster metrics through the publisher actor

2596  Camel ActorProducerTest failed

2600  Test tags should be opt-out and not opt-in

2601  Update to Scalariform 1.0.0

2603  actorFor of url encoded name is broken

2604  mention programmatic remote config in the docs

2606  Remove cluster.FixedRateTask

2609  Typo in method name for ClusterRouteeProvider

2610  config 0.6.x

2611  config 1.0

2612  DOC: Clarify setReceiveTimeout

2613  DOC: Add new 'Typesafe Project & Developer Guidelines' to the docs

2615  Logback dependency must be scoped to compile, not runtime

2616  clarify need for carefully managed blocking

2617  Add guide about stateName and stateData methods to FSM's whenUnhandled

2619  DOC: Make the first paragraph 'First read: The Akka Contributor Guidelines' a NOTE in ReST. 

Credits (`git shortlog v2.0.3..v2.1.0-RC1` if you want the full details) by name and the number of commits:

Amir Moulavi (21):

Björn Antonsson (143):

Björn Harrtell (3):

Brian Scully (1):

Dale (1):

Derek Mahar (4):

Evgeny Chukreev (1):

Gerolf Seitz (2):

Gert Vanthienen (24):

Havoc Pennington (10):

Heather Miller (1):

Heiko Seeberger (5):

Helena Edelson (8):

Henrik Engstrom (1):

Jean-François Im (1):

Jonas Bonér (185):

Jonas Bonér (7):

Josh Gao (1):

Josh Suereth (2):

Joshua Gao (1):

Mathias (6):

Mike Krumlauf (1):

Mirko Friedenhagen (1):

Oliver Schulz (65):

Patrik Nordwall (482):

Peter Badenhorst (13):

Peter Vlugter (22):

Piotr Gabryanczyk (23):

Raman Gupta (1):

RayRoestenburg (23):

Raymond Roestenburg (2):

Roland (278):

Roland Kuhn (22):

Scott R. Parish (8):

Szabolcs Berecz (1):

Tymon Tobolski (1):

Vibul Imtarnasan (6):

Viktor Klang (641):

Viktor Klang (√) (104):

Yaroslav Klymko (1):

patriknw (41):

phaller (11):

viktorklang (85):

Happy hAkking!

The Akka Committers through,

Viktor Klang

Akka Tech Lead

Typesafe - The software stack for applications that scale

Twitter: @viktorklang

Patrik Nordwall

Oct 20, 2012, 4:31:27 AM10/20/12


Oct 20, 2012, 2:25:12 PM10/20/12
akka-agent-RC1 on maven-central has incorrect dependencies.  When SBT downloads akka-agent RC1 SBT tries to pull it's dependency:  org.scala-tools#scala-stm_2.10.0-RC1;0.6.  This doesn't exist.  It looks like akka-agent-RC1 was posted to maven central on 16-Oct-2012, and the scala-stm dependency's groupId was fixed on github the following day, in master branch but not in the "releasing-2.1.0-RC1" branch, so the RC1 version of akka-agent on maven central cannot find it's dependency which makes it pretty unuseable.  It'd be great if you guys would replace the version on maven central with one that can find it's scala-stm dependency.


√iktor Ҡlang

Oct 20, 2012, 2:46:28 PM10/20/12

Just add OSS sonatype releases repo and it'll find it.
It has been fixed for the next release.


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Markus Jais

Oct 22, 2012, 2:49:59 AM10/22/12
Awesome!  Thanks to everyone involved for creating such an amazing toolkit. 
The documentation is  one of the best I've ever seen for an open source project and together with the 3 upcoming
books it shouldn't be a problem for anyone to gain a deep knowledge of Akka.


Von: √iktor Ҡlang <>
Gesendet: 0:42 Samstag, 20.Oktober 2012
Betreff: [akka-user] ANNOUNCE: Akka 2.1.0-RC1 - (Codename: Mingus)

Jonas Bonér (185):

Antony Stubbs

Oct 22, 2012, 6:16:27 PM10/22/12
to, Markus Jais
Did something weird happen with Duration with Scala from M2 to RC1? Like a move from scala.concurrent.util.Duration to scala.concurrent.util.duration.Duration? I'm getting some compilation errors around Duration.

As well as scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.parse(string) doesn't exist but scala.concurrent.util.Duration.parse(string) did.

√iktor Ҡlang

Oct 22, 2012, 6:22:18 PM10/22/12
to, Markus Jais
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 12:16 AM, Antony Stubbs <> wrote:
Did something weird happen with Duration with Scala from M2 to RC1? Like a move from scala.concurrent.util.Duration to scala.concurrent.util.duration.Duration? I'm getting some compilation errors around Duration.

As well as scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.parse(string) doesn't exist but scala.concurrent.util.Duration.parse(string) did.

Antony Stubbs

Oct 22, 2012, 6:38:14 PM10/22/12
to, Markus Jais
Thanks for verifying. 

What happened to Duration.parse? Do we need to use Duration.create instead? Seems they've replaced it. I can't find any scala release notes about the topic..

Also other compile errors:

akka.pattern.Patterns.gracefulStop(queueActor, Duration.create("60s"), actorSystem); :
gracefulStop(,scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration, in akka.pattern.Patterns cannot be applied to (,scala.concurrent.duration.Duration,

cannot find symbol method CamelMessage#getHeader(java.lang.String)

replyTimeout() in x.WebServicesConsumerActor cannot implement replyTimeout() in akka.camel.Consumer; attempting to use incompatible return type
found   : scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
required: scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

I'll post again if I figure it out...

√iktor Ҡlang

Oct 22, 2012, 6:54:59 PM10/22/12
to, Markus Jais
Hi Anthony,

Hope that helps!


Antony Stubbs

Oct 22, 2012, 7:21:40 PM10/22/12
to, Markus Jais
Thanks for the nudge victor. I had read the M1 and M2 versions, but had read the RC1 version (didn't realise).

Copied out of the document though,  final FiniteDuration d = Duration.create("1 second"); gives me this error:
incompatible types
found   : scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
required: scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

With a cast, it works at runtime.

It doesn't mention the camel removal of getHeader though.
I changed to using the form:
cm.getHeaderAs(Exchange.HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST, Request.class, camelContext);

√iktor Ҡlang

Oct 22, 2012, 7:32:24 PM10/22/12
to, Markus Jais
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 1:21 AM, Antony Stubbs <> wrote:
Thanks for the nudge victor. I had read the M1 and M2 versions, but had read the RC1 version (didn't realise).

Copied out of the document though,  final FiniteDuration d = Duration.create("1 second"); gives me this error:
incompatible types
found   : scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
required: scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

To get a FiniteDuration: Duration.create(1, TimeUnit.SECOND) //or import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.*;

Using the create(String) could yield an infinite/undefined duration 

With a cast, it works at runtime.

Casting is for wizards, not programmers :-)

It doesn't mention the camel removal of getHeader though.
I changed to using the form:
cm.getHeaderAs(Exchange.HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST, Request.class, camelContext);

Looks good. I'll see if I can't add that to the migration docs.

Antony Stubbs

Oct 22, 2012, 7:40:32 PM10/22/12
to, Markus Jais
Roger that, and agreed ;)

Antony Stubbs

Oct 22, 2012, 8:21:11 PM10/22/12
to, Markus Jais
Doesn't that also mean you need to change 
FiniteDuration d = Duration.create("1 second"); 
FiniteDuration d = Duration.create(1, SECOND);

√iktor Ҡlang

Oct 22, 2012, 8:37:46 PM10/22/12
to, Markus Jais

I believe I specifically said that in my previous email.


Antony Stubbs

Oct 22, 2012, 8:39:21 PM10/22/12
to, Markus Jais
Sorry, I thought you were specifically talking about the camel get header as change. 

Sweet as. 

Evan Chan

Oct 25, 2012, 2:16:53 PM10/25/12
Dear committers,

Thanks for an awesome release.   The documentation and examples are second to none for an open source project.
  • I was able to get all the Akka cluster examples working!   I instrumented the StatsSample example and it was really neat watching the work get distributed more evenly as I added nodes and removed them.
  • ConsistentHashingRouter does not seem to consistently send work to the same remote actors, in the example anyways.  My guess is that each JVM must be getting the membership list in slightly different order, or something like that.  Might be good for them to communicate to ensure the hashing is the same.
  • In the StatsSample, the client should probably not be part of the cluster, but instead connect to one of the nodes, which is how things will probably work in reality.   I may do this to debug the ConsistentHash problem above.
  • I had some trouble initially with SBT not able to compile Scala 2.10.   Somehow magically figured it out.
Good work again,

Patrik Nordwall

Oct 25, 2012, 2:56:06 PM10/25/12
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 8:16 PM, Evan Chan <> wrote:
Dear committers,

Thanks for an awesome release.   The documentation and examples are second to none for an open source project.
  • I was able to get all the Akka cluster examples working!   I instrumented the StatsSample example and it was really neat watching the work get distributed more evenly as I added nodes and removed them.
Feels great to hear that! 
  • ConsistentHashingRouter does not seem to consistently send work to the same remote actors, in the example anyways.  My guess is that each JVM must be getting the membership list in slightly different order, or something like that.  Might be good for them to communicate to ensure the hashing is the same.
That sounds wrong. I will investigate it tomorrow, but I immediately got an idea of what can be wrong. The hash ring consists of the actor refs of the the routees and on different nodes they actually have different representations because the local actor ref doesn't contain the address (hostname:port)
  • In the StatsSample, the client should probably not be part of the cluster, but instead connect to one of the nodes, which is how things will probably work in reality.   I may do this to debug the ConsistentHash problem above.
The idea was to avoid addresses in the client also, and make sure it continuous to work also when nodes are shut down.
  • I had some trouble initially with SBT not able to compile Scala 2.10.   Somehow magically figured it out.
Good work again,

Thanks a lot for your feedback!


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Patrik Nordwall

Typesafe The software stack for applications that scale

Twitter: @patriknw

Evan Chan

Oct 25, 2012, 5:03:47 PM10/25/12

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Patrik Nordwall <> wrote:

  • ConsistentHashingRouter does not seem to consistently send work to the same remote actors, in the example anyways.  My guess is that each JVM must be getting the membership list in slightly different order, or something like that.  Might be good for them to communicate to ensure the hashing is the same.
That sounds wrong. I will investigate it tomorrow, but I immediately got an idea of what can be wrong. The hash ring consists of the actor refs of the the routees and on different nodes they actually have different representations because the local actor ref doesn't contain the address (hostname:port)

Thanks.  Any chance the fix will make it into the final 2.1 release?  That would be awesome.

By the way, I can't connect to a cluster using a remote ActorRef.  It complains that I need a ClusterActorRefProvider.

So I changed the config to use the ClusterActorRefProvider, and now the message sends just seem to go nowhere.

[INFO] [10/25/2012 13:58:53.959] [] [akka://ClusterSystem/user/client] service = Actor[akka://ClusterSystem@localhost:2551/user/statsService]

The relevant pieces of code is here:

object StatsSampleClient {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val system = ActorSystem("ClusterSystem", ConfigFactory.parseString("""
      akka {
        actor {
          provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"
        remote {
          transport = "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport"
          netty {
            hostname = ""
            port = 0
    system.actorOf(Props(new StatsSampleClient(args(0), "/user/statsService")), "client")

... in the client:

  def receive = {
    case "tick" ⇒
      val parts = remoteAddr.split(":")
      val address = Address("akka", "ClusterSystem", parts(0), parts(1).toInt)
      val service = context.actorFor(RootActorPath(address) / servicePathElements)"service = {}", service)
      service ! StatsJob("this is the text that will be analyzed")

Evan Chan
Senior Software Engineer | | (650) 996-4600 | blog | @ooyala

Patrik Nordwall

Oct 26, 2012, 6:14:01 AM10/26/12
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Evan Chan <> wrote:

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Patrik Nordwall <> wrote:

  • ConsistentHashingRouter does not seem to consistently send work to the same remote actors, in the example anyways.  My guess is that each JVM must be getting the membership list in slightly different order, or something like that.  Might be good for them to communicate to ensure the hashing is the same.
That sounds wrong. I will investigate it tomorrow, but I immediately got an idea of what can be wrong. The hash ring consists of the actor refs of the the routees and on different nodes they actually have different representations because the local actor ref doesn't contain the address (hostname:port)

Thanks.  Any chance the fix will make it into the final 2.1 release?  That would be awesome.

I have found and fixed the problem. It was as I first thought. Here is the ticket:
Thanks a lot for finding this bug.

By the way, I can't connect to a cluster using a remote ActorRef.  It complains that I need a ClusterActorRefProvider.

That is because application.conf is still used as default and there you have 
extensions = ["akka.cluster.Cluster"]
which means that the cluster extension will be started, etc...
You need to add extensions = [] to your StatsSampleClient config, or use another application.conf

So I changed the config to use the ClusterActorRefProvider, and now the message sends just seem to go nowhere.

This works for me:
val service = context.actorFor("akka://Cluste...@")

√iktor Ҡlang

Oct 26, 2012, 8:03:13 AM10/26/12
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Patrik Nordwall <> wrote:

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Evan Chan <> wrote:

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Patrik Nordwall <> wrote:

  • ConsistentHashingRouter does not seem to consistently send work to the same remote actors, in the example anyways.  My guess is that each JVM must be getting the membership list in slightly different order, or something like that.  Might be good for them to communicate to ensure the hashing is the same.
That sounds wrong. I will investigate it tomorrow, but I immediately got an idea of what can be wrong. The hash ring consists of the actor refs of the the routees and on different nodes they actually have different representations because the local actor ref doesn't contain the address (hostname:port)

Thanks.  Any chance the fix will make it into the final 2.1 release?  That would be awesome.

I have found and fixed the problem. It was as I first thought. Here is the ticket:
Thanks a lot for finding this bug.

Excellent work Patrik!

Evan Chan

Oct 26, 2012, 2:39:32 PM10/26/12

On Friday, October 26, 2012 3:14:05 AM UTC-7, Patrik Nordwall wrote:

I have found and fixed the problem. It was as I first thought. Here is the ticket:
Thanks a lot for finding this bug.
Thanks for the quick response!    
Will this make it into the final release?


By the way, I can't connect to a cluster using a remote ActorRef.  It complains that I need a ClusterActorRefProvider.

That is because application.conf is still used as default and there you have 
extensions = ["akka.cluster.Cluster"]
which means that the cluster extension will be started, etc...
You need to add extensions = [] to your StatsSampleClient config, or use another application.conf

Ah, thanks.

So I changed the config to use the ClusterActorRefProvider, and now the message sends just seem to go nowhere.

This works for me:
val service = context.actorFor("akka://ClusterSy...@")

Patrik Nordwall

Oct 26, 2012, 2:43:55 PM10/26/12

26 okt 2012 kl. 20:39 skrev Evan Chan <>:


On Friday, October 26, 2012 3:14:05 AM UTC-7, Patrik Nordwall wrote:

I have found and fixed the problem. It was as I first thought. Here is the ticket:
Thanks a lot for finding this bug.
Thanks for the quick response!    
Will this make it into the final release?

Yes, most likeley.

By the way, I can't connect to a cluster using a remote ActorRef.  It complains that I need a ClusterActorRefProvider.

That is because application.conf is still used as default and there you have 
extensions = ["akka.cluster.Cluster"]
which means that the cluster extension will be started, etc...
You need to add extensions = [] to your StatsSampleClient config, or use another application.conf

Ah, thanks.

So I changed the config to use the ClusterActorRefProvider, and now the message sends just seem to go nowhere.

This works for me:
val service = context.actorFor("akka://Cluste...@")

Evan Chan

Oct 26, 2012, 2:52:04 PM10/26/12

Would you mind pointing me at the patch?  I couldn't find it from the ticket, or from Akka master in github.   


Patrik Nordwall

Oct 26, 2012, 2:56:10 PM10/26/12
So far it's only a pull request


√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 2, 2012, 2:49:25 PM11/2/12
to Akka User List
What version of SBT are you using (the docs is wrong, but SBT 0.12 should find it in the standard plugins repo)

On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 7:45 PM, Dennis Horte <> wrote:
I am having trouble getting the akka-sbt-plugin working with this latest release candidate.

In the documentation at it says to put the following into my project/plugins.sbt file:

  1. resolvers += "Typesafe Repo" at ""
  3. addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-sbt-plugin" % "2.1.0-RC1")

However, if I put that in, and try to load sbt, I get the following warnings:

[info] Resolving com.typesafe.akka#akka-sbt-plugin_2.10.0-RC1;2.1.0-RC1 ...
[warn]  module not found: com.typesafe.akka#akka-sbt-plugin_2.10.0-RC1;2.1.0-RC1
[warn] ==== typesafe-ivy-releases: tried
[warn] ==== sbt-plugin-releases: tried
[warn] ==== local: tried
[warn]   /home/dennis/.ivy2/local/com.typesafe.akka/akka-sbt-plugin_2.10.0-RC1/scala_2.9.2/sbt_0.12/2.1.0-RC1/ivys/ivy.xml
[warn] ==== Typesafe Repo: tried
[warn] ==== Typesafe Snapshots: tried
[warn] ==== Sonatype Repo: tried
[warn] ==== public: tried
[warn]  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn]  ::          UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES         ::
[warn]  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn]  :: com.typesafe.akka#akka-sbt-plugin_2.10.0-RC1;2.1.0-RC1: not found
[warn]  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn]  Note: Some unresolved dependencies have extra attributes.  Check that these dependencies exist with the requested attributes.
[warn]  com.typesafe.akka:akka-sbt-plugin_2.10.0-RC1:2.1.0-RC1 (sbtVersion=0.12, scalaVersion=2.9.2)

Followed by the error:

sbt.ResolveException: unresolved dependency: com.typesafe.akka#akka-sbt-plugin_2.10.0-RC1;2.1.0-RC1: not found

I've also tried using the following resolvers with no luck:

resolvers += "Typesafe Snapshots" at ""

Any hints?


On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:42:12 PM UTC-7, √ wrote:
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√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 2, 2012, 2:52:28 PM11/2/12
to Akka User List
If you're on SBT 0.11 you can try this: resolvers += "SBT plugins repository" at ""

instead of the typesafe repo

Dennis Horte

Nov 2, 2012, 3:06:39 PM11/2/12
I was initially running 0.12.0. After reading your response, I tried 0.12.1 and 0.11.2, including the additional resolver you recommended. All gave the same result.

The warning messages are saying that it is trying to use scala_2.9.2 (example below), rather than 2.10.0-RC1. Could that be the source of the problem?

My Build.scala file specifies scalaVersion = 2.10.0-RC1. Is there some way I need to specify it also for the plugins.sbt?


√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 2, 2012, 3:12:04 PM11/2/12
to Akka User List
Ah, that's a good point, we recently started publishing binary versions as a part of the artifact id.

Try: addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-sbt-plugin" % "2.1.0-RC1" cross CrossVersion.full)

√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 2, 2012, 3:17:52 PM11/2/12
to Akka User List

Dennis Horte

Nov 2, 2012, 3:28:38 PM11/2/12
Without the CrossVersion and with the CrossVersion, it is still resolving to the same URL for lookups.

I also tried explicitly adding the scala version to the plugin name following the style used in the Build.scala for akka dependencies, like so:

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-sbt-plugin_2.10.0-RC1" % "2.1.0-RC1")

This also doesn't resolve the problem.


√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 2, 2012, 3:34:00 PM11/2/12
to Akka User List
Hmmm, this is annoying, seems like it only gets published for 2.9.1, need to investigate.

√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 2, 2012, 3:35:52 PM11/2/12
to Akka User List
I'll change the scalaBinaryVersion to "2.9" instead of scalaVersion for the next release (SBT uses Scala 2.9 internally)

Dennis Horte

Nov 2, 2012, 4:25:38 PM11/2/12
Is there a workaround until the next release, or should we continue with Akka 2.0 until then?


√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 2, 2012, 5:41:42 PM11/2/12

Yes, use the full artifact id, see the link I sent, that should work.

Dennis Horte

Nov 2, 2012, 7:03:12 PM11/2/12
I'm not sure how to use that URL. How do I setup the plugins.sbt file?


√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 3, 2012, 9:02:07 AM11/3/12
to Akka User List

("com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-sbt-plugin_2.9.1" % "2.1.0-RC1")

Dennis Horte

Nov 4, 2012, 1:32:35 AM11/4/12
Unfortunately, the artifactonline repository is resolved as follows using that.

If I change remove the _2.9.1, change to sbt 0.11.2, then it generates the following line:

It is similar with sbt 0.12.1 and the _2.9.1 removed:

The mapping that is being done does not seem to match the URL you provided. Is there some way that the mapping can be tweaked? Since it is different for each resolver, I have to guess that it is managed server side rather than by sbt.


√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 4, 2012, 7:00:43 AM11/4/12

Wow, I'm sorry about this, I'll try to fix this tomorrow for RC2


Dennis Horte

Nov 4, 2012, 12:20:18 PM11/4/12
Alright. Thanks for all your effort. I'll try again with RC2.


√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 4, 2012, 12:32:47 PM11/4/12
to Akka User List
If you use SBT 0.12, does the following work for you?

("com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-sbt-plugin" % "2.1.0-RC1" cross CrossVersion.selectVersion("2.9.1","0.12"))

Dennis Horte

Nov 4, 2012, 9:57:25 PM11/4/12
It gives the following error:

/home/dennis/workspace/GameLearner/project/plugin.sbt:5: error: overloaded method value cross with alternatives:
  (v: sbt.CrossVersion)sbt.ModuleID <and>
  (v: Boolean)sbt.ModuleID
 cannot be applied to (String)
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-sbt-plugin" % "2.1.0-RC1" cross CrossVersion.selectVersion("2.9.1","0.12"))


√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 5, 2012, 3:31:38 AM11/5/12
to Akka User List
Are you 100% sure you're using SBT 0.12?

Because it works on my machine: addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-sbt-plugin" % "2.1.0-RC1" cross CrossVersion.selectVersion("2.9.1","0.12"))

Dennis Horte

Nov 5, 2012, 12:25:50 PM11/5/12
I did the below test. If it is working for you, then could there be some hidden configuration steps that I am missing. Perhaps you have some global settings?

dennis@liberty-2:~$ mkdir workspace/tmp
dennis@liberty-2:~$ cd workspace/tmp
dennis@liberty-2:~/workspace/tmp$ sbt
[info] Set current project to default-de2fa9 (in build file:/home/dennis/workspace/tmp/)
> sbt-binary-version
[info] 0.12
> exit
dennis@liberty-2:~/workspace/tmp$ mkdir project
dennis@liberty-2:~/workspace/tmp$ cat > project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += "Typesafe Repo" at ""

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-sbt-plugin" % "2.1.0-RC1" cross CrossVersion.selectVersion("2.9.1","0.12"))
dennis@liberty-2:~/workspace/tmp$ sbt
/home/dennis/workspace/tmp/project/plugin.sbt:5: error: overloaded method value cross with alternatives:
  (v: sbt.CrossVersion)sbt.ModuleID <and>
  (v: Boolean)sbt.ModuleID
 cannot be applied to (String)
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-sbt-plugin" % "2.1.0-RC1" cross CrossVersion.selectVersion("2.9.1","0.12"))
[error] Type error in expression
Project loading failed: (r)etry, (q)uit, (l)ast, or (i)gnore? q

√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 5, 2012, 12:54:53 PM11/5/12

Hmm, what if you use SBT 0.12.1?

Dennis Horte

Nov 5, 2012, 3:39:21 PM11/5/12
I'm pretty sure hat test was using 0.12.1. To do the test, I redownloaded sbt from, using the download sbt-launch.jar link in the Unix section, making sure that 0.12.1 was selected in the version dropdown at the top of the page. I created a new sbt script in my bin directory. 'which sbt' shows the correct script file, so I don't think I am inadvertently running a different version.


Patrik Nordwall

Nov 5, 2012, 4:06:20 PM11/5/12
Also, make sure you have a project/ with content:

Patrik Nordwall

Typesafe The software stack for applications that scale

Twitter: @patriknw

√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 5, 2012, 4:08:45 PM11/5/12
to Akka User List
I'll have to investigate this a bit further. Seems like there could be some change in how the plugins are published.

Peter Vlugter

Nov 5, 2012, 6:46:52 PM11/5/12
I've republished the 2.1.0-RC1 version of akka-sbt-plugin with the correct scala version.

Using sbt 0.12 only the following in project/plugins.sbt should be needed:

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-sbt-plugin" % "2.1.0-RC1")

There are a couple of small changes needed for the sample project. I've created an updated version here:

√iktor Ҡlang

Nov 5, 2012, 6:52:59 PM11/5/12
to Akka User List
I love you Pete

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Jonas Bonér

Nov 5, 2012, 9:26:03 PM11/5/12

Awesome Peter.

Dennis Horte

Nov 5, 2012, 5:11:18 PM11/5/12

I was using the to set the sbt version for all of my previous tests. For the sake of completeness, I redid the final test with the file specifying 0.12.1, but the results were the same.


Dennis Horte

Nov 6, 2012, 11:07:23 AM11/6/12
Thanks Peter. That solves the problem completely.


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