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Creating PDF collections from assorted large PPTs

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luke dorny

Jun 7, 2004, 11:28:28 AM6/7/04
With the advent of Acrobat Reader 6, Adobe takes into account alot of new features that can be exported along with the PowerPoint files in the transition to PDF. When making a HTML-CDROM with a page that shows links to a list of clickable PDFs, it's hard to come up with standards regarding Mac OSX (the easy part: Reader 6), Windows 98-XP (not so bad: Reader 6 which nobody has installed yet),... but when it comes to Mac OS9, it can't use Reader 6. There is no Reader 6 for Mac OS9.

Does this force our customers to upgrade to OSX? I would hope that there is another solution though there are few people still in OS9. Any ideas, people?

Using Reader 6 allows the newer PPTs made by people using the latest PowerPoint software to export easily and include all the features included in said PPTs. When trying to export these to a lower version of PDF, errors prevent this from being a viable alternative to Reader 6.

Shall we just send out the original PPTs? (cackle, cackle, cough!)

Jun 7, 2004, 8:39:05 PM6/7/04
If the customer absolutely must see your presentation, and it absolutely must be in PDF, then yes it does force them to upgrade. Wether or not your customers consider it "absolutely necessary" to view your material is another matter. :-)

The only other option would be to design your presentation to look nice in Reader 5.1--you'd avoid alienating OS9 and Windows 98 1st edition users.


luke dorny

Jun 8, 2004, 1:52:13 PM6/8/04
Thanks for the tip. All good points. thanks.
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