Employment counselling for survivors

Contact owners and managers
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Survivors need jobs.  A group of reputable people could be formed to go do individual counseling with survivors.  Also, management of local companies (like big box stores for instance) could become interested in giving preferential hiring once they become aware of the dire situations these people we love so much come out of.  Getting a paying job helps break the invisible chains that are pulling them back into slavery.  No degree necessary.  In fact it is better if you have a lot of experience looking for low wage jobs.  Meet up here.  Form a self regulating group that the NGOs will be able to trust with the survivors.  Make contact and build relationships with the leadership of all of them.  Start counselling the survivors.  Possible to do it by phone individually I would think.  This is an untried idea so whoever does it will be the groundbreakers for others in other cities.  They will also have to find the obsticles and overcome them like all inventors have to do.   Discuss here.  Meet up to form a group.  Break those invisible chains that pull so many back.  The definition of a trafficking victim could be described as: "Someone who could use a better job situation".  Provide that and you have accomplished rescue.