Stakeholder Forum on IPBES - ARCHIVE

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Please kindly note this page contains an archive of Stakeholder Forum on IPBES. Between 2011-2013, this used to be an email discussion group for everyone interested in advancing the involvement of scientists, conservation organizations, businesses and other civil society actors in the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). The Forum was established in 2011 and moderated by the IUCN Programme on IPBES team until end of 2013. The views expressed on this Forum did not necessarily reflect those of IUCN. Since 2014, this Forum is merged with the open self-organized IPBES Engagement Forum, moderated by a group of volunteers from various organizations and IPBES stakeholders. For latest updates with regards to civil society engagement in IPBES, please refer to!forum/ipbes-engagement-forum.