A Simple Nomic

Contact owners and managers
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Hello and welcome to the Simple Nomic Google Group!
Anyone may join the group. Please sign up and make yourself known if you'd like to play.
You might not be allowed to play by simply joining the group, but generally we welcome players so if the game's rules state that you're not playing just by joining the group, try posting a greeting and you'll no doubt be playing soon!

Current Rules and List of Players
Information regarding the current rules of play and the list of players can be found at the A Simple Nomic Google Site: https://sites.google.com/site/asimplenomic/

General Advice for Posting Proposals!!
Some proposals can be adopted without discussion and alteration. If you're not sure that your proposal is straight-forward enough to be adopted without some discussion, you might want to start a discussion regarding your proposal before posting it as an actual proposal. This is not a rule by any means, but it should help cut down on the number of proposal threads that don't come to anything while making it easier to track actual proposals and their outcomes.

The next proposal to be passed/rejected has the active-proposal tag.
Other proposals, excluding those that have already been passed/rejected have the proposal tag.