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Variables won't add in certain actions like send an email

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Nicholas Nelson

Sep 24, 2023, 5:59:45 PM9/24/23
to Foresight Community
I am trying to send an email to myself to notify me when anyone updates/edits a calendar event with the information of the calendar event that was edited.

I want the subject to be the event title, and then in the body I'd like to put the information of the calendar event that was updated so I can easily find said event, and address it as needed. However when I click the variable "Event Title" the drop down menu simply closes and nothing happens.

Is this a bug, or am I doing this incorrectly?

Screenshot 2023-09-24 at 17.56.57.png

Jason Huang

Sep 24, 2023, 6:28:39 PM9/24/23
to Foresight Community,
Hello Nicholas,

This is likely a bug. 
I notice you're using Safari on Mac. Foresight currently only supports the Google Chrome browser for now. Foresight may behave abnormally in other web browsers. 
Please try again on a Google Chrome browser. If the issue persists, please reply. 

Sorry for the inconvenience. 
Thanks for your feedback.
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