Deprovion Based on Serial number

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Lauren Germani Hutnak

Jan 22, 2024, 9:33:50 AM1/22/24
to Foresight Community
Hi we provision chrombooks from a sheet the technicials fill in with just serial number. Is ther anyway I can bulk delete using the serial number?

Jason Huang

Jan 22, 2024, 1:04:58 PM1/22/24
to Foresight Community,

It cannot to bulk delete by Chromebooks serial numbers only. 
Foresight takes another field called Directory API ID for uniquely identify a Chromebook. 
Here is a workaround.
  1. You create another rule Manual trigger => List Chrome devices. In the List Chrome devices action, choose the 2 columns, Device ID and Serial Number. Here the Device ID is the same concept as Directory API ID
  2. Run the rule above. 
  3. After a successful rule automation, from the rule execution log, download and open the CSV file. This CSV file is your Chromebook inventory with 2 columns Device ID and Serial Number.
  4. Open your sheet file with just serial numbers. 
  5. Now open and make a copy of this spreadsheet we prepared.
  6. Copy your serial numbers to the Your Chromebook list sheet. One serial number per row. 
  7. Copy the Foresight exported CSV file to the Exported Chromebooks sheet.
  8. You will get the generated Filtered Chrome list sheet with the Device ID and Serial Number
  9. Download the Filtered Chrome list sheet as CSV file
  10. You use this CSV file in Foresight for bulk deleting Chromebooks.
We understand the inconvenience as admins are more familiar with device serial numbers. We have the task to improve user experience in the future. For now, hopefully this workaround can work. 
If you have any questions, please follow up. 
Thank you.
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