Monthly Calendar

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Hull Chamber

Apr 1, 2024, 9:16:21 AM4/1/24
to xFanatical Foresight Community
I need to be able to send a monthly calendar on the first day of the month every month. It looks like I can't do this because it will only allow me to select two week of calendar entries at a time. Plus it won't let me schedule by month.

Am I missing something?

Jason Huang

Apr 1, 2024, 7:16:33 PM4/1/24
to xFanatical Foresight Community,

xFanatical Foresight's Get calendar agenda action only supports up to 14 days of agenda. 
With that being said, it's possible to schedule agenda emails monthly. You can create a monthly event in Google Calendar and use the Calendar event started trigger instead of the Recurring times trigger to trigger the automation rule monthly. 

Thank you. 

Hull Chamber

Apr 2, 2024, 12:16:37 PM4/2/24
to xFanatical Foresight Community, Jason Huang,
Can you give me more details of the steps or provide a link to a tutorial? I tried it and can't seem to figure it out.

Jason Huang

Apr 2, 2024, 1:08:09 PM4/2/24
to xFanatical Foresight Community,, Jason Huang

We don't have tutorials for the specific use case, yet here are the steps. 
  • Create a monthly calendar event on your Google Calendar app. The start times of this recurring calendar event are when you send the agenda emails. For example, create an event titled "Monthly agenda emails" and repeat at 9am on the first day of each month. 
  • In xFanatical Foresight, 
    • In the Rules page, click + to create a new rule.
    • In Select a trigger screen, select the Calendar event started trigger. 
    • In the Edit trigger screen, 
      • In Calendars, select the calendar on which the recurring event was created. 
      • In Event title, enter "Monthly agenda emails". 
      • Click Next.
    • Follow the instructions for Get calendar agenda and Email configurations in the tutorial Google Calendar Daily / Weekly Agenda To Your Inbox.
I hope it helps.
Thank you.

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