[WW Crew Parents] WWCrew: Boathouse help and erg drop off at Longfellow

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Michael Baker

Nov 5, 2018, 5:21:19 PM11/5/18
to WWPa...@wwcrew.org, WWAth...@wwcrew.org, coa...@wwcrew.org
Hi all,

We need some help.   We still have a few things that need to get done at the boathouse and we still need to transport the ergs to Longfellows

Wednesday afternoon's weather is looking perfect.  If we can get a bunch of people there at 3:45, I promise we will be done by 5:30 at the latest.

Please come it's very important we get this stuff done before it gets too cold out

Thank you


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Nov 6, 2018, 7:35:01 AM11/6/18
to Michael Baker, WWPa...@wwcrew.org, WWAth...@wwcrew.org, coa...@wwcrew.org
You can count Gavin in if he's able to ride his bike! I am unable to drive him.

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