1 hour HuggingFace NLP class — what might be a good date / timing for such a session?

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Min Yen KAN

Jun 29, 2022, 1:09:38 AM6/29/22
to Singapore NLP Group
Dear all,

I've been approached by some NUS alumni as well as HuggingFace to co-host a 1-hour tutorial session on HuggingFace, along with the primary presenter / engineer from HuggingFace.  

I am thinking about hosting this in August, during the first to third week of the fall semester to overlap with students that might be taking NLP with our respective faculties.  As such, I'm wondering whether there are some specific preferred / dispreferred dates (e.g., don't overlap with the NLP class timings at SMU, SUTD, NTU, NUS) that you'd think would be good to target / avoid.

So far I have:

Fri 9-12 (CS4248 NLP at NUS; starts 8 Aug)
??? (CZ4045 NLP at NTU; starts 8 Aug)
??? (50.040 at SUTD; 3rd trimester starts 12 Sep)
??? (I couldn’t find a relevant course at SMU; starts 15 Aug)

If you have any suggestions about the course or how to attract more participants, please let me know!  Thanks so much!  



Min-Yen KAN (Dr) :: Associate Professor :: National University of Singapore :: NUS School of Computing, AS6 05-12, 13 Computing Drive
Singapore 117417 :: +65 6516 1885(DID) :: +65 6779 4580 (Fax) :: ka...@comp.nus.edu.sg (E) :: www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~kanmy (W)



Min-Yen KAN (Dr) :: Associate Professor :: National University of Singapore :: NUS School of Computing, AS6 05-12, 13 Computing Drive
Singapore 117417 :: +65 6516 1885(DID) :: +65 6779 4580 (Fax) :: ka...@comp.nus.edu.sg (E) :: www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~kanmy (W)
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