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Sending Automated sms for results

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Tynatech License

Dec 10, 2024, 12:08:34 PM12/10/24
Dear All

We plan to do a race this year where I want to send automated sms with custom text and timing of racers. 

Can someone please guide us for step by step procedure for webscorer Pro. 

Team Tynarace

Vesa Suomalainen

Dec 10, 2024, 12:19:06 PM12/10/24
to Tynatech License,
There is a built-in feature to send automated emails with custom text:

If you want to do the same with automated SMS messages, here’s how you can do it:

Include the racer’s phone number as part of the start list using one of the “Info x” fields
Post results live during the race
Get the results data via the JSON API:
Send the SMS message from your own application running e.g. on Windows

We have a few organizers who’ve done this, one is - he’s a chip timing organizer in Argentina. Send him a note if you want more details.

Vesa Suomalainen
Webscorer Inc.

Bubilo Chiban

Dec 11, 2024, 6:26:11 AM12/11/24
to Webscorer Users Group, Vesa Suomalainen,, Tynatech License

The possibilities offered by Webscorer to obtain real-time results in JSON format are endless. Among other things, you can even create your own webpage with the results.

In my case, I use it to send WhatsApp messages to each participant as soon as they cross the finish line. I get the race data from the JSON file and then send the WhatsApp messages using Ultrasmg as an API. It’s a bit complex and requires some programming, but the end result is excellent.

In Argentina, the use of WhatsApp is at 100%, while SMS is largely obsolete.
Any programmer with basic knowledge of handling JSON data can implement this

Captura de pantalla 2024-12-11 082155.pngWhatsApp Image 2024-12-11 at 08.23.44.jpeg
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