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Announcer View

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Karla Nephew

Nov 6, 2024, 5:50:39 PM11/6/24
to Webscorer Users Group
I have seen a couple of references to Announcer View - is there more information somewhere on the Webscorer website where I can read and learn more about that feature?  


Vesa Suomalainen

Nov 6, 2024, 8:34:39 PM11/6/24
to Karla Nephew, Webscorer Users Group
We’re still working on the Announcer View functionality & testing everything at local cyclocross events. Two tests completed with one more test to go in 2 weeks. The feature will be available & documented in the upcoming 7.2 release of the app.

The Announcer View is based on the Master / Helper timing mode where the Helper device gets the timing data from the Master via Bluetooth (or via the internet) and displays the results in full screen on an iPad (or any supported device). You can switch to a different distance (in a multi-distance race) by tapping the “Next distance” toolbar button. And toggle through the various categories using the “Next category” button. The display will automatically jump to the most recent finisher - unless you tap the “Pause jump” button while looking at the most recent results for a particular distance / category.

In a race with laps, there will be additional “Next lap / Previous lap” buttons that allow you to toggle through the lap times & split times.

Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 5.26.50 PM.jpeg

Karla Nephew

Nov 7, 2024, 8:30:25 AM11/7/24
to Vesa Suomalainen, Webscorer Users Group

Awesome, thanks for the info!

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