Welcome to the Webscorer users Q&A forum.
Anyone can view the conversations, but if you want to post a question or an answer, you'll need to become a member. Sign into your Google account to view the "Ask to join group" button. Please specify your Webscorer PRO account email as "Reason for joining".
The purpose of this forum is to allow users to share tips and experiences with other users on best practices, hardware setup and integration with other platforms. For example, we're getting more queries about the specifics for passive and active chip timing - where the community of existing chip timers are best positioned to assist new users.
The Webscorer platform includes integrated registration, manual and chip timing, and live website results. The system is used in 120+ countries, across 70+ different sports. Over 100,000 races have been successfully timed & posted with the Webscorer app running on iOS, Android, macOS and Windows devices.
Support is always also available by email at
support@webscorer.com - we will also provide free phone assistance by request.