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Webp In GDrawings, GSlides, GDocs: UNSUPPORTED Image Type

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Dan Weaver

May 17, 2021, 4:35:16 PM5/17/21
to WebP Discussion
Googles own apps don't support the image format Google pushes? 
I need to be able to place webp images into Google Apps.
1 Is this issue likely to be addressed rapidly or must I reformat all of my web images to be png? (I need to provide transparency in images).
2 Given that Google's own apps do not support webp how likely is webp to fade into one of Google's sunsets?

Pascal Massimino

May 19, 2021, 5:39:58 AM5/19/21
to WebP Discussion
Hi Dan,

Thanks, this is a valid concern, which we expect to address soon, now that WebP is getting used quite pervasively.

Supporting WebP end-to-end across all platforms likely to use Doc/Slides/... is actually quite involved,
namely because we still need a fallback to PNG/JPEG "just in case". But this is definitely on the radar.


Frank Altpeter (frank42)

Sep 14, 2024, 4:42:10 PM9/14/24
to WebP Discussion, Pascal Massimino
Hehehe... "soon" hehehe...

Is there any chance for getting a roadmap, when this "soon" will happen?


Sep 15, 2024, 2:36:54 AM9/15/24
to WebP Discussion, Frank Altpeter (frank42), Pascal Massimino
yeah I don't think WebP is coming to GSuite anytime soon...
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