webm/webp monorail to buganizer migration

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James Zern

Jul 17, 2024, 2:05:15 PMJul 17
to WebM Discussion, WebP Discussion
As you might be aware, Chromium moved over to a new issue tracker earlier this year [1]. We're scheduled for something similar on Thursday July 18.

The migration is on track to begin at 9:45am Pacific Time, and we expect that the migration will be completed by the end of the same day. There will be downtime during this period as the WebM/WebP issue trackers within Monorail will be marked as read-only. The new tracker won't be available until the migration is complete.

The new tracker address will be issues.webmproject.org. The old bugs should be redirected after the migration.

[1]: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/chromium-issue-tracker-migration-2024
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