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Pascal Robichaud

Jun 29, 2014, 9:18:49 PM6/29/14
to publi...@webfoundation.org
En y repensant, il serait peut-être techniquement plus juste de parler d'un standard d'interface.

Car les systèmes informatiques actuels ne seront pas refait avec le modèle de données présenté ici.

C'est l'extraction des données des systèmes sources qui respecter le standard.

Je prends ici l'exemple du HL7 (Health Level 7 http://www.hl7.org/) avec lequel je travaille. Différents systèmes s'échangent des données en suivant une manière standardisée. Peut importe l'émetteur, si il respecte le standard, le récepteur, qui respecte aussi le standard, sera en mesure d'intégrer les données.


Sarah Bird

Jun 30, 2014, 6:02:11 PM6/30/14
to publi...@webfoundation.org

S'il vous plaît pardonnez-moi de ne pas répondre en français.

Firstly, many thanks for your comments on the standard, we really appreciate it.

Car les systèmes informatiques actuels ne seront pas refait avec le modèle de données présenté ici."

This is a great observation. I am only speaking for myself, but this is definitely partially correct for what I imagine as we move to flesh out the full standard over first few months. To be specific:
  • For the standard to be readily adoptable, given that there are so many existing publishers, the standard needs to provide an interface allowing existing to be translated into a standard rather than forcing publishers to change whole systems.
  • The model that we currently present does imply some small pressure for change at the system level, in particular establishing a unique ID that will follow the data throughout the contracting process, this would need to be implemented at the system level.
  • For publishers who are not yet publishing, the standard will be a reference for fields to implement.

Many thanks again for you comments, I have not yet had a chance to review them in full detail but I look forward to it.

However, one interesting thing from reviewing your comments quickly is the need to build a multil-lingual dictionary. For example, I have started collecting alternative (English) names for Framework Contracts. I think we can start collecting together terms in different languages so that we can build stronger understanding. I think having the standard fully in multiple languages will be out of scope for our current work, but if we can collect thoughts as people are reviewing this will be a useful resource moving forward. For the time being I have created a hackpad here: https://opencontractingdata.hackpad.com/Open-Contracting-Vocabularies-bWTmFsjPVCk

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Bird

Pascal Robichaud

Jun 30, 2014, 6:09:48 PM6/30/14
to publi...@webfoundation.org

For the terms translation, at least plan the standard in a way that it will be easily possible afterward, and people from different regions could provide the translation, as it is done in many other open projects.

I'll go check the definition tab.


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