Sharing your use cases for Open Contracting Data

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Tim Davies

May 19, 2014, 9:17:38 AM5/19/14
to project-ocds,
Hello all,

In Friday's web meeting, Juan asked about whether we might have a good way to collect a wide range of ideas about how different people might want to use Open Contracting data.

Fortunately, we've been working on just such an issue, and at you will find a prototype form for collecting your user stories about how you want to use contract data.

A user story is a simple sentence that takes the form:
  • As an X I want to Y so that Z
For example:
  • As an elected official I want to be able to monitor the progress of a contract throughout it’s implementation so that I can check in how much budget has been spent at each stage of the contract

These simple user story sentences can reveal a lot about what a data standard needs to be able to capture and contain, and what Open Contracting data we need to ask for in order to meet user needs.

So - if you can think of any user stories for Open Contracting data - either your own, or stories of people you work with, I would be very grateful if you could spend a few minutes at using the simple online form to share your ideas.

With many thanks


Tim Davies
Research Coordinator, Open Data Research Network
@timdavies | @odrnetwork | 

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