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System bugs?

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Colleen Dunn

Dec 4, 2023, 12:28:48 PM12/4/23
to viewneo Forum, Jeff Haley

We seems to be having some problems in a few areas since the last update and hope you can help.

1. Scheduling dates on the ads in the playlist doesn't work properly. I can enter a date on and off, but when I go back to check it, the days chosen have move back 1-2 days. Sadly it's not a consistent date change either.

2. Live views and reporting are disabled. Live view throws an error (see attached) and there is no reporting available at all.

3. Updating playlists has become hit and miss. While one or two signage boxes show an updated playlist, other say they were updated but are not - even with a consistent heartbeat.

4. One signage box in particular (EV-B) is playing a 2 week old playlist while it's partner (EV-A) is playing the current playlist. We have checked all lines, reset the signage box and done all we can think of to get the new playlist running. Not sure what else we can do.

The biggest problem is that this is happening during the holiday season - when we have the highest traffic of the year. We HAVE to get these running and get them to run properly. Please let us know what needs to be done.

Thank you,

ZAGPAD Marketing Department
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