Older, original computers equipment going back to 80's, 90's

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Elliot Nadel

4:37 AM (8 hours ago) 4:37 AM
to Bay_Area_(Retro)_Computer_Hobbyists
Hi. This is my first post to this group and I'd like to take just a moment for a proper introduction before I tell you what's available.  

My name is Elliot Nadel and my company, Multiversal, has provided computer services since 1988 to the Bay Area.  We originally worked with larger corporations, but since 2005, have focused on helping homeowners and local businesses with their repair and general computer needs.    It's been a very rewarding and interesting 36 years, but it's now time for retirement. 

I have a lot of old equipment going back to my original computers from the 80's,  90's, etc.  I have attached some of the pictures of these devices.   Most of these have been sitting in a storage unit and haven't been touched since the last millennium.  It's time to pass these relics onto others who will appreciate them. 

There's other stuff too, like floppy disks with shareware, and a large number of old computer magazines from the 90's, but that's likely a later discussion/posting.

I don't know if any of the items I saved are 'collectible', but I suppose it is possible some might have value.   Please note that I am not asking for money, just someone to get them off my hands.  However, if it turns out there is something of value, I hope whoever winds up with it would be honorable enough to share any gain directly with me or by maybe hosting a group meet at a local pub. 

I've attached a few pictures of some of the items.  More pictures are available of other items. 

Please reply back if you are interested.   

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