Anyone want about 15 books on/about/related-to the HP 3000 / PA-RISC / HP?
Free for pickup in Cupertino.
Classic HP 3000:
Compass (the manual of low-level MPE V procedures, Goertz & Fochtman)
MPE III Software Pocket Guide (blue)
MPE Software Pocket Guide (brown)
Seldom Met Users Group IV Pocket Encyclopedia
Seldom Met Users Group VII Pocket Encyclopedia
Taming The HP3000 (Bob Lund)
The IMAGE 3000 Handbook (with TurboImage supplement)
Thoughts and Discourses on HP3000 Software blue
Thoughts and Discourses on HP3000 Software green
Thoughts and Discourses on HP3000 Software red
Thoughts and Discourses on HP3000 Software black (4th edition)
HP Precision Architecture Handbook
The Spectrum Instruction Set - A 3000 Hackers View (Bob Green)
The Legacy Continues
(If I can find one, I'll add a copy of "Beyond RISC!")
HP in general:
The HP Way