SOLVE TODAY | Women Training in Livestock Completes: Certificate Distribution Organised at Attock

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Solve Agri Pak

Mar 8, 2021, 7:18:28 AM3/8/21
PSDF funded Women Training in Livestock Management project successfully accomplished. 
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Latest News from Solve Agri Pak (Private) Limited
March 8, 2021

Solve Agri Pak Organised Certificate Distribution Ceremony to Mark Completion of Women Training in Livestock Management project at Attock

Under this WTLM project funded by Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF), Solve Agri Pak has trained over 4,500 rural women in four districts of Punjab including Attock. 

Solve Agri Pak (Private) Limited have organised a certificate distribution ceremony at Attock to mark the completion of the Women Training in Livestock Management project funded by Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF) under which Solve Agri Pak has trained over 4,500 rural women in four districts of Punjab, including Kasur, Shiekhupura, Attock and Mianwali. 
The august ceremony was organised at Attock to mark International Women Day by recognising the crucial contribution of women in the livestock sector. The ceremony was chaired by Provincial Minister for Social Welfare & Bait-ul-Maal Mr. Syed Yawar Abbas Bukhari and Solve Agri Pak's Chairman Mr. Haroon Mahmood Khan Lodhi. Present on the occasion were also Punjab Skills Development Fund's Regional Manager - North Mr. Faisal Afridi, Solve Agri Pak's General Manager Dr. Waseem Shaukat, Commercial Head Mr. Asif Ashfaq, Programs Manager Dr. Arsalan Latif and Project Coordinator Mr. Babar Raza along with various stakeholders and community leaders from Attock.
Solve Agri Pak's Chairman Mr. Haroon Lodhi lauded the enormous support of the community leaders, line departments and district administration for facilitating Solve Agri Pak's team in the successful implementation of the project in District Attock. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Lodhi said that women were an integral part of the livestock farming sector and their capacity building has been of the utmost importance in order to trigger socio-economic development in the country. He reiterated that Solve Agri Pak is carrying a vision to add value at every tier in the livestock value chain and knowledge sharing has been at the core of the organization's mission for the last decade. This project was an important reflection of our strategy that revolves around capacity building and empowerment of the farming communities in order to contribute towards sustainable development. He urged the trainees to utilise their newly gained knowledge and skills for improving their livestock management and contributing to socio-economic development. 

PSDF's Regional Manager (North) Mr. Faisal Afridi lauded Solve Agri Pak for completing yet another PSDF funded project successfully and said that Solve Agri Pak has been one of those very few organisations that started working with PSDF a decade ago and have successfully completed several projects in agriculture and livestock sector. He highlighted that PSDF is dedicated to playing a crucial role in enhancing the employability of the youth through marketable skills development while at the same time PSDF has been aggressively contributing to improving the skill-set of the rural work-force, especially in the agriculture sector in order to enhance their income and profitability. 

The Chief Guest, Provincial Minister Mr. Syed Yawar Abbas Bukhari appreciated Solve Agri Pak and Punjab Skills Development Fund for conceptualizing and successful implementation of the skills development project in Attock. He said that the Government is committed to transforming the livestock sector by improving knowledge-base, genetics, nutrition and animal health in order to promote sustainable rural development and ensure food security in the country. He said that skills development has been a major focus for the Govt and we will continue imparting skills at the community level. He urged Solve Agri Pak and PSDF to continue such a collaboration especially in North Punjab and emphasized the need for post-training follow-up and refreshers. He urged PSDF to further focus on community-based schemes in order to improve the rural economy. 
Solve Agri Pak's Commercial Head Mr. Asif Ashfaq briefed about Solve Agri Pak's project implementation in Attock and informed that 1,000 rural women were trained in 25 Union Councils of District Attock. He lauded the contribution by the community leadership in various villages for their enormous support enabling Solve Agri Pak to impart 45 days long training course at every village. Sharing her experience of the training course, Ms. Zaib-un-Nisa from village Dhok Haji Ahmad said that she has found this training course a life time opportunity to improve knowledge and skills related to livestock management at household level. We have been rearing the animals for years but never knew how we can make substantial improvement in our profitability by improving our practices. This training has introduces us with new techniques and practices that will enable us to enhance productivity of our livestock. Another trainee, Ms. Abida Bibi from union council Salar, thanked Solve Agri Pak and PSDF for providing an opportunity to learn at our door-step. She said that she has already applied her new knowledge into her practices and found considerable difference in livestock production. 
Later, certificates were distributed among the selected trainees at the stage. Solve Agri Pak's Chairman Mr. Haroon Lodhi presented a souvenir to the Chief Guest to conclude the ceremony. 
It is worth-mentioning that Solve Agri Pak (Private) Limited has an extensive experience of implementing community-based livestock development project to support rural development, poverty alleviation and sustainable agriculture development. 
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