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Welcome to the USATF-RRTC-Measurers Google Group!!

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Mark Neal

May 13, 2023, 8:29:23 AM5/13/23
Welcome to the USATF-RRTC-Measurers Google Group!!

You have been added to this group because you have an account on and have chosen to show as a measurer in searches, AND/OR, you have measured a race course for certification in the past 4 years.

The purpose of this Google Group is to convey information that may be important to USATF-RRTC course measurers, directly to the measurers. We hope that this will help to keep everyone informed and eliminate confusion. We expect that these announcement/informational emails will be infrequent. We don't want to fill anyone's mailbox with lots of messages they don't read. Examples of the type of information that might be sent in these announcements could be new versions of the Procedures Manual, changes to USATF/RRTC rules that don't yet appear in the Procedures Manual, changes to World Athletics rules that affect course measuring, etc.

You can see previous announcements at the group website.
If you had this message forwarded to you and are not already a member of the group, you can request to be added by sending an email to

Be aware that this is not a discussion group, and therefore you won't be able to send an email to everyone in the group. That's not its intended purpose. If you'd like to participate in discussion with fellow measurers, the official RRTC discussion forum is located at
There is also an unofficial Facebook page located at

If you do not wish to receive these messages follow the instructions to unsubscribe at the bottom of this email. We hope you don't do that since they will include important information and will be infrequent, but of course that is your choice.

Welcome again to this measurers Google Group, and talk to you soon (but not too soon).
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