[ANNOUNCE] urbit-os-v1.0.62

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Matilde Park

Oct 22, 2020, 10:46:18 PM10/22/20
to urbit-dev

This release will be pushed to the network as an over-the-air update.

Base hash (check with +trouble):


Release notes:

- Build optimisations now reduce Landscape's size from 10MB to 2MB. An
unfiled bug where source maps were not cited in errors is also resolved.

- a |remove generator is now included for removing channels from groups
for group owners.

`:metadata-store|remove %group-name %app-name /~zod/channel-name`

More information is included in the source at

- Fixes an issue where the 'new channel' button would not function
correctly on mobile devices.

- New channel creation now redirects to the channel after creation.

- Fixes an issue where comments in Links could not be submitted due to
malformed ship name in the API for submission (double sigs).

- Fixes an issue where imported Links collections and new Links items
had different timestamps, so new items in an imported collection would
always pin to bottom.

- Restores direct message logic and flows across the interface.

- Fixes an issue where users could not leave Links collections.

- Fixes an issue where editing channel settings in the home workspace
would blank the sidebar content.

- Fixes various design issues.

- Fixes the note input overflowing on mobile devices when writing a long

- Sigils now use a simplified, 'icon' appearance for small renders.

- Adds "Kick user from group" action for group owners in the
Participants menu.

- "New Channel" and "Groupify" actions are now only available for groups
in which you are an admin.

- Fixes an issue where navigating away from a chat while joining the
chat could crash the interface until the backlog was loaded.

- Adds a colour picker to colour inputs -- just click the colour.

- The clock on the interface is now written in SVG and depicts the moon

- Chat input on mobile now uses native chat input, restoring emoji and
autocorrect functionality.


Fang (4):
webdojo: preserve whitespace in output
webdojo: connect to slog stream for printfs
webdojo: attempt reconnecting only after success
webdojo: use /~_~/slog endpoint

Liam Fitzgerald (15):
interface: disable source maps on production builds
interface: do not bundle extra locales
interface: rewrite lodash imports with babel
interface, glob: serve source maps externally
metadata-store: add |remove generator
GroupsPane: handle new channel route correctly on mobile
NewChannel: redirect on successful creation
links: fix comment submit
graph-js: normalize keys in reducer
graph-js: cleanup and comment normalizeKey
graph-js: normalize node.post.index
graph-js: save original keys and indices
landscape: add DM dropdown
landscape: use invite popover for DM
landscape: make link relative for DM

Logan Allen (4):
spider: update http handler to be compatible with dojo
graph-threads: update to work with dojo and http
graph-leave: fixed leave thread to function properly
Merge pull request #3738 from urbit/la/spider-http

Matilde Park (51):
landscape: check workspace in channel menu
Merge pull request #3560 from urbit/m/webdojo-slogs
Merge branch 'master' into release/next-userspace
launch: home tile uses boxShadow
landscape: sidebar uses borderRadius
publish: prevent input overflow on safari
Merge pull request #3722 from urbit/mp/landscape/channel-menu
Merge pull request #3743 from tylershuster/sigil-color-picker
Merge pull request #3696 from urbit/lf/bundle-cleanup
landscape: only show 'new channel' if admin
Merge pull request #3745 from urbit/mp/landscape/admins-only
interface: use icon sigils for <16px renders
interface: icon sigils have borderradius
groups: add 'kick from' action
groups: new channel only shows ship search at home
groups: allow search to have sigs
chat: prevent crashes if join is interrupted
Merge pull request #3755 from urbit/mp/groups/kick
Merge pull request #3756 from urbit/mp/groups/invite-prompt
Merge pull request #3757 from urbit/mp/groups/participant-search
Merge pull request #3736 from urbit/mp/launch/tile-regression
Merge pull request #3758 from urbit/mp/chat/prevent-crash
Merge pull request #3734 from urbit/mp/interface/sigil-icons
chat: pad sigil icon in input
chat: timestamps are lined at top of messages
chat: hoon eval preserves whitespace
chat: pad unread marker more evenly
launch: migrate remainder to indigo-react
chat: create dm route, restore participants option
Merge pull request #3770 from urbit/mp/chat/message-tweak
Merge pull request #3747 from urbit/lf/remove-channel-generator
Merge pull request #3771 from urbit/mp/launch/indigo-react
Merge pull request #3762 from urbit/mp/chat/timestamp-top
Merge pull request #3737 from urbit/mp/publish/overflow-safari
landscape: add 'admin only' check to groupify form
landscape: prevent thick horizontal scroll
Merge pull request #3774 from tylershuster/chat-mobile
Merge pull request #3767 from tylershuster/svg-clock
Merge branch 'release/next-userspace' into mp/landscape/dm-restoration
Merge pull request #3781 from urbit/lf/link-comment-fix
Merge pull request #3782 from urbit/revert-3767-svg-clock
launch: keep base hash on top layer
landscape: add 'dm' to sidebar in home workspace
chat: remove paddingTop from input
Merge pull request #3784 from urbit/lf/ordered-map-fix
Merge pull request #3785 from tylershuster/clock-mask
Merge pull request #3776 from urbit/mp/publish/groupify
Merge pull request #3773 from urbit/mp/landscape/dm-restoration
glob: update to 0v2.1vtfh.0l23v.30s7f.n57l9.dpjvi
Merge branch 'release/next-userspace'
release: urbit-os-v1.0.62

Tyler Brown Cifu Shuster (4):
profile: add html color picker
clock: render in SVG, show moon phase
chat: fall back to native input on mobile
clock: svg with mask

fang (1):
webdojo: remove "no slogs" notification

matildepark (1):
Revert "clock: render in SVG, show moon phase"


Matilde Park

Oct 24, 2020, 11:32:04 AM10/24/20
to urbit-dev
We have released a new pill corresponding to this release with the base hash:


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