[ANNOUNCE] 412k-2

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Pyry Kovanen

Nov 8, 2023, 9:54:57 AM11/8/23
to urbit-dev

%base hash (check with +vat %base): 0v1r.2i1cd.gcvve.4o41u.qjn4p.vkk0s.i5ahg.lmsh4.is8kq.6msg5.f0ph3

The week before assembly a bug was discovered which affects connectivity between ships belonging to the same sponsorship chain. More specifically, the conditions for triggering the connectivity issues were the following:

  1. Two ships belonging to the same sponsorship chain try to communicate. Most commonly this was seen with stars and planets or moons and planets. Note that direct communication between galaxies and their children were unaffected.
  2. One of the ships was behind a NAT.
  3. The parent was either a new ship or had breached/changed sponsors recently.

If these conditions were met these ships could not communicate. This hotfix release fixes the bug. Note that this issue may have been responsible for the mysterious "moon connectivity issues".

This release is on ~zod and is propagating across the network now.

What's Changed
  • ames: do not ignore our peer-state by @pkova in #6838

Full Changelog412k-1...412k-2

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