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Discord, hiring, and a new version of Web Applets

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Rupert Manfredi

Dec 4, 2024, 7:23:06 AM12/4/24
Hey, Rupert here from Unternet & the Web Applets project.

Three updates I wanted to tell you about:

  1. You’re hereby invited to the Web Applets Discord! Kindly hosted by Mozilla.This will be a great place to connect and foster a more collaborative conversation, so please join up.
  2. We’re hiring for an open source engineer (among other roles) to help develop Web Applets and engage our community. If that might be you, please get in touch!
  3. I’m working on an update for Web Applets that will pave the way for a lot of future work, while also making it simpler to get started. There are some key architectural decisions, and a few potential proposals I’d love feedback on. You can email me here, or leave a comment on the GitHub link above.

Last week, I spoke at Web Directions Next in Sydney, and got an excited reception. The idea of AI-native apps is resonating, and Web Applets is a clear open alternative to building a proprietary integration. I’ll let you know when I have a video to share.

That’s it for now! I’m hard at work getting the new version out the door. The next time you hear from me, I’ll have a revised version of Web Applets & a new interface for playing with the ones you create.

Until then,
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