ICU4X 1.3 Released & UTW

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Shane Carr ሀ

Oct 9, 2023, 5:17:07 PM10/9/23
to ICU4X Announce
We're happy to announce ICU4X 1.3!

This is our largest release since 1.0 last fall, featuring new compiled data constructors to simplify your build process, a new datagen API, the full set of CLDR calendars, the first stable release of icu_casemap, and the first experimental release of icu_transliterate.

Read more on the Unicode Blog:

Also, join us for an ICU4X Workshop at the Unicode Technology Workshop, November 7-8 in Mountain View, CA. Meet in person with the ICU4X development team, learn about the ICU4X build system and data pipeline, and get all of your questions answered. Register here:

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