Thanks for the call

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Craig Biles

Sep 25, 2020, 12:56:24 PM9/25/20
to University Web Developers
Thanks to everyone who participated in the call this hour. Here's a quick recap:

  • At the open forum portion of the meeting Carla Wilson shared that the Media & Text block in the WordPress editor may resize your images when you update your core WordPress on your site. If you use this block be aware. Matthew Johnston and I will investigate this and see if it was a bug that has been fixed.
  • If you want to move your site to FlyWheel contact 6TECH but we are holding on the biggest part of this initiative to focus on the Next Generation Web Project.
  • If you have a Beta or Production site that is no longer in use let ITS know and we'll slate that site for deletion. We don't want to move sites or content to the new web project if not needed.
  • I mentioned an interesting article that I had read about Google rolling out "Stories" (think Instagram or Facebook") along with a WordPress plugin. Not advocating for it. I just thought it was interesting for more visual "storytelling" types of sites. Here is the link to the article.
  • If you are the manager of a website be sure that you are keeping the core WordPress and plugins current as this is a frequent arena for security patches and reducing vulnerability. ITS scans our sites when we hear of a plugin vulnerability but your help is crucial.
  • We talked about the sensitivity on face coverings in photos and how we have to balance between showing life on campus and showing safety on campus. I mentioned that one idea that has been discussed was if you have a photo in a new page that is obviously not using face coverings or social distancing to add a mention of "picture taken prior to 3/2020 in the caption." Denise added to chat a suggestion of the term "file photo" to alert the user. There are some images of students/staff with face coverings in the digital asset management system, Merlin.
  • Finally, we discussed the Next Generation Web Project, thanking everyone who has given input so far and encouraging everyone to continue participation if invited. I shared the timeline and pointed out this is a big project targeting an October 2021 launch of a new primary website. More to come.
That's it for now. Have a great weekend.

M. Craig Biles
University Digital Design and
Mobile Communications Developer
Information Technology Services and
University Communications Depts.

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