Error using ACPF 4 Stream Reach in ArcGIS Desktop v 10.8

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Andrew Maracini

May 9, 2023, 4:12:22 PM5/9/23
to ACPF Forum

I'm finally getting around to using the tool and everything was going smoothly until Step 2c Stream Reach and Catchments. It seems to be looking for a .tif that I don’t have. Any suggestions?


Executing: StreamReachAndCatchments AreaFlowNet040302022102 D:\ACPF\Data\RatRiver040302022102\acpf040302022102.gdb\D8FlowDir040302022102 D:\ACPF\Data\RatRiver040302022102\acpf040302022102.gdb\DEMFill040302022102 StreamType 1 # D:\ACPF\Data\RatRiver040302022102\acpf040302022102.gdb\StreamReach040302022102 D:\ACPF\Data\RatRiver040302022102\acpf040302022102.gdb\Catchments040302022102

Start Time: Mon May  8 16:06:39 2023

Running script StreamReachAndCatchments...

Stream reach and catchments to be generated for StreamType values of 1

Failed script StreamReachAndCatchments...


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "D:\ACPF\ACPF_V4_Desktop_05092022\Scripts\", line 253, in <module>

    StreamNetworkAndCatchments(reach, D8FlowDir, DEMFill)

  File "D:\ACPF\ACPF_V4_Desktop_05092022\Scripts\", line 105, in StreamNetworkAndCatchments

    arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(TDProcDir + "\\TDFlowAccumulation.tif")

  File "c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.8\arcpy\arcpy\", line 17174, in CalculateStatistics

    raise e

ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.

ERROR 000732: Input Raster Dataset: Dataset D:\ACPF\ACPF_V4_Desktop_05092022\Scripts\TDProcDir\TDFlowAccumulation.tif does not exist or is not supported

Failed to execute (CalculateStatistics).



Failed to execute (StreamReachAndCatchments).

Failed at Mon May  8 16:06:56 2023 (Elapsed Time: 16.54 seconds)


Thanks for your help!


Andy Maracini, GISP

GIS Specialist

Winnebago County Land & Water Conservation Department

Office Main: 920-232-1950

Tara Ogren

May 16, 2023, 5:15:51 PM5/16/23
to ACPF Forum,
I'm having the same problem except I get Error 00732 for TDWatersheds.tif.  So far no troubleshooting advice has worked as far as restarting computer and starting a new project.  I see there is advice to try running directly through TauDem. Version compatibility advice, as well as making sure you have one location for MPICH, and MPICH should be stored on same drive as TauDem.  

I am running ArcPro_V_3.1.1

p. 9:

Tara Ogren, P.E.
Civil Engineer
City of Hastings, NE

Tara Ogren

May 24, 2023, 12:56:48 PM5/24/23
to ACPF Forum, Tara Ogren,
We uninstalled and reinstalled TauDEM and installed the dependent MS MPI that is listed on the TauDEM download page.  Working one watershed at a time now, versus 3 were merged before.  Using exact naming conventions and inputs as described in the ACPF User's Manual and now realize that rerunning a step will simply overwrite the previous output which keeps things organized and easy to follow in the geodatabase.  Thanks ACPF support!

Tara Ogren

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