I'm finally getting around to using the tool and everything was going smoothly until Step 2c Stream Reach and Catchments. It seems to be looking for a .tif that I don’t have. Any suggestions?
Executing: StreamReachAndCatchments AreaFlowNet040302022102 D:\ACPF\Data\RatRiver040302022102\acpf040302022102.gdb\D8FlowDir040302022102 D:\ACPF\Data\RatRiver040302022102\acpf040302022102.gdb\DEMFill040302022102 StreamType 1 # D:\ACPF\Data\RatRiver040302022102\acpf040302022102.gdb\StreamReach040302022102 D:\ACPF\Data\RatRiver040302022102\acpf040302022102.gdb\Catchments040302022102
Start Time: Mon May 8 16:06:39 2023
Running script StreamReachAndCatchments...
Stream reach and catchments to be generated for StreamType values of 1
Failed script StreamReachAndCatchments...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\ACPF\ACPF_V4_Desktop_05092022\Scripts\StreamReachAndCatchments.py", line 253, in <module>
StreamNetworkAndCatchments(reach, D8FlowDir, DEMFill)
File "D:\ACPF\ACPF_V4_Desktop_05092022\Scripts\StreamReachAndCatchments.py", line 105, in StreamNetworkAndCatchments
arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(TDProcDir + "\\TDFlowAccumulation.tif")
File "c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.8\arcpy\arcpy\management.py", line 17174, in CalculateStatistics
raise e
ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.
ERROR 000732: Input Raster Dataset: Dataset D:\ACPF\ACPF_V4_Desktop_05092022\Scripts\TDProcDir\TDFlowAccumulation.tif does not exist or is not supported
Failed to execute (CalculateStatistics).
Failed to execute (StreamReachAndCatchments).
Failed at Mon May 8 16:06:56 2023 (Elapsed Time: 16.54 seconds)
Thanks for your help!
Andy Maracini, GISP
GIS Specialist
Winnebago County Land & Water Conservation Department
Office Main: 920-232-1950