I am new to ACPF community and am currently working through the training videos. I have a couple of questions:
1.) Do people recommend using ArcMap over ArcGIS Pro? I am starting the training trying to use Pro and am wondering if I should stick with ArcMap instead.
2.) I am using HUC 070802050503 in Iowa from the training videos. The DEM data I am using is from ESRI's "Terrain" image service on living atlas. My DEM is projected to NAD 1983 UTM Zone 15 N. I resampled my DEM x,y to be 2m. I then used Raster Calculator to convert floating point to integer, and convert z-unit meters to cm, as recommended in the video. So my DEM going into the Pit Fill Hole/Hole Punch tool has horizontal units in meters and vertical units in cm.
Note) The source imagery for the "Terrain" image service comes from USGS 3DEP 1m imagery.
I am confused what I should make my "Input Maximum Fill Depth (Z- units)". The training video used 30 cm since their z units were in cm. Should I use the same 30 since my z-units were converted to cm? However, the user manual says that the number depends on the vertical accuracy of the imagery. I can't find the vertical accuracy in the metadata, but this
USGS page says that 3DEP Dems have an approximate RMSE of 0.53 meters. The user manual says:
"We suggest a maximum fill depth that is consistent with the vertical accuracy of the input data, often 0.1-0.3 m (10-30 cm)"
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!