DEM preparation for Pit Fill

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Kate Truitt

Jan 10, 2024, 2:00:51 PMJan 10
to ACPF Forum
I am new to ACPF community and am currently working through the training videos. I have a couple of questions:

1.) Do people recommend using ArcMap over ArcGIS Pro? I am starting the training trying to use Pro and am wondering if I should stick with ArcMap instead.


2.) I am using HUC 070802050503 in Iowa from the training videos. The DEM data I am using is from ESRI's "Terrain" image service on living atlas. My DEM is projected to NAD 1983 UTM Zone 15 N. I resampled my DEM x,y to be 2m. I then used Raster Calculator to convert floating point to integer, and convert z-unit meters to cm, as recommended in the video. So my DEM going into the Pit Fill Hole/Hole Punch tool has horizontal units in meters and vertical units in cm. 

Note) The source imagery for the "Terrain" image service comes from USGS 3DEP 1m imagery.

I am confused what I should make my "Input Maximum Fill Depth (Z- units)". The training video used 30 cm since their z units were in cm. Should I use the same 30 since my z-units were converted to cm? However, the user manual says that the number depends on the vertical accuracy of the imagery. I can't find the vertical accuracy in the metadata, but this USGS page  says that 3DEP Dems have an approximate RMSE of 0.53 meters. The user manual says:

"We suggest a maximum fill depth that is consistent with the vertical accuracy of the input data, often 0.1-0.3 m (10-30 cm)" 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

David James

Jan 10, 2024, 10:57:20 PMJan 10
to Kate Truitt, ACPF Forum
Hi Kate,
Welcome aboard!

Under no circumstance should you use Desktop. The ACPF is now fully committed to using ArcGIS Pro as the development and maintenance platform going forward. We are making the effort to transition the training videos to use the Pro platform. Stay tuned!

I applaud your using integer cm Z values in your DEM. This is the best choice both from a performance and storage perspective. I am happy to see that you are reading the documentation and seeking guidance for the Z-units.  For a 1m DEM, I traditionally use a 10cm fill depth on the Pit Fill - Hole Punch tool. The goal here is to remove any artifacts from the LiDAR processing effort. If you find that there is still a lot of variation in the surface, up the fill depth.

BTW, if you are in Iowa, you can download individual HUC12 DEMs that have already been hydro conditioned (Pit Fill-Hole Punch) and the waterbodies have been hydro-flattened...breaklines are available as well. See

Good luck!

Dave James

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