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REMINDER: New Postdoctoral position at Ruđer Bošković Institute (RBI, Split, Croatia) in meteotsunami modeling

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Clea Denamiel

May 15, 2024, 8:09:20 PM5/15/24
to coastal_list

Meteotsunamis are ocean long-waves in the tsunami frequencies driven by atmospheric pressure or wind disturbances. They can be separated in two categories. On the one hand, weather related events are connected to mesoscale atmospheric processes such as mesoscale gravity waves, frontal passages/squall lines, tropical cyclones, etc., and are affected by the on-going climate warming. On the other hand, acoustically-driven events result from the generation of atmospheric planetary acoustic-gravity waves after catastrophic explosions such as the recent Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH) volcanic eruption in January 2022.

Since the strongest meteotsunami ever witnessed in the world occur along the Croatian coastline in 1978, scientists in Croatia have been leading innovative research on weather related events. Recently, a team lead by researchers of the Ruđer Bošković Institute (RBI; has published a framework to project the impact of climate change on such events ( Further, within the EuroHPC funded ChEESE 2P project (, the RBI team is also modeling the planetary meteotsunami generated by the HTHH explosion ( However, modeling either the impact of climate change on weather related events or the global coastal hazards posed by acoustically-driven events is still at its very early stage and should be further investigated.

In the framework of this on-going research, we are seeking a postdoctoral researcher that will be part of a young research team working on developing the atmosphere-ocean-wave-biogeochemical numerical modeling capacity within the Laboratory for Marine Physics and Chemistry of Water Systems at RBI ( The postdoctoral researcher main role will be to lead numerical modeling experiments with the aim to predict and adapt to present and future meteotsunami coastal hazards. The candidate will also publish their work and coordinate with the other members of team in communicating and sharing the results within both the ChEESE 2P project and the broader scientific community.

The postdoctoral position will be located in Split (Croatia) along the Adriatic coast, for a term up to 4 years (2-year term with possibility of renewal for 2 more years). English is the language spoken within the team.

The candidate minimum acceptable qualifications should be:

  • ·       PhD in Physical Oceanography or Atmospheric Sciences preferably but PhDs in other relevant related fields will also be considered
  • ·         Fluency in English
  • ·         Experience with Numerical Modeling preferably with Ocean Models
  • ·         Experience with Scientific Programming
  • ·         Experience with Writing Scientific Articles

Preferred additional requirements include but are not limited to experience with:

  • ·         Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Modeling
  • ·         Climate Change Modeling
  • ·         Machine Learning Systems
  • ·         Working in multi-disciplinary environments

Documents required for applying are as follows:

  • ·         Resume/Curriculum Vitae
  • ·         List of Publications
  • ·         Cover letter

Questions and applications should be sent to Cléa Denamiel ( at before the 31 May 2024.

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