Wave action on coastal structures course with HR Wallingford (11-12 October 2023) - last places available

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Sep 26, 2023, 9:27:54 AM9/26/23
to coasta...@udel.edu

Our two-day wave action on coastal structures course is taking place soon on 11-12 October. Designed for those who need to be able to anticipate and/or predict the response of coastal structures to wave action, the course will teach the theory and methods necessary for delivering alternative solutions to coastal problems. It will introduce the EurOtop manual and present established and new techniques to predict wave overtopping at seawalls, flood embankments, breakwaters and other shoreline structures.


The topics covered during the course include:

  • An introduction to the main types of structure.
  • Use simple methods to estimate wave loads and how to predict wave overtopping, crest level calculation, and armour size determination.
  • An introduction to the EurOtop manual and the techniques (both established and new) used to predict wave overtopping at shoreline structures.
  • Gain a theoretical understanding of the key issues in coastal engineering.
  • Definition of key structural and hydraulic parameters, discussion of the types of prediction methods, and guidance on how the results should be interpreted.
  • The main methods available for predicting overtopping (desk calculations; use of BayonetGPE tool; PC Overtopping).


The registration fee for this course is £600.00 (plus VAT at 20%) per delegate, and includes all documentation, lunch and refreshments. Discounts are available when booking more than one place.


For more details about the course and to register please see https://www.hrwallingford.com/training/courses/wave-action-coastal-structures, or you can contact us at trai...@hrwallingford.com.


HR Wallingford
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Oxfordshire OX10 8BA, United Kingdom
+44 1491 835381



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