Coastal areas facing erosion exacerbated by storms and sea level rise need increasingly greater quantities of sediment for beach, dune, and marsh creation. Information on available material to support these projects is often limited because borrow area identification is typically confined to specific, relatively small areas, and data that do exist can be difficult to find or access due to being housed across databases within multiple agencies. New geological and geophysical data collection to support characterization of offshore sources, on the other hand, requires significant funds, dedicated planning, and complex interagency coordination. At the same time, new and expensive disposal alternatives are sought to replace rapidly filling disposal areas for sediment dredged from navigable waterways, material that may be appropriate for beneficial use. A solution to these interconnected challenges is Regional Sediment Management (RSM), a holistic, systems-based approach for stewardship of sediment resources to provide broad benefit.
This session is focused on issues related to practical implementation of RSM, from programmatic planning of sediment use to interagency leveraging of available data on sediment sources to beneficial use. Topics can range from sediment source to sink, including identification and quantification of sediment resources; strategies for resolving conflicting uses of borrow areas; evaluation and valuation of beneficial use opportunities; management of dredged sediment and sediment placement areas; and equitable and just management of sediment resources and the environment. Also of interest is repurposing of existing geological, geotechnical, and geophysical data to identify sediment sources through desktop analysis or application of new technologies (e.g., 3D analysis, artificial intelligence, and application of new geological or sedimentary models). Presentations may encompass applied research, case studies, and implementation strategies, with an emphasis on efforts where decision-makers, stakeholders, scientists, and/or engineers have worked collaboratively to develop and apply innovative approaches. The session will also include time for participants and attendees to discuss RSM challenges and opportunities as part of advancing innovation and regional collaboration on this topic.Session Co-Chairs:
Soupy Dalyander,
Jennifer Steele,
Juan Moya,
Laurel Reichold,
Jean Cowan,