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Ph.D. Candidate sought, Parma, Italy

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Sandro Longo

May 18, 2024, 11:12:55 AM5/18/24
to coastal_list

Dear colleagues,


We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student (3 years fully funded) to join the MARCuS project on 'Mitigation and Adaptation in Resilient Coastal and Estuarine Integrated Units'.

The student will work under the supervision of Sandro Longo, Professor at the University of Parma, Italy.

The student will be based at the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Parma.

- Regular research stays at the laboratory of the Andalusian Inter-University Institute for Earth System Research (IISTA-CEAMA) in Granada, Spain

- Participation in official MARCuS meetings


### Research topic

The activities will be aimed at studying the interaction between river currents and sea waves in the estuarine zone, as well as the numerous and varied physical processes present there, including salt mixing. Theoretical and experimental methodology.

 ### Application process

Further information is available by contacting the following individuals:

Sandro Longo,

Luca Chiapponi,

Fabio Addona,

 To apply, please send your curriculum vitae, a covering letter, your master's grades and references to

Deadline to apply: 15 June 2024

The selection process is scheduled for late July or early August. The activity starts on 1st November.

 Best regards,


 Sandro Longo

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