Output Frequency

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Kayla Yamamoto

Aug 26, 2024, 11:19:14 PM8/26/24
to wrf-hydro_users

I'm using WRF-Hydro v5.2.0 and want to get RTOUT output every 15-minutes. What do I need to change in the namelist(s) files to do this?

I tried changing 'out_dt' in hydro.namelist to 15, but the RTOUT files got messed up. There were multiple times saved within each output file, and the filename was labeled with incorrect times/dates. 

Any information or suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Arezoo RafieeiNasab

Sep 11, 2024, 4:35:27 PM9/11/24
to wrf-hydro_users, Kayla Yamamoto
Hi Kayla, 

Your answer is correct that changing the out_dt will change the frequency of the output files. However, RTOUT file will be outputted once every 3 time steps if the io_config_outputs is set to 5. In your case, most probably you have the out_dt = 15 and the io_config_output= 5, which means the RTOUT is outputted every 45 minutes. If you choose a different io_confit_output (for example 0), it should output every 15 minutes. 

I have not seen a file with multiple times in a single file, so cannot comment on that. But just in case keep split_output_count = 0. 


Kayla Yama

Sep 11, 2024, 8:58:44 PM9/11/24
to Arezoo RafieeiNasab, wrf-hydro_users
Hi Arezoo,

Thank you for your helpful response! 

In the hydro.namelist, I had out_dt = 15 and io_config_outputs = 0 when I got the RTOUT output files with multiple times in it. However, the SPLIT_OUTPUT_COUNT = 1, so that may be the issue. 

In the namelist file description it says SPLIT_OUTPUT_COUNT is the number of timesteps to put in a single output file. Do you know why changing SPLIT_OUTPUT_COUNT = 0 would fix this?

Many thanks,

Arezoo RafieeiNasab

Sep 11, 2024, 10:44:43 PM9/11/24
to Kayla Yama, wrf-hydro_users
Hi Kayla, 

In the recent versions of the code, SPLIT_OUTPUT_COUNT = 0 means that all the time steps will be written into a single file, but this option is only for the CHANOBS file. Could you share a sample output file of your (RTOUT I mean) which has multiple time steps in it, and I will check it out.

Thank you!
Arezoo Rafieei Nasab, Ph.D.
NCAR/RAL Project Scientist II
office: 303-497-2888
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