anthro_emis with ODIAC CO2 emissions data error

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Feb 15, 2023, 11:29:11 PM2/15/23
to wrf-chem-anthro_emiss
hello all,
I try to use anthro_emis  with ODIAC CO2 emissions data.

>>>>>>>>>> odiac_Data.inp
 anthro_dir = '/home/yjinkim/MODL/NIMS_VPRM_DATA/ANTHRO/CO2_data/odiac_1deg_nc'
 src_names = 'CO2(44)'
 src_file_prefix = 'odiac2020b_'
 src_file_suffix = ''
 sub_categories = 'intl_bunker'
 cat_var_prefix = ''
 serial_output     = .true.
 start_output_time = '2019-01-01_00:00:00'
 stop_output_time  = '2019-06-01_00:00:00'
 output_interval = 21600
 data_yrs_offset = 0
 domains = 1
 emissions_zdim_stag = 1
 emis_map = 'CO2->CO2'

>>>>>> ./anthro_emis < odiac_Data.inp > odiac_Data.out

>>>>>  odiac_Data.out  =====  it shows error 
 main: nemis =            1
 anthro_map(           1 ):
 src species count =            1
 emis species name = CO2                            
 cat wghts
 src active
 active src =            1
 wrf_file: MAP_PROJ is LAMBERT
 wrf_file: CEN_LON =    126.6291    
 wrf_file: CEN_LAT =    37.62423    
 wrf_file: STAND_LON =    126.0000    
 wrf_file: TRUELAT1 =    30.00000    
 wrf_file: TRUELAT2 =    60.00000    
 wrf_file: DX =    9000.000    
 proj_init: projection =  1
 proj_init: proj%hemi    =    1.000000    
 proj_init: proj%rebydx  =    707.7778    
 proj_init: proj%polei,j =    42.50001       831.7006    
 proj_init: west-east,south-north =    96  135
 wrf domain corners
 --- ------ -------
 sw corner @ (  122.00317    ,  32.021122    )
 se corner @ (  131.14972    ,  31.965210    )
 ne corner @ (  132.13660    ,  43.046021    )
 nw corner @ (  121.23611    ,  43.114372    )
 wrf_file: time = 2019-01-01_00:00:00
 wrf_file: grid dimensions
 wrf_file: ids,ide,jds,jde
     1    96     1   135
 will use sub cats:  T
 data_file_init: Initializing type for src emission file odiac2020b_CO2_1x1d_201
 data_file_init:  nlon_src, nlat_src =          360         180
 data_file_init: data_dx,dx,has_area_map =    111177.5       9000.000     F
 data_file_init: file is a new grid
 data_file_init: count of points <,> data min,max lat =            0
 xndx_src =          301         313
 data_file_init: count of points < data min lat =            0
 data_file_init: count of points > data max lat =            0
 yndx_src =          122         134
 get_units: con_fac(1,2) =   3.6000000E+12  1.0000000E+09
 read_src_times: can not find either time or date dimension
 NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name                                          

Can you help me modify for odiac_Data.inp???

Franz Pablo Antezana López (CHBE)

Nov 6, 2023, 4:07:30 AM11/6/23
to wrf-chem-anthro_emiss, 김유진
I recommend you transform ODIAC dataset as the same format as EDGAR HTAP, it should contain dimesion (lat,lon,time)... and variable "emis_tot", you must take care about the units of the input data, usually when i prepare data for anthro_emiss i use this library of R ""
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