Mapping for CAMS-ANTHRO

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Neeldip Barman

Jul 25, 2020, 9:39:14 AM7/25/20
to wrf-chem-anthro_emiss
Has anyone used CAMS-ANTHRO emission data with MOZART-MOSAIC?
What type emission mapping to use as the emissions are a bit different compared to EDGAR-HTAP?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Rajesh Kumar

Jul 25, 2020, 9:48:59 PM7/25/20
to Neeldip Barman, wrf-chem-anthro_emiss
Hi Neeldip,

Here is a namelist for the MOZCART chemical mechanism. To use with MOSAIC, you need to spilt BC and OC emissions in I and J modes. I normally assign 20% to the I mode and 80% to the J mode. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


 anthro_dir        = '/glade/p/acom/acom-climate/tilmes/emis/CAMS_Anthro_f05_f06'
 wrf_dir           = '/glade/p/acom/acom-da/rkumar/firex_aq/fcst_system/fixed_files'
 src_file_prefix   = 'CAMS-GLOB-ANT_Glb_0.1x0.1_anthro_'
 domains           = 1
 src_file_suffix   = ''
 src_names         = 'co(28)','nox(30)','so2(64)','nh3(17)','bc(12)','oc(12)','acids(59)','alcohols(32)',
                     'oth(68)','pentanes(72)','toluene(92)','isoprenes(68)','aldehydes(44)', 'arom(126)',
 sub_categories    = 'sum'
 cat_var_prefix    = ' '
 serial_output     = .false.
 start_output_time  = '2019-07-15_00:00:00'
 data_yrs_offset   = 0
 emissions_zdim_stag = 1
 emis_map          = 'CO->co','NO->0.9*nox','SO2->so2','NH3->nh3','BC(a)->bc','OC(a)->oc',
Rajesh Kumar, Project Scientist II

Research Applications Laboratory 
National Center for Atmospheric Research 

Neeldip Barman

Jul 26, 2020, 3:22:47 AM7/26/20
to wrf-chem-anthro_emiss,, wrf-chem-anthro_emiss, Neeldip Barman
Thanks a lot!


Neeldip Barman

Aug 3, 2020, 7:54:04 AM8/3/20
to wrf-chem-anthro_emiss, Neeldip Barman,, wrf-chem-anthro_emiss
Sir,I had successfully created the emissions, but I am getting this error while running chem:

 mediation_integrate: med_read_wrf_chem_emissions: Read emissions for time 2018-04-07_00:00:00
 mediation_integrate: med_read_wrf_chem_emissions: Open file wrfchemi_d01_2018-04-07_00:00:00
d01 2018-04-07_00:00:00  Error trying to read metadata
d01 2018-04-07_00:00:00  Input data is acceptable to use: wrfchemi_d01_2018-04-07_00:00:00

After that model is getting another error and crashing. I have attached the namelist.Please have a look.

Mary Barth

Aug 3, 2020, 11:14:37 AM8/3/20

Hi Neeldip,

I am starting to see this error message more often recently. In one case it was because an input file was not actually in the directory, so make sure all of your files are available. In another case it was because the namelist did not write the name of the input file. Be sure the <domain> is part of the input file (e.g. wrfchemi_d<domain>_<date> or wrfbiochemi_d<domain>).

There may be other reasons why the metadata error occurred, but this was my experience.


Neeldip Barman

Aug 4, 2020, 6:05:31 AM8/4/20
to wrf-chem-anthro_emiss,
Thank you for replying.
I checked again whatever you have suggested but the input files seems to be in proper order.
If you look at the next line of the error, it shows data is acceptable. I am find it difficult to comprehend as both the lines seems to be contradictory.
Maybe I am missing something wrt the understanding.

Rajesh Kumar

Aug 4, 2020, 6:27:48 AM8/4/20
to Neeldip Barman, wrf-chem-anthro_emiss,
Hi Neeldip,

It would be helpful if you can post the full rsl.error.0000 file. Sometimes, one input stream is missing and the error appears at the other stream. To me, it looks like anthropogenic emissions are being read correctly and the error is likely originating from something else. 


Neeldip Barman

Aug 4, 2020, 8:26:34 AM8/4/20
to wrf-chem-anthro_emiss,,
Hello Sir,
I have attached the rsl file and my namelist. I just want to be sure that the emissions are being read correctly and there is no issue in any aspect.
You will find a segmentation fault, related to another issue in the rsl. Kindly ignore that.


Neeldip Barman

Aug 6, 2020, 4:15:38 AM8/6/20
to wrf-chem-anthro_emiss,,

I have attached another rsl file at debug level=50.

Rajesh Kumar

Aug 6, 2020, 4:25:55 AM8/6/20
to Neeldip Barman, wrf-chem-anthro_emiss, Mary Barth
I am not sure what is causing your run to fail but noticed a few things that might be problematic. 

1. I noticed that your wrfbdy_d01 file does not have the variables corresponding to the MOZART-MOSAIC chemical mechanism. 
2. I  also suggest checking for cfl errors in your run. 
3. I see that model is calling "biomassb" for fire emissions. This option is not supported with MOZART-MOSAIC. 

María Fca. Cardell Martínez

Mar 16, 2023, 10:26:07 AM3/16/23
to wrf-chem-anthro_emiss, Rajesh Kumar, wrf-chem-anthro_emiss, Neeldip Barman
Hi everyone,

I am interested in running the WRF-Chem model using the CAMS-GLOB-ANT_Glb_0.1x0.1_anthro global emission inventory version5.3 with the RADM2 gas-phase chemistry and MADE/SORGAM aerosol.

I would like to know if there is some documentation/information related to how to map all the gases,VOCs species and aerosols from CAMS-GLOB-ANT_Glb_0.1x0.1_anthro  v5.3 for RADM2 - MADE/SORGAM or if you could provide me the anthro_emis namelist for these mechanisms.

Thank you very much,


Rajesh Kumar

Mar 17, 2023, 2:18:56 PM3/17/23
to María Fca. Cardell Martínez, wrf-chem-anthro_emiss, Neeldip Barman
Hi Maria,

At NCAR, we use in-house developed MOZART based chemical options in our WRF-Chem runs. Thus, we have not developed mapping to other mechanisms unless someone else in the community has done so. But our colleague Louisa Emmons in one of her papers included a Table showing mapping of MOZART species to CBMZ, RADM2, and SAPRC. Here is a screenshot of the Table and the paper reference is below the Table image.  

Emmons, L. K., Walters, S., Hess, P. G., Lamarque, J.-F., Pfister, G. G., Fillmore, D., Granier, C., Guenther, A., Kinnison, D., Laepple, T., Orlando, J., Tie, X., Tyndall, G., Wiedinmyer, C., Baughcum, S. L., and Kloster, S.: Description and evaluation of the Model for Ozone and Related chemical Tracers, version 4 (MOZART-4), Geosci. Model Dev., 3, 43–67,, 2010.

Rajesh Kumar, Project Scientist III

María Fca. Cardell Martínez

Jun 6, 2023, 8:35:55 AM6/6/23
to wrf-chem-anthro_emiss, Rajesh Kumar, wrf-chem-anthro_emiss, Neeldip Barman, María Fca. Cardell Martínez
Thank you very much, it worked !

I'm presently using the CAMS global forecast compostion to update the boundary conditions of gaseous species in WRF-Chem using MOZBC utility, and found it to be very useful.

But I also want to update the aerosol species from CAMS. I'm using the MOZCART option to simulate dust storm episodes. Is there a mapping to convert the aerosol species from CAMS aerosol module to MOZCART aerosol schemes?

Here is the list of aerosol species available from CAMS.

Short name      Long name

aermr01              Sea Salt Aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 um) Mixing Ratio
aermr02              Sea Salt Aerosol (0.5 - 5 um) Mixing Ratio
aermr03              Sea Salt Aerosol (5 - 20 um) Mixing Ratio
aermr04              Dust Aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 um) Mixing Ratio
aermr05              Dust Aerosol (0.55 - 0.9 um) Mixing Ratio
aermr06              Dust Aerosol (0.9 - 20 um) Mixing Ratio
aermr07              Hydrophobic Organic Matter Aerosol Mixing Ratio
aermr08              Hydrophilic Organic Matter Aerosol Mixing Ratio
aermr09              Hydrophobic Black Carbon Aerosol Mixing Ratio
aermr10      Hydrophilic Black Carbon Aerosol Mixing Ratio
aermr11              Sulphate Aerosol Mixing Ratio

Thank you very much,

Best regards,


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