City Internships | New Year Update

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Econ Undergrad

Jan 27, 2021, 11:23:50 AM1/27/21
to ART Economics - Publicity

Upcoming program closures

We will be closing all in-person, cohort-based programs to new applicants on Sunday 14th February.

Thereafter, students wshing to join a summer in-person program may join a waitlist, which, if it becomes prudent for us to release additional capacity, will be attended on a first come, first served basis.

Spring and summer remote programs remain unaffected and open to new applicants.

Accordingly, I encourage students interested in joining any CI program in 2021 to apply at the earliest opportunity here:

Student aid

Correspondingly, our Student Aid fund for the 2020/21 program season is also drawing down at a similarly high pace.

In addition to applying sooner, I also encourage interested students to calculate and secure their CI student aid awards at the earlist opportnity here:

CI Student Aid Calculator

(Our student aid, tuition rebate, and ambassador schemes, which provide non-repayable financial assistance of up to $2,013, $2,500, and $1,250 respectively, and may be combined, are applicable to all 2021 programs.)

Academic partners

For students attending institutions partnered with CI, applications for all programs will remain open for the originally designated periods (i.e. until Sunday 28th Feb and Sunday 30th May for spring and summer 2021 programs, respectively).

If your institution/department/program is not partnered with CI, and you would like to learn more about doing so, please submit an enquiry here:

 CI Academic Partnership Form

Partnerships may be entered at the institutional (university/college), departmental (school/department) or program/course level.

City Internships is a member of the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE), NAFSA: Association of International Educators, The Forum on Education Abroad and the National Society on Experiential Education (NSEE).


About CI

CI creates globally engaged, career-ready graduates.

We partner with traditional educators and leading employers across the globe to help close the skill and knowledge gaps that leave almost half of recent college graduates un- and under-employed.

Our experiential education programs, which blend work-based training, cohort-based classes and workshops, and expert on-the-ground coaching, held in immersive and inspirational settings, are proven to dramatically enhance student outcomes.

CI alumni secure graduate-level employment three-times more quickly, and starting salaries 30% higher, than their fellow bachelors-degree holding peers.

CI was founded in the UK in 2011 by Lewis Talbot (BlackRock/Barclays Global Investors/Merrill Lynch Investment Management alum) to serve London’s financial district (“The City”).

Today, from its HQ in Los Angeles, CA, and in partnership with leading employers across the globe, CI provides immersive and transformative experiences for students and recent graduates across all career fields.

CI’s programs may be undertaken year-round, in-person or remotely, and full- or part-time - during vacations or term time – and are structured around work placements with employers across 9 industries and 20 cities globally.

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