Do not miss the very first MKVS Webinar with Søren Sedit!!

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The Master-Key Vocal System

Sep 15, 2021, 12:43:32 PM9/15/21
to MKVS Public Discussions
Hey Everyone!

We are proud to announce that the Master-Key Vocal System will now hold a regular live stream that YOU can join to, and participate via the live chat on our YouTube Channel!!!

The very first webinar will be on the 25th of September, 20:00 CEST, 19:00 BST!!

Webinar #1.jpg

This webinar will be hosted by the author and Master Teacher of MKVS, Søren Sedit!

We will talk about the background of the method, a bit of history, a bit about Søren and answering as many questions as we can about the vocal system!

Please make sure that you SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel so you do not miss the whenever MKVS goes LIVE!!!

See you all on the 25th of September!
The MKVS Team
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