2022 Texas CPAAA Convention Final Schedule

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Murdock, Dorris (Nokia - US/Dallas)

May 14, 2022, 10:01:24 AM5/14/22
to tcpaaa-i...@texascpaaa.net


Texas CPAAA Convention and Law Enforcement Training 2022

Please read all of this email, important information regarding hotel and parking!



Greetings to all,


29 days and Margaritaville here we come!


  • Convention registration: if you have not mailed your registration tomorrow is the deadline May 15, late fee is $50.00.

Walk-in registration is accepted with a late fee. Link to Registration form: http://texascpaaa.net/convention/

Law Enforcement: TCOLE credit is available for each class you attend.


  • Margaritaville Resort - is FULL, no rooms available and I no longer can assist you to get a room.


  • Hampton Inn & Suites Conroe - I-45 North is the over flow hotel, if you were unable to get a room at Margaritaville Resort there is a special rate of $109.00 a night.

2242 Stoneside Rd, Conroe, TX 77303 , ph 936-539-1888  USE CODE:  CPC when making your reservation for this discounted rate. Deadline 5/20/2022


  • PARKING at Margaritaville Resort – Recommendation: when you arrive drive up to the front entrance of the resort, drop off your passengers and all of your luggage. Then drive to the designated FREE parking lot. You can walk back but there will be 4 six passenger golf carts running a shuttle back to the hotel entrance if you want a ride.


  • Final TCPAAA Convention Schedule, attached. Sometimes things happen beyond our control and there could be adjustments to the schedule, we will keep you informed of.


  • Dress Attire – Wednesday evening Awards Dinner, this is not a formal event but it is not shorts and t-shirts please. Business casual, or your “Sunday Best” would be preferred.


  • Rookie Orientation on Sunday June 12 @ 4:00pm - is this your 1st time to attend the Texas CPAAA Convention – please come to the.


  • Attention Law Enforcement Montgomery Co SCAAA invites you to wear your uniform to Opening Ceremonies Monday morning. We would appreciate this opportunity to honor each of you at “The Wall of Honor”. Some of you have participated in this at previous Conventions, for those that have not we have you enter the room together to stand around the walls of the ballroom. There is a short presentation to show our support and then you can be seated. Even if you decide not to bring your uniform please know we still invite you to be on that wall, please.  Thank you!


On behalf of the Texas CPAAA Board of Directors and your convention hosts, Montgomery County Sheriff’s Citizens Academy Alumni Association, we look forward to seeing everyone soon!

Dorris Murdock

Texas CPAAA VP Conventions



Final - TCPAAA Convention Class Schedule 5.12.22.pdf
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