Hello again,
It’s great to see/hear many of you are calling or going on-line to make room reservations. But I’m also receiving a lot of phone calls and emails with the same question/concern. The questions are about the Resort Fee?
This a “standard” form used by the hotel for everyone, not just our group. So when you see Resort Fee, please ignore, I can assure you that the TCPAAA Convention members will not pay this fee, our contract states this fee is waived.
The contract includes:
Have a good day!
Dorris Murdock
Texas CPAAA VP Conventions
From: tcpaaa-i...@texascpaaa.net <tcpaaa-i...@texascpaaa.net>
On Behalf Of Murdock, Dorris (Nokia - US/Dallas)
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2021 1:14 PM
To: tcpaaa-i...@texascpaaa.net
Subject: Texas CPAAA Convention and Law Enforcement Convention 2022
Happy Monday to all,
Attached is the newly revised Registration Form for the 2022 TCPAAA Convention & Law Enforcement Training. The form includes information regarding how to make your hotel reservations by calling the hotel or booking reservations on-line. NOTE: mention you are with 2022 Texas CPAAA.
Get your Convention Registration mailed in too, this helps support MCSCAAA for planning the event.
Convention dates June 12-June 15 - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Make your room reservation for June 12-16, (4 night stay) remember you check out of the hotel the day after the awards dinner.
Sunday – check-in hotel, and Ice Breaker that evening
Monday – Classes
Tuesday - Classes
Wednesday – Classes and Awards Dinner, and if you are not going home after the dinner you need your room that night.
More Convention information to come!
On behalf of the Texas CPAAA Board and the Montgomery County Sheriffs Citizen’s Academy Alumni Association (MCSCAAA) we look forward to seeing you in June!
Dorris Murdock
Texas CPAAA VP Conventions
Visit the TCPAAA web site at http://TexasCPAAA.org
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