Temporary clone of Region One website

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Leo Waltz (admin)

Jun 30, 2023, 1:28:17 PM6/30/23
to Region One
When the state organization went to a new website, they did not include any of the regions that were part of the TCPAAA.  Our Region One website contained over 2300 files, and some folks needed access to some of these these files.
Therefore, I have cloned the website and stored it on one of my servers.  Here are my notes:
  • You can access the site at https://tinyurl.com/TCPAAARegion1
  • A batch edit has corrected most (that means not all) of the links in the site. I will fix individual problems manually soon.
  • This clone is temporary until we once again become part of the state website. I had plans to shut this server down this fall, but will reconsider if necessary.
  • There is no normal URL (that's like a .org, .com, .net, etc) as they cost real money and a name would have to be chosen.
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