NormalInverseGaussian: ensuring that |tailweight| >= |skewness|

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Daniel Weitzenfeld

Mar 22, 2023, 10:02:24 PM3/22/23
to TensorFlow Probability
I'm building a density network, and I'm considering using the NormalInverseGuassian. I am seeking recommendations for how to ensure that the parameters passed to the distribution are valid, specifically, that |tailweight| >= |skewness|.
My first idea is to define the loss such that the loss is an arbitrarily large number when the assumption is violated.  That doesn't feel robust though - I worry that at prediction time, there is nothing to prevent the model from passing invalid parameters to the distribution.  
My model will look something like the model I described here, though if I can figure out how to get the NormalInverseGaussian to work, I may not need a mixture distribution.

Christopher Suter

Mar 22, 2023, 11:42:20 PM3/22/23
to Daniel Weitzenfeld, TensorFlow Probability
Don't train tailweight directly, train "pre_tailweight", unconstrained, then pass tailweight=|skewness| + tf.math.softplus(pre_tailweight)

Softplus ensures the thing we're adding is positive.

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Daniel Weitzenfeld

Mar 23, 2023, 8:27:07 AM3/23/23
to Christopher Suter, TensorFlow Probability
Thank you Chris! I had a feeling it was something simple like this. 
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