Why are you using diagonal matrix in the MultivariateNormalDiag?

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Gurkirat Singh

Apr 19, 2023, 2:36:50 AM4/19/23
to TensorFlow Probability
In the class we can use loc as 1d array and also scale as 1d array of same shape. If it not passed you can use tf.ones(loc.shape). Why taking matrix?

loc = [lx,  ly,   lz, ......]
           |.     |.    |
std = [sx, sy, sz, .....]

Gurkirat Singh

Apr 19, 2023, 2:37:25 AM4/19/23
to TensorFlow Probability, Gurkirat Singh
I mean instead of Diag we can use this MultivariateNormal

Gurkirat Singh

Apr 24, 2023, 10:07:58 AM4/24/23
to TensorFlow Probability, Gurkirat Singh
This is to generalise that covariance matrix must have the following properties:
  1. It is symmetric
  2. It is positive (semi-)definite
Not all covar matrix are valid.
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