Unexpected Behavior with Deterministic

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Nov 15, 2022, 4:25:57 PM11/15/22
to TensorFlow Probability
I am attempting to fit a model with VI. Here's the model:
def gen_lognorm_model(y):
    """Based on Heirarchical 8 Schools model.

    This is a pooling model with a learned weight parameter, tau, that weights mean y and y.

    See TFP eyample https://www.tensorflow.org/probability/eyamples/Eight_Schools"""

    y,  = tuple(tf.cast(y, tf.float32) for y in (y, ))  # somewhat complicated, but ready to be expanded for further data.
    mean_loc = tf.math.log(tf.math.reduce_mean(y))        
    mean_scale = tf.math.reduce_std(y)
    return tfd.JointDistributionSequential([
        tfd.LogNormal(loc=mean_loc, scale=1.),              # y_mean
        tfd.LogNormal(loc=tf.math.log(.5), scale=.2),       # tau
        tfd.Independent(                                    # lognorm_y
            tfd.LogNormal(loc=tf.math.log(y), scale=1.),
        #    tfd.LogNormal(loc=tf.ones_like(y), scale=.1),
            reinterpreted_batch_ndims=1),                   # est_scale
        # tfd.Deterministic(tf.ones_like(y)),
        lambda est_scale, lognorm_y, tau, y_mean: (    # est_y
                    loc=((y_mean[..., tf.newaxis] + lognorm_y * tau[..., tf.newaxis])/(tau[..., tf.newaxis] + 1.)),
In the final distribution, `est_scale`, the commented out LogNormal distribution was resulting in a posterior that seemed pretty off. I set the scale parameter of the final functional distribution(`est_y`) to `1.` and ran again, which gave different results, though not better. In interest of exploring possible ways to model this problem, I decided to set `est_scale` with the tfd.Deterministic layer that is present now. Howevver, this (contrary to my expectation) gives results that are different from setting the scale in `est_y` to 1. I'm unclear on why this is. Given that the overall behavior of this model is not meeting my expectations and that changing from `scale=1.` to `scale=tfd.Determnisitc` is also giving (to me) unexpected results, I'm concerted that I've misunderstood something important. Why would using a deterministic distribution give results different from setting the scale to the same value as a float?



Colin Carroll

Nov 22, 2022, 11:10:29 AM11/22/22
to TensorFlow Probability, lenhart...@gmail.com
Hey -- sorry for the late response. 

Can you be more specific about the unexpected behavior? The model looks ok to me, but with two lines making me nervous:

- For the `lognorm_y` parameter, you take the log of the passed in values `y`. Is that intentional? In the classic eight schools dataset, `y = [28, 8, -3, 7, -1, 1, 18, 12]`, so your `lognorm_y` would contain `nan`'s once you take the logarithm. 
- For the likelihood (`est_y`), do you want to take a log of the location? Otherwise this could be fairly unstable.

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