Solar Safe Reviews — Natural Energy Grid Power Bank Guide Worth It?

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Jun 16, 2024, 5:46:06 AM (10 days ago) Jun 16
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Solar Safe Reviews — Natural Energy Grid Power Bank Guide Worth It? 

Skyrocketing electricity bills have homeowners dreading each monthly statement.

Major power outages from extreme weather leave families freezing in the dark. And complete dependence on an overburdened grid is an insecure feeling. That’s why more people are taking power into their own hands with solar.

But expensive installations and complex DIY leave many discouraged. The compact and affordable Solar Safe aims to make solar energy accessible for the average household.

In this detailed Solar Safe review, we’ll analyze whether this $39 digital product delivers on its claims of slashing electric bills by 68% through an easy to build portable solar system requiring no previous experience.

What Exactly Solar Safe?

The Solar Safe is a digital product that provides step-by-step video instructions and blueprints for building your own solar power system.

Key features include:

  • Portable and compact design
  • Can be built for under $200
  • Easy to assemble in under 4 hours
  • Uses common materials like car batteries
  • Cuts electricity bill by 68% or more
  • Can power household appliances
  • Works as a backup system in emergencies

The system was created by James Hall, based on solar panel designs left behind by his late father. James claims the Solar Safe saved his life during a blizzard when it kept the power on in his father’s remote cabin.

The sales page makes some bold claims about the Solar Safe’s capabilities. In this review, we’ll analyze whether it really does what it says.

How Does the Solar Safe Work?

The Solar Safe consists of two key components — solar panels and batteries.

The solar panels are designed to be compact and foldable so they can easily be stored away. James’ father apparently figured out a way to modify the panels to produce more electricity in a smaller surface area.

For storage, the system uses modified car batteries instead of expensive lithium batteries. By carefully controlling the charge/discharge rate, the car batteries can supposedly last for years and provide steady power output.

With both a power generation source (solar panels) and storage (batteries), the Solar Safe acts as an off-grid electricity system for your home. You simply connect appliances and devices to the battery bank as needed to use the stored solar energy.

Some key factors that enable the system to work well:

  • Efficient solar panel design in compact size
  • Modified charge controller for car batteries
  • Careful planning for proper energy storage
What’s Included in the Solar Safe Package?

Now let’s take a look inside the Solar Safe package to see exactly what you get:

  • Main Manual — This contains step-by-step instructions for assembling the DIY solar system using the materials list provided.
  • Blueprints — Detailed schematics and wiring diagrams are included to help you put the system together properly.
  • Instructional Videos — In addition to the written manual, instructional videos walk you through the entire construction process.
  • Bonuses — Three bonus reports are included covering EMP protection, energy storage, and alternative energy sources.
  • Online Support — You get 12 months of email support for any questions while building and using your system.
  • 60-Day Guarantee — A 60-day money back guarantee is included in case you are not satisfied.

Overall, you get a fairly comprehensive package covering everything you need to build your own solar generator. The inclusion of videos is helpful for visual learners. Experienced DIYers may not need much customer support, but it’s useful for less experienced folks.

How Much Power Can It Produce?
  • The potential power output depends on various factors:
  • Number and wattage of the solar panels
  • Energy storage capacity of the batteries
  • Average daily sunlight in your location
  • Time of year and weather conditions
  • Efficiency losses from system components
  • With a small-scale system using 1–3 100W panels and 2–3 50Ah batteries, you can expect to generate about 1–1.5kWh per day.
  • This would give you enough power to:
  • Run LED lights, phones, laptops, TV, and small appliances for several hours
  • Operate a dorm fridge or freezer
  • Recharge power tools
  • Get through short outages
  • To run high-draw appliances like air conditioning units, electric stoves, or power-hungry medical devices, a larger system would be required.
  • Proper sizing is crucial — overestimating your needs leads to waste and extra costs. Monitor your usage and scale up gradually as needed.
  • Solar Safe offers basic guidelines but optimizing your setup may require an energy audit and calculations.
Cost Saving Analysis

Let’s break down the potential cost savings in more detail. Assuming the following scenario:

  • Location: Wisconsin
  • Average monthly electricity bill: $150
  • Solar Safe system cost: $239
  • Estimated solar production: 30kWh per month
  • With Solar Safe providing 30kWh of your power needs per month, you’ve offset 20% of your previous 150kWh usage from the grid.
  • 20% of your $150 bill is $30. So by producing your own electricity you save $30 per month.
  • Over 12 months, your new electricity bill would be $120 per month, saving you $360 per year.
  • It would take about 8 months to recoup the initial $239 investment in Solar Safe ($30 monthly savings x 8 months = $240).
  • After that, the savings are pure profit each month. Your annual ROI would be around 50% once the system pays for itself.
  • With energy prices constantly rising, your savings will likely keep growing over the years too.
  • For maximum savings, look for ways to increase self-sufficiency by reducing usage as well as optimizing solar output. Energy efficiency should accompany renewable generation.

Let’s dig into the pros and cons.

The Pros of the Solar Safe

There are some good things going for the Solar Safe:

Affordable DIY System

First, the fact that you can build a solar power system for around $200 is impressive, considering complete solar panel kits often cost thousands. By using common materials and a simplified design focused only on essentials, the Solar Safe achieves a very low starting cost.

As a DIY product, you also save hugely on labor costs. And you gain the self-sufficiency of assembling it yourself.

Real User Testimonials

The Solar Safe sales page includes several video testimonials from real users describing their experiences. These help lend some credibility and suggest the system does work as advertised for most people.

Emergency Power Backup

Having an independent solar electricity source can provide peace of mind if the grid goes down. The Solar Safe is designed to be portable so you can take it with you in an emergency situation. This provides a layer of energy resilience.

Lower Electric Bills

Assuming it’s designed and sized properly, connecting a system like the Solar Safe to your home should reduce your reliance on grid electricity. By generating and using your own solar power, you’ll cut utility costs significantly.

Environmental Benefits

Using renewable solar energy means producing less CO2 and pollution. So the Solar Safe provides environmental advantages over fossil fuel power.

Ongoing Support

The creator James Hall offers email support for 12 months after purchase. This allows you to get help with any issues building or operating the system.

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

The Solar Safe comes with a 60-day return policy. So you can get a full refund if you aren’t satisfied with the product. This makes trying it out very low risk.

The Cons of the Solar Safe

However, there are also some potential downsides to consider:

Lack of Credibility

There is very little verifiable information available about the creator James Hall. The lack of credentials and expert background makes it hard to assess the legitimacy of the Solar Safe’s claims.

Misleading Sales Page

Parts of the sales page seem exaggerated or misleading. For example, it mentions the system works “even when it’s cloudy”, which solar panels obviously can’t do without battery storage. This causes some doubt about other claims made.

Requires DIY Skills

Building any solar power system requires some technical knowledge and skill. The Solar Safe videos may not provide enough guidance for beginners. Without proper understanding, you could end up with an ineffective or unsafe system.

Ongoing Maintenance

Like any power system, the Solar Safe will need periodic maintenance. For example, keeping the solar panels clean and checking fluid levels in batteries. The sales page seems to downplay this required upkeep.

Lack of Sizing Guidance

To properly meet a home’s electricity needs, the solar panels and batteries must be sized right. But the Solar Safe doesn’t seem to provide any guidance or methodology around appropriate sizing.

No Physical Product

This is a digital informational product only. Some users may prefer a physical solar kit with full customer support.

Can’t Fully Replace Grid

For most homes, the Solar Safe is too small to eliminate grid dependence entirely. You’ll likely still need some utility electricity.

So while the Solar Safe has some excellent benefits, it clearly has some potential limitations too. Ultimately, results will depend on your DIY abilities and how well you build and operate the system designed in the blueprints.

Cost Breakdown of the Solar Safe

The Solar Safe is currently priced at $39 for instant digital access.

At this price point, it provides excellent value when you consider typical home solar system costs:

  • DIY solar panel kits — $200 to $800
  • Pro installation — $15,000 to $35,000

And remember, the Solar Safe should pay for itself fairly quickly through electricity bill savings.

You can also use the $39 purchase to “test drive” the product. If you ultimately decide to build a larger solar array, the information you learn will be useful background knowledge.

Considering what you get, the $39 price for the Solar Safe is very reasonable.

The creator also mentions he may raise the price later, so it makes sense to lock in this discount early.

Who Is the Solar Safe Ideal For?

The Solar Safe isn’t a universal solution for every homeowner. Based on its design and capabilities, it will make the most sense for certain users:

Off-grid homes

Living entirely off-grid is the ultimate use case for the Solar Safe. A small solar power system can provide basic electricity very cost effectively.

Remote cabins

For remote getaways and cabins, the Solar Safe is a smart way to add solar power without expensive professional installations.


Preppers focused on energy resilience in case of blackouts will appreciate the Solar Safe as an emergency power backup.

Camping / RVs

The portable design also makes the Solar Safe ideal for camping trips, RVs, and other mobile uses.

DIY enthusiasts

People who already have some electrical and solar experience will find this an interesting weekend project and good way to learn more.

Urban apartments

Renters and apartment dwellers can use a compact system like this without modifying their living space.

Low energy usage

The Solar Safe is best suited for homes with relatively low electricity consumption. It can provide basic necessities but not for energy intensive lifestyles.

The common thread is the Solar Safe works best for energy conscious households focused on self-reliance. With modest electricity needs, it can slash your bills while providing emergency backup capability.

The Solar Safe is less practical for large families with high electrical loads. It may struggle to support multiple large appliances simultaneously. For grid-dependent households that need lots of air conditioning, electric heat, etc. a much larger solar array would be required.

So be realistic when assessing if the Solar Safe is right for your situation. Don’t expect a $200 DIY kit to fully power a 3000 sq ft house. But for basic necessities, it can make a big difference.

Step-by-Step Overview of Assembling the Solar Safe

To give you an idea of what’s involved in putting together your own Solar Safe system, here is a step-by-step overview:

Step 1 — Gather the Needed Supplies

The first step is sourcing the components required for your Solar Safe. The main purchases will be:

  • Solar panels
  • Car batteries
  • Charge controller
  • Inverter
  • Wires
  • Enclosure

You can obtain many of the parts locally by salvaging or repurposing items. For example, old car batteries from a mechanic or scrap yard.

Step 2 — Study the Blueprints

Once you’ve compiled all the pieces, carefully study the Solar Safe blueprints. Understand exactly how components interconnect. A wiring diagram is provided to illustrate connections.

Getting familiar with the schematics now will make the actual building process smoother.

Step 3 — Build the Battery Bank

One of the first construction steps is assembling your battery bank. This involves safely connecting multiple car batteries together to create a larger energy storage reservior.

Proper ventilation and separation is important here for safety when dealing with batteries and electricity.

Step 4 — Mount the Solar Panels

Next, you can mount your solar panels. This may involve building a rack or frame to attach them to.

Pointing the panels south for maximum sun exposure is ideal. However, the frames allow you to adjust the angle as needed throughout the year.

Step 5 — Connect the Components

With your generation source and storage installed, it’s time to wire up the whole system. Connect the solar panels to the charge controller so they can charge the battery bank.

Then hook up your inverter to the batteries so you can power AC devices by drawing from the stored energy.

Step 6 — Enclose the System

For weather protection and security, you’ll want to enclose your Solar Safe components in some type of box, shed, or enclosure. Make sure to allow for adequate ventilation around batteries.

Step 7 — Connect Devices and Use Power

The final step is connecting devices like lights, appliances, and electronics to your Solar Safe system.

Start drawing power from the battery bank and marvel at your own clean, free electricity being generated and stored onsite!

That covers a simplified overview of constructing your own Solar Safe. As you can see, the process involves common sense steps anyone can accomplish with some very basic skills.

By following the blueprints and videos closely, assembling your solar generator is certainly manageable as a DIY project. Be sure to use proper safety precautions when working with electricity.

Solar Safe Review Final Verdict — Is the Solar Safe Worth Buying?

In this detailed review, we’ve covered how the Solar Safe works, its pros and cons, what’s included, pricing, and who it’s ideal for. After analyzing all these factors, let’s provide a clear verdict on whether it’s ultimately worth purchasing.

For the right user, the Solar Safe delivers very compelling value at only $39:

The Good 👍

  • Low entry cost for DIY solar
  • Provides real energy resilience -Cuts electricity bills substantially
  • Experienced users say it works as advertised
  • 60-day money back guarantee

The Bad 👎

  • Creator lacks credentials
  • Some misleading sales claims
  • Requires DIY electrical skills
  • Ongoing maintenance needed
  • Can’t fully replace grid power

Considering the extremely affordable price and the capabilities you gain, the positives seem to outweigh the negatives for most users.

For energy conscious households looking to slash their electricity bills and gain energy independence, the Solar Safe is a worthwhile investment.

The worst case is you try it and end up getting a refund if it doesn’t meet your needs. But chances are, you’ll succeed in building an effective solar system and save lots of money over the long run.

Just be sure to have realistic expectations about the Solar Safe’s output and how much it can offset your current electric usage before making a purchase.

To lock in the $39 price and see for yourself if the Solar Safe is right for you, visit the official website here:

We hope this detailed review has provided everything you need to make an informed decision about the Solar Safe. Let us know in the comments if you have any other questions!

More Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat tools do I need to build the Solar Safe?

The Solar Safe manual provides a recommended list of tools you will need for the construction and assembly. This includes common items like a screw gun, wrenches, wire cutters, volt meter, etc. No specialty solar equipment is necessary. You can source most of the tools affordably or may already have them in your garage.

Does the Solar Safe work with grid-tied systems?

The Solar Safe is designed as an off-grid solar system, not a grid-tied setup. You would not want to try connecting it directly in parallel with your existing grid-connected home electrical. It can work in conjunction with the grid by powering dedicated loads only. But a grid-tie inverter and protection equipment would be needed to sync it.

What weather conditions does the Solar Safe work in?

The components of the Solar Safe are durable enough to withstand normal outdoor weather elements including rain, snow, wind, heat, and cold. The battery bank may need to be kept from temperature extremes. As long as the solar panels are not obstructed and damaged, it will function year-round in all conditions.

Can the Solar Safe be expanded later on?

One advantage of the Solar Safe modular design is that it can be easily expanded over time. For example, you could start with a basic setup powering a few lights and appliances. Then add more solar panels, batteries, and inverter capacity. This allows building up your system as needs increase or budget allows.

Does the Solar Safe require a building permit?

Building permit requirements vary based on location. Typically a smaller DIY solar system attached to an existing structure does not need a permit. But always check your local codes to be sure. If mounted on the ground, a basic construction permit may be required for the foundation. This is one benefit of a smaller portable kit.

What happens after the 1-year support period?

The Solar Safe comes with 12 months of email support included with the purchase price. After the 1-year period ends, you would no longer have access to direct support. However, the online manuals and videos are available indefinitely so you can still reference them. Most technical questions will arise early on during initial construction.

Can I buy replacement parts for the Solar Safe?

One downside of the Solar Safe digital package is it does not provide a ready parts source. However, since it uses mostly standard components like car batteries and generic solar panels, you can source replacements online or from local suppliers as needed. Only more customized pieces like the enclosure might need to be DIYed.

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